Male factor is the cause in 50% of infertility. Recently, the ART such as IVF has led to a revolution in treatmen of oligoasthenospemia. In azospermia ICSI with the sperm extracted from biopsy of the testes, has reached to a great calue in fertility (1), (2).Testis are hetrogene, considering spermatogenesis, so, a negative focus in the first trial of biopsy, does not vorelate with the absence of sperm. To prove this pretension, we evaluated 110 cases of azospermia with multiple bhiopsies considerng, the age, size of testes, past history of mumps, varicocele, previous biopsies, duration of infertility, the number of biopsy partivles, and hormonal lab assessments.In %29.16 of the cases, who bad negative biopsy in the first trial, employing multiple biopsy sites, we found positive mature spermatozoa (14 of 48 cases).There was a statistical correlation between LH, FSH, of serum and presence of spematozoa. Our recommendation is to perform, the multiple biopsy in the first attempt, and also re-biopsy the nagative cases, when the size of testis is normal and the FSH, LH level is less than 3 times of normal range.