Background & Aims: Brucellosis is a public health problem in many developing countries, including Iran. Diagnosis is based on history, clinical manifestations and positive serum agglutination test (SAT) or Wright test. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of SAT in pediatric Brucellosis.Methods: In this prospective study, during 2 years, 52 patients with clinical features of Brucellosis were studied. Sera were obtained from all patients. Assuming that patients with active Brucellosis in our area have SAT ³1:80, all blood samples were tested by SAT and blood culture with BACTEC system.Results: Of 52 patients with clinical presentation of brucellosis, in 26 patients, the diagnosis was confirmed according to positive blood culture and/or SAT (³1:80). Brucella spp were isolated in 10 patients (38.4%). SAT was found positive in 25 samples (96.1%). Blood culture and SAT both were negative in 26 cases and the final diagnosis of this group was a disease other than brucellosis. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of the test was 90%, 62%, 36% and 96.2%, respectively.Conclusion: Wright test can be used as a reliable, convenient and cost–effective test in the diagnosis of pediatric brucellosis in our population.