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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Morphine would impair the immune system which particularly in patients with pain or stress might deteriorate the disease process. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of tramadol on phagocytic activity of mouse peritoneal phagocytes.Methods: Seventy Balb/c mice were selected and divided into two equal control and treatment groups. The mice in treatment group were received 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 mg/kg tramadol twice daily from day 1 to 5 respectively and 100 mg/kg from day 6 to 30 once daily. The mice in control group received normal saline. Six mice were euthanized at days 3, 5, 10, 20 and 30 from each group and the samples were obtained from peritoneal cavity. The rate and intensity of phagocytosis were measured by evaluation of sheep red blood cells phagocytosis by phagocytes in peritoneal samples.Results: There was not any significant difference between the two groups in the rate and intensity of phagocytosis during the first five days of the study, although they increased in both groups up to day 10. Thereafter, they increased only in treatment group. The rate of phagocytosis in the first to third samples were 20±4, 23±8, 49±8 in treatment group and 18±9, 19±11, 32±1 in control group, respectively. This activity was significantly different in the third sample. Evaluation of sheep red blood cells phagocytosis by phagocytes in peritoneal samples. Phagocytosis intensity in treatment group was higher than control group throughout the study.Conclusion: The results indicate that tramadol can enhance the activity of immune system and in cases that suppose to have immune deficiency, tramadol can be the preferred analgesic.

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Background: Gastric cancer is one of the most important diseases and after lung cancer, is the second cause of cancer death worldwide. Genetic factors including oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes are always contributed in progression of this cancer. The P53 tumor suppressor gene has a broad role in genomic stability and DNA repair. The aim of this study was to determine the P53 gene mutations in gastric cancer specimens in Chaharmahal Va Bakhtiari Province.Methods: In this descriptive-lab based study, we investigated the promoter, exons 2-4 and 9-11 of P53 gene mutations in 38 paraffin embedded gastric cancer specimens. DNA was extracted following the standard phenol chloroform protocol. The P53 gene mutations were determined using PCR-SSCP procedure.Results: Our study revealed no P53 gene mutation in promoter and exons 2-4 and 9-11 in the gastric cancer subjects studied.Conclusion: While P53 gene mutations have been reported as the most frequent genetic alterations and are found in about 50% of the human malignancies, no mutation was detected in this study. The reason may be due to small sample size or mutations on other genes or epigenetic factors.

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Background: Specialists are more interest to grape seed oil for antioxidant activity. Flavonoid compounds, particularly proanthocyanidin are mainly responsible for antioxidant potential in grape seed oil. In addition, recently the interest in using natural remedies to treat diseases increases the use of herbal drugs. The protective effect of grape seed and Jaft extract (a part of oak fruit) was studied on liver toxicity which induced by carbon tetra chloride (CCl4) in rats.Methods: This study carried out on 28 male Wister rats. Mixture of hydroalchoholic grape seed and Jaft extracts was gavaged (200mg/kg) in two groups of extract control and experiment groups, daily for 7 days. At the same time, in two groups of CCl4 (toxic ) and treatment, CCl4 in olive oil solution was injected (1ml/kg i.p) since third day, daily, for 5 days. In control groups, olive oil injected (0.5ml/kg i.p) daily, for 5 days.Results: There was significant (P≤0.05) increase in the hepatic enzyme levels such as Aspartate Transaaminase (AST), Alanine Transaminase (ALT), Alkaline Phosphates (ALP) and Bilirubin in toxic group compare to control group. Treat with extract can reduce elevation of liver enzymes AST, ALT, ALP and bilirubin, that caused by CCl4 toxin. The administered of extract only, did not meaningfully alter the enzyme levels when compared to the control groups.Conclusion: According to damage induced by CCl4 and protective potential of extract, we can recommend that mixture of grape seed and Jaft extract has hepatoprotective effect due to antioxidant components.

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Background: Endocrine complications in patients with major b–thalassemia related to iron overload that the most important cause of mortality and morbidity in this patients. This study evaluate prevalence of endocrine complications in major b -thalassemia.Methods: Sixty patients with major b- thalassemia enrolled in this study.Results: We assessed 60 patients, including 27 men and 33 female disorders with major b- thalassemia by age range (10-44 years-old). 26.8% of patients didn’t have any endocrine disorders, 23.5% of patients one disorder and 48.7% have more than two. The most common complications of endocrine were: hypogonadism (66.7%), short stature (45%), hypoparathyroidism (21.7%), diabet mellitus (18.3%), impaired glucose tolerance (6.7%), overt hypothyroidism (1.65%), subclinical hypothyroidism (1.65%).Conclusion: High prevalence of endocrine complications found in this study may emphasize regular endocrine assessment. In thalassemic patients especially in patients over the age of 10 years old.

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Background: Human rotaviruses are the major etiological agents of acute viral gastroenteritis in infants and young children worldwide. With the licensure of new rotavirus vaccines, data on the burden of disease and the diversity of rotavirus genotypes circulating are important regarding immunization strategies. The purpose of the present study was to determine the genotypes of VP7 protein rotavirus in hospitalized children in Borazjan.Methods: In this study, 375 stool samples from children less than 7 year old with severe diarrhaea hospitalized at 17 Shahrivar hospital in Borazjan, were collected during 2008 to 2009. Group A rotavirus antigen was detected in stool specimens using Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA). Then G-typing of the positive specimens was evaluated by Nested RT-PCR method.Results: Among the collected samples, 24.27% were positive for rotavirus infection. The highest incidence was observed in children aged 12-17 months (6.93%) (p=0.056). The most common prevalence of positive rotavirus was observed in autumn with 54.94% compared to the least prevalence in summer with 2.20% (p=0). The frequency of G1, G4, G9 ,non-type able genotypes were 51.65%, 2.20 %, 4.40%, 41.76%, respectively. But, G2, G3, G8, G10 and G12 genotypes weren’t detected.Conclusion: The noticeable frequency of non-type able genotypes indicates that must be using from another primers for characterization of unusual genotypes. Also because of the high frequency of rotavirus infection, surveillance and expanded program of immunization especially for children less than 2 years is necessary.

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Background: Spiritual intelligence defined as the capacity of human understanding for asking ultimate, questions about the meaning of life and relation between us and world we are living in it. It seems employing spiritual intelligence in the life will guide us to achieve happiness and wellbeing in the life. The goal of this survey is to investigate relation between of spiritual intelligence and happiness among nurses of two main hospitals, namely Fatemeh Zahra and Bentolhosa in Bousher.Methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive and inferential designed study. A total of 125 hospital nurses, who were working in Boushehr, were recruited by convenience sampling. The questionnaires were completed by respondents themselves (self reporting). The questionnaires were combined from three parts. I) Spiritual intelligence questionnaire Naseris four-point Linker-type inventory that made in Allameh of university in Iran. II) Oxford happiness questionnaire. III) Demographic characteristics.Results: The findings showed there were significant relationship between spiritual intelligence variables, self-conscious transcendence (p< 0.001, r=0.288), spiritual experiences (p<0.000, r=0.347), patience (p<0.002, r=0.274), and happiness of nurses. But neither happiness nor spiritual intelligence shows any correlation with demographic characteristic such as age, sex, marital status, education, degree, years of nursing experience, but only the ward were the nurses performing their duties with spiritual intelligence and happiness has significant relationship.Conclusion: Promoting spiritual intelligence of the nurses can help them have more stable happiness.

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Background: Considering the fact that research on the marine products and creatures, in particular coral, has started just in the past decade and more attentions are focused on the benefits of this material, it has been decided to utilize the coral native to Persian Gulf as oral powder to heal tibia bone defect in rabbit.Methods: In this experimental study 18 New Zealander rabbits weighing 2.5-3 kg were categorized randomly in 3 groups (control, oral calcium powder and oral coral powder group) of 6 rabbits. For inducing the defect, the first 3rd part of tibial bone was blunt dissected. A whole with the depth of 0.6-0.8 mm and diameter of 4 mm was produced in all 3 groups in the same style. The Calcium group was treated daily with 1150 mg calcium powder, coral group received 1220 mg of coral powder and control group were kept under standard condition. Course of treatment was 2 months and on days 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 63 the animals were evaluated for healing criteria such as filling the defects, density, external callus formation and intercortical callus.Results: Radiologic parameters indicates that filling defect, density, external and inter cortical callus and absorption for animals receiving coral is better than that of control and calcium group (P<0/05).Conclusion: In conclusion, by oral administration of Persian Gulf coral powder results increasing the rate of bone formation. Finally for human use, these results must be evaluated more in clinical studies.

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Background: Alzheimer's disese is the most frequent cause of dementia and is one of important cause of mortality and morbidity in the world. Although, there are different therapeutic options for its treatment , the results of these therapies are disappointing. Omega-3 fatty acids in marine- derived food products, affect on different mechanisms, improve cognitive function, this study, effect Omega-3 fatty acids in marine- derived food products of cognitive disorders and Alzheimer's are reviewed.Methods: The method employed in this research was a systematic bibliographic review, in which only the double-blind placebo-controlled studies or the clinically detailed enough open-labeled studies using validated scales were retained.Results: Many studies have shown that Omega-3 fatty acids in marine- derived food products, affect by different mechanisms include decrease inflammation and oxidative stress, synaptogenesis, synaptic plasticity, and neurogenesis promotion in neuroprotection and improvement cognitive function and memory, also omega3 fatty acid could lead to a decrease in risk of Alzheimer's diseas and the other cognitive impairements.Conclusion: However, more and large clinical trials are needed to confirm the beneficial effects of omega 3 fatty acid supplementation on the management of Alzheimer's disease and cognitive decline.

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