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Aflatoxin contamination of food and feedstuffs is a serious economic and health hazard. Over a period of two years, 35 samples of raw pistachio nuts collected from different parts of Iran were analysed for the presence of aflatoxigenic strains of the Aspergillus flavus group. Eighty-five isolates of A.flavus and A.parasiticuswere identified based on specific yello-orange pigment production in the reverse of the colonies on Aspergillus flavus and parasiticus agar (AFPA) medium and microscopic criteria. These isolates were present in 65.71% of the samples and their aflatoxin-producting ability was examined. At first , 12 out ot the 15 aflatoxin-producing isolates were selected based on bright blue fluorescence colour on aflatoxin-producing ability (APA) medium. Later, all of the isolates were identifid after culturing on sucrose-low salts (SLS) medium. Furthermore, aflatoxin production on APA and SLS media was confirmed when the mycelia and media were extracte and analysed fo aflatoxins on TLC plates. A.flavus strions produced mainly aflatoxin B1 with concentrations rangiong from 0.21 to 1.49 µg/g of APA medium, where as A.parasiticus strain produced all four aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1 and G2) with 3.71 µg aflatoxin B1/g of the medium. Isolates other than A.flavus and A.parasiticus grown on this specific culture medium failed to produce a characteristic fluorescence under UV light. Evidences from this study indicate that fluorescent production on APA medium is a reliable screening test for distinguishing potential aflatoxin-producing strains of A.parasiticus from nontoxigenic strains.

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Rubella a benign viral and modestly contagious illness in children, becomes a very dangerous story when acquired by pregnant women. The potential of its teratogenicity is obvious. Since prevention is preferred to treatment, diagnosis of rubella infection syndrome being difficult in early stages of pregnancy, the uncertainly about fetuses being really infected and therapeutic abortion because of fetal indication being prohibited by law in our country in a descriptive study, the rubella antibody titer (IgG-HI assay) was measured in 500 pregnant women referred to the prental clinic, shariatti Hospital. 76% of women were immune. The immune status improved with advancing age (P<0.01). More than half of these women had no information regarding their previous vaccination status. Only 25 percent reported of being vaccinated, of which, 40 percent was done at 1.5 years of age. No one had been vaccinate in postpartum period. With regard to the results , it is proposed to immunize all children in the second year of life, at preschool ently or high school, screen women in prepubertal, premarried, prenatal period, in the family planning centers and health care places and vaccinate them at appropriae time.

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Equal amounts of carbohydrates from various foodstuffs do not increase blood glucose to the same extent. This study was carried out, therefore, in 1996 at the National Nutrition and Food Technology Research institute in Tehran to determine the glycemic index of split pease, rice (Binam), kidney beans, green peas, “Lavash” bread and broad bean kernels. Diabetic subjects were studied in a clinical trial. The exact amount of cabohydrate in foodstuffs was determined using AOAC. Methods. White bread was used as the reference food. After a 12-hour overnight fast on seven separate days each subject was given the test food in an amount to provide 25 g of carbohydrate. Blood glucose was determined after 0, 60, 120 minutes using orthotouidine method. Glycemi response in each individual was calculated as the area under the 2- hour glucose individual was calculated as the area under the test food glucose curve as a percentage of the mean area under the whith bread glucose curve. Glycemic indices of the test foods were 31± 8.5 for split peas, 42.9±3 for rice, 44±9 for kidney beans, 57±7 for green peas, 69±8.5 for “Lavash” bread, and 96±14 for broad bean kernels .Legumes and rice (Binam) can be used efficiently in meal planning for the diabetic subjects.

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CT image quality has been affected by many factors such as KVP, ma, exposure time, alogorithm and section thickness. Gantry tilt has the main role in visualization of the temporal bone anatomic structures. In this study, we tried to optimize these factors to determine the best gantry tilt. This study was performed on the human skull phantom and then extended to 15 patients. The phantom was made by inserting a normal human dry skull into a water- filled radiolucent cylindrical container. A lateral scout view was obtained and the OMBL (orbitomeatal baseline) was used as the anatomical landmark.The phantom was scanned in 9, 15 , 30 , 45, 60 , 75, 90,105, 120 degree in relation to OMBL and 24 important anatomical structures were evaluated in each. Kilovoltage of 80, 120, 140 millimeters of 40, 70, 100, 120, 140, 170, 200, 240, exposue time of 2, 2, 4 second , algorithm of smooth, soft, standard, detail, bone adge and section thickness of 1.5, 3,5 millimeter were studied separately. In general, most of the anatomical structures are well demonstrated in 0 or 30 degrees of axial scans and 90 or 105 degrees in coronal scans. The best imaging techniques in Kv=140, Ma=100, S=2 seconds, algorithm of edge or bone, section thickness of 1.5 millimeter for small structures and 3 millineters for greater ones.The best 3-D image is provided by 3 millimeter slice thickness without overlapping but they couldn’t assist in diagnosis of our patient’s diseases. In indirect sagital reformatted images, the greater anatomical structures such as vestibule and cochlea are also shown, but they are recommended due to the slight degradation of the images and some loss of resolution.

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Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia ( GTN) is one of the most common gynecologic tumors in our country. Despite development of effective chemotherapy: some cases remain resistant and if there is only focus of tumor, resection would be indicated.We present a young woman with stage 1 persistant GTN showing no response to chemotherapy. Transvaginal sonograpy revealed trophoblastic tissue in the uterus. Metastatic work up was negative. Tumor was resected by hyteroresectoscopy, and there was no need for subsequent chemotherapy, BHCG remained negative after 26 months of follow up.

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Regarding the importance of sciatic nerve distribution in replacement of anal sphincter and sciatic nerve block we decided to study this matter for the first time in Iran. In this way 100 cadavers (88% male and 12% female) were dissected and studied by loop microscope. The results shows that primarily, according to the first branch derived from sciatic; there would be 4 main Groups. If this samples were rgarded according to the second branch of the nerve, then there would be 6 accessory groups added. So, in group A the first branch was related to proximal part of semimembranosus, in group B the branch was recorded as normal variations based on the above mentioned patterns.

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Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) is an etiologic factor for chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers. Serological testing of H.pylori infection is common in Iran, as other parts of the world. There are geographical variations in the humoral immune response to various H. pylori strains in different parts of the worl. We studied the immunogenic proteins of H.pylori by means of an Immunoblot assay with antigens of H.pylori strains isolated in Iran. Sera of 64 patients suffering from dyspepsia were analyzed to determine antibodlies which were good marker of infection and the antibody patterns associated with peptic ulcer.54 out of 64 dyspeptic patients were infected by H. pylori based on positive culture or positive results of both rapid urease test and direct examination. 14 out of fity-four had peptic ulcers and the rest were catagoriied as patients with non-ulcer dyspepsia. Some of them had multiple erosions in the gut or deodenum. Tweny –two major bands were identified by immunoblot. Of these, IgG antibodies against 10 protients, and they produced immunoreative bands at 14, 16, 22, 26, 32 , 32, 44, 87, 92, 120 Kda. Antibody patterns were not identical in the patients. The presence of at least one band at 14, 16, 22, 26, 32, 35Kda was the best marker of infection(sensitivity, 90% and specificity, 80%) Major serological cross reactions were found at moderate molecular weight bands (50, 52, 54, 60, 66 KDa). The presence of at least one band at 14, 16, 22, 26, 32, 35Kda was the best marker of infection (sensitivity, 90% and specificity, 80%). Major serological crossreactions were found at moderate molerate molecular weight bands (50, 52, 54, 60, 66 KDa). The presence of antibodies to 120 Kda protein (Cag A and 87 Kda Protein (Vac A) were not associated with the presence of peptic ulcers. These were in contradiction to results obtained across Europe and U.S but in agreement with Asian studies. However the presence of at least one band at either 32 or 35 Kda was more frequent in the sera of peptic ulcer patients and non-ulcer dyspeptic patients with erosions (P<0.05). These results could be applicable to design new serological kits. In Iran and could also be used to identify new putative virulence factors for H. pylori

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Experiments wee performed to evaluate the contralateral effect of adjuvant induced mono arthritis. In these experiments Laser Doppler imaging (LDI) was used to investigate changes in blood flow. Adjuvant was applied to induce chronic inflammation. Temperature and knee diameter increased in the first week after administration in the administrated knee joint.Substance p (SP) (a neruokinin with a vaosodjlatory effect) was applied topically to the adjuvant treated knee joint and adjuvant altered and attenuated the effect of SP on blood flow, which was consistent during the three weeks. In the other knee joint (contralateral) inflammatory effect of the adjuvant was revealed during these experiments. An increase in the temperature and knee diameter and alteration of the effect of SP on blood flow was observed in the contralateral knee joint during week one after administration. The increased diameter and temperature abated in week two and three. As the diameter and temperature of ankle joints did not change during the experiments in both ankle it suggests a neurogenic contralateral effect of arthritis

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Behaviour studies indicated that the permethrin resistant strin of An. Stephensi was 3-fold resistant to knock-down compared with the susceptible strain. The resistant strain was however 3-fold less irritable to permethrin and less responsive than the susceptible strain to the movement of an aspirator. If reduced irritability and reduced responsiveness to catch are consequences of the changes in the nervous system, then such a form of resistance may be disadvantageous to mosquitoes in natural populations.

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One of the dangerous complications of cataract extractions is vitreous loss. The purpose of this stuy is to evaluate the incidence of vitreous loss and its sepuale while teaching residents at Rasoul Akram Hospital in Iran. This study has been conducted on existing records of 730 eyes which were subjectd to extracapsular cataract extractions by 3rd and 4th year, right handed resident of Rasoul Akram hospital. The information was taken from the records of patients who had vitreous loss during cataract surgery and the following data was extracted. The presence of any systemic diseases, phase of operation where vitreous loss occurred, vision on the next day, one month and 3 months later, the cause of low vision and any post operative sequale of the eye were evaluated. Extracted data collected and the prevalence of vitreous loss and its sequale were indentified and presented. Forty-nine eyes (6.7%) had vitreous loss, thirty-one of them were in the left eye (63.3%) and eighteen of them were in the right eye (36.7%). Regarding the stage of operation in which vitrous loss had occurred: twenty –eight eyes while nucleous delivery (57.7%) eighteen eyes during aspiration of cortical material (36.7%) and in three cases during IOL implantation. Five eyes had pseudoexfoliaton syndrome, four patients were diabetic and three had high myopia. Post operational sequale of these 49 eyes were: thirty-five with transient corneal edema (71.4%). Nine with misshaped pupils (18.9%), four with high astigmatism (8.1%), tow with cystoid macular edema (4%), two with retinal detachment (4%) and seven with cloudy vitreous. (14.3%). The incidence of vitreous loss is more than expected. More extensive research to evaluated the prognositc factors according to the eye (OD/OS) and the stage of the operation the leads to vitreous loss and to decrease its incidence is still needed.

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This study was carried out on 2200 men and women aged 20-70 years in isfahan who participatd in isfahan Cardiovacular Risk Facor survery, in order to find prevalence of cigarette smoking in this population and estimate the relation of smoking with other CAD risk factors. All information was obtained by standard questionnaires mainly concerning smoking habits of subjects and their personal characteristics, etc. Serum lipids and fasting blood glucose levels were measured from 12-14 hr fasting specimen by ELAN 2000 autoanalyzer. Blood pressure was measured according to WHO standardized method. The prevalence of cigarette smoking among Isfanhan population is 11.1% (0.92 in women, 23.3%) in men. Contrary to serum total cholesterol (T.cho) and fasting blood sugar (FBS), the mean levels of HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and body mass index (BMI) were significantly higher in non-smokers than smokers (P<0.05). Hypertension and obesity were significantly more prevalent in non-smokers than smokers. When the prevalence of risk factors were studied in two BMI levels, the prevalence of hypertriglyceridemia was significantly more in smokers than non-smokers opposite to hypertension in either BMI level. Higher prevalence of low HDL-C and hypertension in either BMI level. Higher prevalence of low HDL-C and hypercholesterolemia was observed in smokdrs than non-smokers when BMI <27 kg/m2 was considered. The results of the present study revaled that hypertensions is more prevalent in non-smokers than smokers. The observation that high blood pressure was less common among smokers than non-smokers may be related to the lower prevalence of obesity in smokers.We conclude that due to the low prevalence of smoking in Iranian women, it is better to present the data regarding smoking as sex-based in our society. On the other hand Cigarette smoking is not only considered as a major risk factor for CVD but also it may have a role in increasing some of other CVD risk factors in our population

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