Objective: To study anticoccidial effects of leaf and plant extract of Artemisia annua on coccidiosis in broiler chicken compar to salinomycin and amprolium.Design: Experimental study.Animal: One hundred and ninety two Hubbard roosters. Procedure: One hundred and ninty two 21 days old roosters were categorized into 6 drug groups as follows: Amprolum (120ppm, n=8), salinomycin (60 ppm, n=8) leaf powder (2.5%, n=8), ether petroleum extract (1950ppm, n=8), fraction with maximum artemisinin (142ppm, n==8) and control (n=8).Drug classes include 1-Amprolum (120 ppm), 3-leaves 2.5%, 4-either petroleum extract (1950 ppm, n=8), 5-fraction with maximum of artemisinin (142 ppm, n=8). In each class there was 4 different subclasses: Eimeria tenella, Eimeria maxima, Eimeria accervolina and uninfected ones. After infection, lesion scores, body weight gains and oocyst extractions were investigated at the first week.Statistical analysis: Analysis was done with MSTATC software. Significant difference among means were determined by Duncan's multiple range tests.Results: In all experimental groups drugs significantly reduced the number of oocysts per chicken fece per day. Moreover, treated groups showed similar weight gain which was significantly higher than the untreated ones (P<0.05).Conclusion: The data of body weight gain, lesion scores and oocyst extractions indicated that ether petroleum extract of Artemisia annua or fraction with maximum artemisinin were the most effective. Of course, the extract is cost benefite compare to fraction.