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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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طب جنوب

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Background: Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism have been known as the most important reasons for DUB (dysfunctional uterine bleeding) that presents as menstrual irregularities. Regarding to the effects of thyroid hormones on mense, levothyroxine intake may be effective on DUB in euthyroid women. Material and Methods: In this interventional randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial on 120 women aged 35-55 years old with DUB that they had no organic reasons and had normal thyroid function and they were taking oral contraceptive pill (OCP), were divided in two groups that each group included 60 women. The intervention group took one tablet of levothyroxine 0. 1 mg daily and control group took placebo for three months and after 3 months, comparison between two groups were performed by using SPSS software 16 and in order to data analyzing paired t test and student t test and covariance analysis was used. Results: Our study showed the overall recovery rate of all kinds of mense irregularities was 48(80%) and 51(85%) in intervention and control groups respectively that shows there was no difference in comparison to pretreatment (P=0/47). The comparison of recovery rate based on different kinds of mense irregularities in two groups showed that recovery rate in metrorrhagia was significantly more in intervention group (100%) than control group. Based on covariance analysis, a meaningful recovery rate in duration and interval bleeding, and the number of used pads was seen in intervention group in comparison to control group (F=4. 352, P=0. 006). Conclusion: Levothyroxine intake can improve mense irregularities in euthyroid women.

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Background: Increasing blood sugar and hyperlipidemia in diabetic patients may lead to enhance late complications of diabetes. So, the aim of this study was to evaluate the herbal combination effects of securigera securidaca, vaccinium arctostaphylos, citrullus colocynthis and coriandrium sativum on triglyceride of pre-diabetic elderlies. Materials and Methods: In a single-blind randomized controlled trial, 60 pre-diabetic persons aged 60 to 70 years with triglyceride level of 180-250 mg/dl were selected. They were divided in two groups (drug and placebo) randomly. The drug group patients recieved diet with 500 mg capsules of herbal blend once a day and the placebo group in the same period received diet and placebo capsules (500 mg flour). Their triglyceride levels in 2 groups were evaluated after 30 days. finally, SPSS software 18 was used to data analysis. Results: In this study, comparing the mean triglyceride and the mean changes in triglyceride had no significant statistical diffrences before and after the intervention, also comparing the mean triglyceride levels before and after the intervention, separetly in vegetable capsules group (drug) or placebo had no significant statistical diffrences. Conclusion: Regarding to the ineffectiveness of of 30-day intervention of herbal blend on elderlies’ s triglyceride, it is recommended to perform more study regarding to drug dose and time of consumption of these herbal medications.

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Background: Acute appendicitis is the most common cause for referral of patients with abdominal pains to emergency department of hospitals and appendectomy is the most common emergency operation. Despite of introduction of the various diagnostic methods unnecessary appendectomy rate is significant. Therefore, the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning methods as a tool to aid in the diagnosis can be timely and more accurate diagnosis, reduce length of stay in hospital and improve the treatment costs. Materials and Methods: During the developmental research, by studying literature and resources related to gastrointestinal diseases, variables affecting the diagnosis came together and were assessed by surgeons. During 2015, 181 cases of patients who underwent appendectomy was performed at the modarres Hospital constitute research database. Then, the support vector machine systems with different architectures implemented and compared to determine the best diagnostic function. Sensitivity, accuracy and specificity were used for evaluation. Results: The output obtained from the system of vector machine had sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of 91/7 percent, 96/2 percent and 95 percent which expresses its proper function in detecting acute appendicitis. Conclusion: According to the results, we can say that using designed support vector machine in diagnosis of acute appendicitiswill be effective in order to timely detect, prevent unnecessary appendectomy, reduction the patient's length of stay and health care costs.

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Background: Chondroitin sulfates (CS) is an important glycosaminoglycan’ s which is found in sturgeon fishes which are present in cartilage of these fishes. This compounds, in addition to application in food and cosmetic industries, they have clinical significant in arthritis treatment and wound healing. Materials and Methods: In present study, the chondroitin sulfate extraction was performed by using pepsin and trypsin digestions with 12 and 18 h interval times followed by cationic salt, cetylprydinium chloride (CPC) treatment. MTT assay at different incubation time (24, 48 and 72 h) was used in order to study of Chondroitin sulfate effect on induction of proliferation of fibroblasts isolated from human skin. In order to determine the proper time and enzymatic digestion, after temperature treatment of samples using pepsin and trypsin enzymes, the SDS-PAGE electrophoresis was used. And the FT-IR analysis was performed to characterize the type of CS. Results: The maximum yield of enzymatic digestion was observed for trypsin digestion at 18h, according to electrophoresis patterns. the amount of CS yield was estimated at 4. 76% in this situation. FT-IR analysis revealed that, the CS belongs to the C4S type. Chondroitin sulfates extracting from cartilage showed concentration-dependent incremental impact on fibroblast cell proliferation so that the dose-response results have shown 167% proliferation at 10 μ g/ml dose of CS compared to the control in fibroblast cells. Conclusion: Extracted CS has a positive stimulatory effect on fibroblast cells proliferation in a dose dependent manner. So it can be used for wound healing and some fibroblast related diseases.

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View 754

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Background: Tangistan county now is considered as one of the foci of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in Bushehr province. Rodents are the main parasites reservoir of this disease (leishmania major) and so far four of them have been identified as the main reservoirs of the disease in the country. The aim of thissurvey was to identification of rodents species and determine the extent of contamination to Leishmania in Tangistan county. Materials and Methods: This study was a cross-sectional and descriptive. Rodents were collected by using live traps in different parts of the county. The captured rodents were identified regarding to morphological characteristics and valid detection keys. The captured rodents were anesthetized with chloroform and 2 smears were prepared by sanding method from the each ear and after drying smears fixed by the Methanol. smears was stained by the standard Giemsa method and examined under the light microscope. Results: From the total of 187 collected rodents, 9 species were identified. Tatera indica with 70. 6% was the dominant species. In this study, there were no rodents contaminated with Leishmania. All captured rodents were contaminated with lice and fleas. Most ectoparasites were fleas with two detected species, xenopsylla cheopis and xenopsylla astia. Conclusion: Regarding to the high frequency of Tatera indica in this county, and also this fact that this species was reported as the main reservoir of cutaneous leishmaniasis in southwestern of Iran in past studies, it can play an important role for zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis )ZCL) in the future.

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View 771

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Background: Trichomonas vaginalis protozoa is one of the causes of human vaginitis. The selective medicine for treatment is metronidazole that in addition to increasing drug resistance, it also has many side effects. Pergularia tomentosa is a dessert plant that has the anti-fungal and anti-Plasmodium effect and anti dermatophytic effect of Priploca aphylla is also more effective than common antifungal medicine such as griseofulvin. In this study, we hope to use of these plants to introduce a new medicine combination. Materials and Methods: Pergularia tomentosa and Priploca aphylla were cleaned and dried after collecting, then each of the plants were extracted by using water, methanol, dicholoromethane and n-hexane solvents and with solvents mentioned concentrations 50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800 μ g/ml were prepared by using the normal saline and glycerin. 106 Trichomonas vaginalis trophozoite was added in 100 μ l, then add 100 ml of the plants extract of Pergularia tomentosa and Priploca aphylla were added and incubated for 24 h at 37° C. Measurement of mortality rate of this protozoan were evaluated by using the MTT test. The effect of the extracts was performed on vero cells and Phytochemical evaluation was used by using the technique (HPTLC) to determine the composition of the extract. All tests wererepeated 3 times. SPSS 16 software were used for data analysis. Results: Trichomonas lethal effect of aqueous, methanol, dichloromethane and n-hexane extracts of Pergularia tomentosa in 800μ g/ml concentration were % 64, % 72. 4, %95. 2 and % 95. 4 respectively. anti Trichomonas effect of Priploca aphylla and with same concentration were 70. 8%, 67%, 93. 4% and 93. 2% respectively. Cytotoxic effect of methanol extracts of Pergularia tomentosa and Priploca aphylla in 800μ g/ml concentration against vero cells obtained %50. 3 and %63 respectivley. Phytochemical screening of both plants extracts showed that both have the ingredients alkaloid, flavonoid, terpenoid, saponin, sterol, phenol, iridoid, tannin, phenylpropanoid, and anthocyanines. Conclusion: results showed that the Pergularia tomentosa and Priploca aphylla, dichloromethane and n-hexane extracts had more potent effect against Trichomonas vaginalis than methanolic and water extracts in all concentrations. so, identification and evaluation of the mechanism of these ingredients against Trichomonas vaginalis is recommended.

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Background: Ethnopharmacology has been seen as a multidisciplinary approach for novel drug discovery by providing valuable data about medicinal plants in different cultures. The aim of this ethnopharmacological study was to identify medicinal plants in the Southwest of Mond Mountain in the North of Persian Gulf. MaterialsandMethods: The medical uses of medicinal plants were gathered from 20 local informants by face to face interviews. The relative frequency of citation (FRC) and cultural importance (CI) indices were calculated. Results: A total of 116 medicinal plants belonging to 65 families were identified. Zataria multiflora, Achillea eriophora DC, Foeniculum vulgare, Teucrium polium, Haplophyllum tuberculatum, Cuminum cyminum, Plantago psyllium, Nigella sativa and Aleo vera had the highest cultural importance indices. Zataria multiflora, Foeniculum vulgare, Nigella sativa, Cuminum cyminum and Achillea eriophora DC had the highest FRC indices. The highest medical uses were for gastrointestinal diseases, gynecological diseases, metabolic disorders, respiratory disorders and infectious diseases, respectively. Conclusion: There is a vast variety of medicinal plants in the Southwest of Mond Mountain. Although most of therapeutic applications of these plants in this region are the same as Iran’ s traditional medicine, but the people in the Southwest of Mond Mountain use some of these plants for some diseases which are unique for this region. Forexample, the native people of this region used Zataria multiflora, Achillea eriophora DC, Foeniculum vulgare and Haplophyllum tuberculatum for abdominal pain, Nigella sativa for postpartum complications, Aleo vera for hyperlipidemia, Plantago psyllium for drainage of abscesses, Haplophyllum tuberculatum for infectious diseases and muscular pain and Foeniculum vulgare for jaundice. Thus, investigation about these plants should be initiated to discover novel drugs for clinical applications.

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Background: Life expectancy continues to increase and Iran’ s older population grows dramatically. Old age is the strongest risk factor for developing atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Hence, effective lipid management can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Materials and Methods: Between March 2013 and October 2014, a total of 3000 men and women aged ≥ 60 years, residing in Bushehr, Iran who participated in Bushehr Elderly Health (BEH) program were evaluated for dyslipidemia. Serum lipid levels in fasting state were measured using Selectra 2 auto analyzer. The cut-offs of cardiovascular risks were derived from the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) guidelines in the United States (Adult Treatment Panel [ATP] III). Results: The prevalence rates for hypercholesterolemia (≥ 200 mg/dl), high LDL-cholesterol (≥ 130 mg/dl), low HDL-cholesterol (<40 mg/dl) and hypertriglyceridemia (≥ 150 mg/dl) were 48. 0%, 42. 4%, 29. 6%, 35. 5%, respectively. The prevalence of dyslipidemia was 87. 8% in women and 80. 2% in men. The prevalence rate of dyslipidemia was decreased in men with increasing age (p=0. 003), however no change was observed in women. A total of 835 subjects (27. 8%) used hypolipidemic drugs. The statins were the most common used hypolipidemic drugs. There were significant association between dyslipidemia and traditional cardiovascular risk factors such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and obesity (p<0. 0001). Conclusion: Dyslipidemia is a prevalent abnormality among Bushehr‘ s older population. Therefore, interventional measures for lipid management are suggested for this population.

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Background: The CYBA (Cytochrome B-245 Alpha Chain; p22phox) gene encodes an essential subunit of NADH/NADPH-oxidase This enzyme expressed in smooth muscle cells of arterieswhich produces the active oxygen species. On the other hand oxidative stress has a significant role in the pathogenesis of coronary artery disease (CAD). The aim of this study was to investigate the association of rs7195830 (c. *49T>C) and rs9932581 (c.-930G>A) polymorphisms in CYBA gene with coronary artery disease in an Iranian population. Materials and Methods: In this case-control study, citrated blood samples were obtained from 180 subjects including 85 patient with CAD and 95 healthy people. The fragments containing rs7195830 and rs9932581 of CYBA gene from extracted genome were amplified by polymerase chain reaction. Then the genotype of samples was detected by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method. Genetic association analysis was assessed by logistic regression test. Results: Data analysis of c.-930G>A polymorphism revealed a significant association between AA genotype and risk of CAD (OR: 2. 71, 95%CI: 1. 04-7. 06, p= 0. 041). Also, allelic analysis revealed that there was a significant association between A allele and CAD risk (OR: 1. 65, 95%CI: 1. 05-2. 57, p=0. 029), while there was no significant association between c. *49T>C polymorphism and risk of CAD. Conclusion: Findings showed that, the c.-930G>A polymorphism may have some role in the susceptibility to CAD. which it can consider as a potential biomarker in further researches.

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