The purpose of this study was to validate the “ Charter of Rights and Duties” of Teacher-Students at the Farhangian University from the viewpoint of Teacher-Students. A survey method was used. The statistical population of this study was all Farhangian university students across the country, of which 409 were selected as samples. The instrument of this research was a questionnaire, whose validity was estimated by content analysis of questions and their reliability by Cronbach’ s alpha was 89%. For analyzing the data, descriptive statistics and binomial and chi-square tests were used. Based on the results, the legal components as well as the components of the “ Teacher-Students Charter of Rights and Duties” were clear and understandable, realistic, applicable and practical. The whole of the “ Teacher-Students’ Charter of Rights and Duties” was brief and helpful and responsive to the Teacher-Students needs and desires and in general evaluated appropriate. There were, of course, some shortcomings, that on the basis of which, the original version of the Charter of Rights and Duties of Teacher-Students was reviewed in review committee and prepared the final version of the charter.