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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


طب و تزکیه

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طب و تزکیه

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طب و تزکیه

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Emerging issues, including juridical, determine its embryos by technique (PGD), a technique that is under the supervision of specialists shall perform, allowing couples to provide has been fitted with its specific features and the owner of the child, Although the use of the aforementioned techniques will not be limited to its determination, But taking advantage of it, what with the reasons for non-medical reasons with a medical and to cause numerous ban because a waste of Embryos and the occurrence of negative consequences such as discrimination, its a several questions on the jurisprudence is established, including: is (PGD) absolutely forbidden technique? Does anyone can use this technique? Is this technique on sistent with God’s desireandprovidence? This technique, as a method of treatment and the destruction of embryos isn’t contrary to human dignity. And so on. Thus, in this article weexplorethese questions, we have to rely on evidence we show that Sexis not absolutely bound to forbidden manners and permitted with respect to medical reasons and in the circumstances necessary.

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Backgrounds: The Quran is the human guidance book, even it’s scientific propositions provide this target. From the scientific points of the Koran, which have been addressed in this paper, is the sexuality of the fetus although the Quran has not stipulated it but it can be comprehended from the context of some verses.analysis method: In this paper which is organized by analytic and descriptive approach, verses and narrations extracted that involved determining the sex of the fetus.Results: Findings showed that the Quran has pointed to determine the sexality of the fetus in a chromosomal; Of course, women also have a role in the sex determination indirectly referred to in some verses. Considering the fact that, firstly the sex determination of the fetus to the desired parents does not deny the power of God. Secondly, the detection of the sexuality of the fetus and the use of scientific achievements does not conflict with verses that express God’s knowledge of the sex of the fetus in the womb; Because, firstly, according to some traditions, God’s knowledge of the sex of the fetus means knowledge of characteristics and ultimate destiny of man; so knowledge of the sex of the fetus does not contradict God’s exclusive knowledge in any stage even before conception. The second possibility is the verses that express God’s knowledge of what is in the wombs, are not planning to restrict the knowledge of the wombs to God, but mention the principle of God’s knowledge of the wombs.Conclusion: According to the findings, we can conclude that the Quran and the innocent ones (pbuh) have pointed to determine the sexality of the fetus implicitly Without medical and academic facilities more than 1400 years ago.

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Old age is the third period in human life; the period before death. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) the elderly are defined as those aged 65 years and older. In sociology the old age is when the social role of a person and his participation in community affairs declines.Biologically, old age begins when human catabolic rate surpasses his anabolic rate. Psychologists believe that the old age is when the ability of a person to deal with life challenges and coping with stressful situations decreases.In Islamic jurisprudence old age is equal to disability and failure to perform such religious duties as fasting.In Islam there has been a lot of attention to the reverence of old people. According to the holy Quran: “And the Lord has decreed that you worship none but him. And that you be dutiful to your parents. If one or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them; but address them in terms of honor. And lower unto them the wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say: My Lord bestow on them your mercy as they bring me up when I was small. (Sura Isra, Verse 23).”

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Background And Objective: Progress in medical science demands a lot of diagnostic methods; ultrasound as one of these methods is widely used in the diagnosis and treatment & is a critical diagnosis imaging tool in Obstetrics & gynecology. On the other hand, radiologists already are not available in all parts of the country. Therefore, ultrasonography training in Obstetrics & gynecology is of particular importance.In the Ob/Gyn curriculum, ultrasound training is one of skills taught during the period of residency and more than 5 years ago Ob/Gyn curriculum was approved.The objective of this study is to determine the current status of ultrasound education in Gynecology and Obstetrics curriculum according to the view of residents & faculty so that the Ministry of Health & Medical Education use this data to review Gynecology and Obstetrics curriculum.Methods: The combination of Quantitative Study (cross-sectional study) & Qualitative Study (content analysis).310 Ob/Gyn Residents who were near the end of their training were eligible to participate during the years 2015 to 2016. A letter of request and questionnaire was sent and data were collected . Interview questions was determined and Interview with Ob/Gyn Residents, Ob/Gyn, radiologist faculty were performed.Result: 310 Ob/Gyn Residents completed the questionnaire. About %75 of them stated that during the period of residency they performed independent ultrasound and training was conducted by Ob/Gyn faculty.Ob/Gyn faculty believe the lack of Ultrasound education in some universities is due to the lack of skilled teacher to train residents. On the other hand radiologist faculty stated that they are not involved in the Gynecology and Obstetric teaching.Discussion and conclusion: Ultrasonography training is performed in most universities for Ob/Gyn Residents & according to their view and the faculty view it is needed.Department of Ob/Gyn should provide better quality ultrasound training since ultrasound learning is essential for this speciality, Improving the ability of faculty and short-term courses for current specialists who are not skilled enough is rather important..

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Background: Behavior management of training managers leading to better understanding of strength and limitation of behavior among them. This process can improve educational system.method: This cross sectional study was conducted to compare behavior management among training managers of IRAN University of Medical Sciences. The subjects were 270 faculty members (117 male, 153 female) recruited with using Kinic questionnaire compromised goal setting, communication, feedback, coaching, providing consequences, monitoring performance expectation.Sample size was determined by using Morgan schedule.Results: Based on analysis regression results, there was significant statistical difference among training managers regarding performance management. The public health school and school of health management and information science had higher score in goal setting, higher level of scores in communication was showed in the training managers of school of behavioral science and mental health and rehabilitation school, coaching was higher in nursing and midwifery school, regarding providing consequences, it was higher in allied medical sciences and medicine school had better performance in performance monitoring. All the manger training had equally scores in feedback section at middle level.Conclusion: there are significant statistical differences among training managers in performance Behavior management in Iran University of medical sciences. This study provides empirical to intervention to improve performance management in training managers.

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background and objective: The present paper aims to study the relationship between management styles and organizational effectiveness in exceptional talents office of the universities of medical sciences all over the country.methods: The present study is a descriptive correlational study. The statistical population includes all managers and personnel of the exceptional talents office of the universities of medical sciences all over the country for 250 among whom the number of 150 ones has been selected as sample base on Cochran’s formula. Accordingly for data collection, Likert leadership style questionnaire and Parsons organizational effectiveness model are applied. After data gathered, they are analyzed by Pearson Correlation Coefficient, Independent t test, Regression analysis and SPSS software.results: The results show that the research main hypothesis, the management styles and organizational effectiveness in exceptional talents office of the universities of medical sciences all over the country have a significant relationship (r=0.47, P=0.000). Based on other research results, the highest correlation grade is for participatory management and it is determined that there is a significant and direct relationship between participatory management style and organizational effectiveness, (r=0.47), moreover, there is a significanr relationship between charity style (r=0.41) and consultative style (r=0.44) with organizational effectiveness. However, there was no significant relationship between despotic management style and organizational effectiveness.. Also, the findings show that 68 people used participatory management style, 47 ones used autocratic management style and the rest used advisory and benevolent styles.conclusion: Based on the findings of study, it can be concluded that the use of participatory style in educational organizations such as universities is necessary.

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Background and objective: prayer gives equip people with a power for dealing with diseases. Thus, the goal of this research is to investigate barriers existing in prayer performance for patients in the view of inpatients of “Hazrate Ali ibn AbiTalib” Hospital of Rafsanjan.method: This work is a qualitative cross sectional research conducted on 284 inpatients interior, surgical, and CCU sections. To gather required information, a three part (present conditions for prayer performance, barriers for prayer performance, and obstacles of prayer performance) questionnaire designed by the researcher was used. The obtained data were analyzed using the SPSS18 software via the statistical tests of correlation coefficients including Pearson and T, where the results were found to be significant (p<0.05).results: Based on the findings of this study, among the barriers of prayer performance the maximum correlation is between the movement barriers and lack of prayer performance (R=0.583). Here, the minimum correlation is between facility barriers and barriers related to illness (r=0.244).Moreover, the results of Pearson correlation test revealed a high correlation among the barriers with each other and with the total score of the barriers.Conclusion: training the patients about the prayer performance during the illness and paying attention to resolving the prayer performance barriers during the new hospital establishment would be useful herein.

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