A random sample of 150 students (75 of each sex) of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
was recruited for the study. They all answered the questionnaire designed by the researcher.
Females Views were dissimilar to males views with respect to age defference between spouses" ,
"priority of income over social position", "priority of beauty over wealth" , "priority of mental
growth over physical fitness" , "employment in the time of marriage" , and resemblance of the
appearance of partner to the appearance of his/her own parents. Views of females were similar to
that of males with respect of comparability of the social position of partners parents,
comparability of partners field and level of education, fidelity to religious beliefs prioritys of
wealth over social and mental growth, comparability of thoughts,mutual understanding ,place of
work and residence, family marrriage, social and family contacts, rate of social growth, mutual
decision making for family affairs, totalitarianism in family life, respecting the Islamic codes for
clothing, conformity with hislher own parents, customs, belief in equality of males and females,
belief in Discrimination of boundary family, and management of income.
Consistent with kohlbergs therory of moral development our data shows that for the majority
of students their criteria are postconventional. Criteria of half of the srudents were consistent
with what maslow introduced as characteristics of a mature human being. Consistent with
psycho-analytic therories more than 50% of students would rather to have spouses similar to
their parents. Center & Whinch believes people choose somenone who is just able to satisfy their
inherent needs. However, inconsistent with this theory data illustrates that majority of students
give priority to spiritual criteria and choose "beauty over wealth, mental growth over physical
fitness, and love to humanity over love to himself/herself alone. Students mostly did not care for
the rate of trousseau and mehri-yeh.