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Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms which will be considered as alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of probiotic administration in hatchery on performance, blood parameters and immune response of broilers. Three hundereds 1- d-old male chicks (Ross 308) were assigned to five experimental groups of three replications. Birds of control group did not receive any probiotic. Birds of the remaining 4 experimental groups receved probiotics in hatchery via following routes of administration including: in ovo injection, oral, spray and cloacal, respectively. Administration methods of probiotic in hatchery significantly influenced body weight gain in finisher period (p<0.05), feed intakes in finisher and total periods (p<0.05), relative weight of bursa of fabricius in day 28 (p<0.05), cell mediated immunity, in terms of mean skin thickness sensitivity to dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) in days 28 and 38 (p<0.05), body weight gains in total period and relative weight of spleen in day 42 (p<0.01). Concentration of blood haemoglobin, plasma cholesterol and triglyceride, SRBC antibody, the T-cell mediated response against PHA-M mitogen, relative weight of spleen in day 28 and relative weight of bursa of Fabricius in day 42, were not influenced by various methods of probiotic administration in hatchery (p>0.05). Additionally, these data suggest that oral administration of probiotic in hatchery improved broilers performance.

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Previous studies have indicated that fish oil intake wi11 improve semen quality in some mammals and birds. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of dietary fish oil on reproductive performance in ram. Eight Zandi rams were divided into two groups and fed either a control diet or a supplemented diet with fish oil. Both of the diets were is caloric and is nitrogenous and formulated according to AFRC (1995). Semen samples were weekly collected from September to December of 2007 by artificial vagina. Semen characteristics were evaluated. Reaction times, frequency of tail rasing and mounting, and testi cular circumference were recorded every two weeks. Live weight was recorded every thee weeks. At the end of trial, blood samples were obtained and plasma concentrations of testostrone and cholesterol were determined. Fish oil supplementation improved progressive motility of sperm, percentage of motile sperm, sperm concentrations, total sperm number and mounting frequency. There were no significant differences between two groups in testi cular circumference, body weight and blood parameters (p>0.005). Semen volume, frequency of tail raising and reaction times were not affected by dietary treatment. The results suggested that feeding of fish oil could attenuate the decreased reproductive performance which induced by non-breeding season during late autumn in Zandi rams.

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View 1100

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Iran is one of the most important Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) producing countries in the world and fingering production is the key factor for this industry. The present experiment was conducted to determine the role of the coelomic fluid in artificial fertilization and to study the interactive effect of different brood fish coelomic fluid on fertilization process during 60 min storage at 4°C.The egg quality was evaluated through the rate of eyed and hatched eggs where these indices applied with and without coelomic fluid. In the first two trials, the rat of egg fertilization with and without coelomic fluid did not exhibit significant difference (p>0.05). Eyeing rates were 97.1% and 97.6% for trial I and 99.1% and 97.7 % for trial II, respectively. In next trial the eyeing and hatching rate were 88.7% and 86.8% for the eggs fertilised immediately after stripping wheas for those fertilised 60 min. after integrated storage these values were 86.3% and 84.6% respectively (p>0.05). We concluded that the coelomic fluid has no interative effect on artificial fertilization and the quality of egg fecundity is not influenced by the fertilisation process during 60 min storage at 4°C.

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View 849

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Synthetic LHRHa or its superactive analogues stimulate GTH release. It shows an overlap in the biological activity of LHRHa and GnRH in many teleost species. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of LHRHa2, Metoclopramide and Chlorpromazine on HPG axis and plasma levels of GHT II. Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone Analogue 2 (LHRHa2) (3 mg/kg) with dopamine antagonis’s (Metoclopramide, (5 mg/kg) and Chlorpromazine (10 mg/kg)) were injected via I.M to 64 female Bream (Abramis brama orientalis) (0.71371 ± 0.026 kg, BW) through combined and solitary teeatments: Positive Control (saline), Metoclopramide (5 mg/kg), Chlorpromazine (10 mg/kg), LHRHa2 (3mg/kg), Metoclopramide (5 mg/kg) + LHRHa2 (3 mg/kg), Chlorpromazine (10 mg/kg) + LHRHa2 (3 mg/kg), Metoclopramide (5mg/kg) + Chlorpromazine (10 mg/kg) + LHRHa2 (3 mg/kg) and Negative Control (intact). Fishes were examined through primary bleeding, injection and secondary bleeding. The time interval between two bleeding step was 5h. The GTH II measurement was conducted on the basis of RIA. Results indicate that while LHRHa2 and Metocloptamide could significantly increasethe level of GTH II (p<0.05), Chlorpromazine did not showed any significant impact on the increase of GTH II (p>0.05). Meanwhile, compared to the complex treatments the individual treatments have had relatively significant effects (p<0.05). All compounds showed a positive stimulation effect on the HPG axis and GTH II level in plasma.

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View 736

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Peptic ulcer is a very common disorder in horse race and foals. In the present research possible relationship between gastric ulcer and the prevalence of cardiac arrhythmia were studied in two different horse race. In this respect, 13 Caspian miniature horses and 8 Arab horses were studied. Gastric ulcers and cardiac arrhythmias were diagnosed in 13 horses (62%) and 12 (57%) out of 211 horses, respectively. The observed cardiac arrhythmias were sinus tachycardia, sinus bradycardia, sinus arrhythmia, second degree AV block and SA block. There was no significant relationship between gastric ulcer and cardiac arrhythmia in general and between gastric ulcer and each kind of arrhythmia (p>0.005). Serum calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium and inorganic phosphorous concentrations were measured in the horses. No significant correlation was seen between serum electrolyte and gastric ulcer or cardiac arrhythmia. Despite lack of significant correlation between cardiac arrhythmia and gastric ulcer, more occarence for some kinds of arrhythmia in affected horses with gastric ulcer was very interesting and need to be further investigated in future.

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View 2002

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Newcastle disease is one of the most important causes of economic losses in the poultry production and can be resulted in high mortality. Antibody detection is also an important tool for assessment of the immunity against the disease. In the present study a trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of an immune stimulator (Echinacea purpurea) on antibody production against Newcastle disease vaccine.450 one day old broiler chicks were divide into five groups of three repeat each. For three weeks from day one various doses of Echinacea purpurea extract was prescribed to four treatment groups and to the fifth group placebo in water was prescribed. All groups were vaccinated on days: 11, 19, and 38. Subsequently, serum samples were collected at days 10, 25, 34, 52 of post vaccination from 21 chicks of each group (4 samples of each repeat) and were tested for Newcastle antibody titers by HI test. This experiment showed that the use of Echinacea purpurea extract with the rate of 29, 75 Mg per kilo body weight per day had better effects on antibody titre and significantly increased between control group and treatment groups (p<0.01). It is also revealed that the use of Echinacea purpurea induces FCR improvement and mortality rate was decreased significantly (p<0.01).

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View 3798

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Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious viral disease of ruminant which causes fever and postule on mouth, hoof and teat. The main purpose of this study was to determine and charachtrize isolated FMD virus from Iran between 2005 – 2006, and to compare it with vaccine virus strains. After preparation of samples, serological test for typing of virus was performed. In order to virus isolation, the samples were inoculated to IBRS2 cell; RT-PCR and PCR were used for sequencing. Two dimentional virus neutralization test was carried out for detecting of immunological relationship (r value) between the field isolate and virus presented in vaccine. Detected strains were as follows: 241 samples of type A05IR, 125 of type A87IR, 79 of type 0, 3 of type Asia and 714 negative out of 1162 samples. Average R-values of type A, O, Asia field virus with vaccine strains were 50-92% and 97%, respectively. Phylogenic tree was designed according to the nucleic acid sequencing data. There is not strong relationship between field viruses of type A and vaccine viruses. However a strong relationship was shown for type 0 and Asia ones with vaccine virus strains.

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View 1832

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Determination of the accurate time of egg stripping after ovulation has been regarded as one of the most important factors in the successful reproduction of Caspian brown trout (Salmo trutta caspius). To determine the best time for egg stripping after ovulation and over- ripening of the oocyte in the Caspian brown trout, the eggs of fish were retained in the coelomic cavity of females at 7 ± 6°C over 40 days of post- ovulation (DPO). Eggs were stripped at 10 day intervals in 4 stages and then were fertilized with the mixed milt of males. The obtained results showed that the eyeing rate decreased from 90.65 ± 6.28% in newly ovulated eggs (0-10 DPO) to 0.67±1.34% in over-ripened eggs (30- 40DPO). Also, the hatching rate decreased from 86.33 ±6.28% in newly ovulated eggs to 0.49±0.98% in over-ripened eggs. However, larval abnormalities remained constant for 30 days after ovulation. The histological study in the newly ovulated egg showed that the yolk consisted of homogenous tissue having the perivitelline space diameter with no considerable difference. At over-ripening stage, the yolk became hetero generous, while chorion diameter did not change. Also the perivitelline space diameter varied among different areas. The micropylar apparatus also showed no change during the over-ripening stage. The present study demonstrated that the best time to strip Caspian brown trout eggs post- ovulation was up to 10 DPO at 7 ± 0.6°C. Same histological changes occurred in oocyte at over- ripening but it showed no effect on the micropyle.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1181

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Mycobacterium avtum subspcies of Paratuberculosis is the cause of paratuberculosis or Johne' s disease. Paratuberculosis is a chronic and progressive infectious enteric disease that affects domestic and wild animals, mostly ruminants. This study was carried out for detection of subclinical forms of Johne' s disease using direct PCR and cultivation methods. A total 119 fecal samples were collected Holstein-Friesian cattle herds in Razavi khorasan province of Iran. Among these, 16 samples were taken from cows with advanced clinical signs of Johne's disease, 101 were taken from cows without clinical signs. The fecal samples were tested for presence of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis by directed Nested- PCR and culture on Herrold 's media with and without Mycobactin J. The samples of cows with clinical signs, 14 (87.5%) and 13 (81.3%) were positive by PCR and cultivation assays, respectively. These numderes for the 101 cows without clonical signs of Johne’s disease were 10 (9.7%) and 12 (11.7%). In conclusion, according to the current report of bacterial detection from different places and the economic importance of John’s disease, it is logical and essential that the prevalence rate of the disease in dairy cattle is initially determined by at least two different types of samples and tests and afterwards the control programs are adopted.

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View 1075

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Sheep as an experimental animal has been used in many veterinary researches. The developmental study of the ovine cervicothoracic ganglion in the fetal stages will reveal the anatomy of the sympathetic nervous system in the adult sheep and morphological and morphometrical relation between this ganglion and surrounding structures. The aim of this research was to follow morphological and morphometrical development of cervicothoracic ganglion in sheep during fetal stages and its relation to the body sides and sex. This study was performed on 18 ovine fetuses. The approximate age of fetnses were 11 to 16 weeks and were divided in 3 groups. Coalescence of the caudal cervical ganglion and few primary ganglia of the thoracic part of sympathetic trunk were morphologically studied. In Morphometrical studies, the length and width of the ganglia were measured. The results were statistically analyzed using 1-way ANOVA. The caudal cervical and first thoracic ganglia were the most frequent cervicothoracic ganglion. Variations in the length and width of ganglia between 11 to 16 weeks were not significant (p>0.05), but with increasing of age interval become significant (p<0.05). There were not any correlation between length of ganglia and side of body and sex (p>0.05). The results of this study can be useful for evaluation of developmental and cell changes in neuropeptides of the sympathetic ganglia especially cervicothoracic ganglion.

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View 805

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Repeat breeding (RB) is a syndrome and several factors have been identified as its causes. Luteal insufficiency is a known cause of embryonic mortality. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of two periods of P4 therapy on the Second service and also their effects on the First plus the second service conception rates (CR) of repeat breeder dairy cows. Cows included in the study were in their first to fifth lactation and had 3 to 6 unsuccessful inseminations within the current lactation. They were inseminated according to the AM/PM rule relative to estrus onset, and randomly assigned into 3 groups: (A) CIDR on day 5 after insemination that was removed on day 9 of the cycle (n=40); (B) CIDR on day 5 after insemination that was removed on day 19 of the cycle (n=36); and (C) untreated controls (n=40). Pregnancy diagnosis was conducted by rectal palpation about 45 days after AI in cows no observed in estrus. The second service CR and overall CR in groups A, B and C were 61.7, 42.9, 21.4 and 82.5, 66.7, 45 percent, respectively. Group A showed higher level compared to the controls (p<0.05). In conclusion, repeat breeder cows in groups A and B benefited from progesterone supplementation, but significant effects of treatment for improvement of conception rate was seen in shortterm treatment (4 days treatment).

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Exogenous enzymes such as xylanase can cause recovery of efficiency in poultry. In this study we investigated the effects of xylanase supplementation on small intestine histomorphometry in broilers chicken. Two levels of xylanase supplementation (with or without 0.07% xylanase) was used in 4 treatment groups (two repetitions for each group and 15 chicks per group). After 42 days, 10 chicks from each pen were euthanized to study the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum histomorphometry. Using light microscope, morphological changes of small intestine including villous height, number of goblet cells, diameter of epithelium, crypt depth and ratio of crypt depth to villous height were evaluated. Addition of xylanase increased villous height and crypt depth (p<0.05) and decreased goblet cell number and epithelium diameter in different sections of small intestine as compared to the control group. The findings of this study suggest that addition of exogenous xylanase in broiler diets based on wheat can effectively increase the absorption of nutrients.

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View 1136

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The majority of bovine lameness involves structures of the digit. A prompt identification of problematic cases is needed to be done for prevention of premature culling decision. This cross-sectional and descriptive study was carried out at an abattoir in the vicinity of Tehran.41 cases of culled lame cows, with special reference to the claw lesions and their distribution were randomly selected. All amputated limb were referred to Pathology Department for more routine pathological studies by Maceration and Bleaching. In this study, post mortem examination revealed typical changes of chronic laminitis were among the most common pathological features, suggesting that laminitis may have affected virtually all the herd at some previous time. Clinical signs are as flows: the claws were much taller and more boxy than normal and the abaxial wall was convex in all directions. A bark-like substance occurred on the wall in some cases. Horn quality was poor in affected claws. Asymmetrical swelling of the heel and also appreciable widening of the periople part on the affected digit were the most common clinical features. Based on the results the following conclusions were reached: 1) chronic laminitis has an important role on the trend of culling in lame cows 2) the characteristic changes in the claw in culling lame cows may provide useful on-farm diagnostic technique for culling decision or attempt for appropriate therapy, particularly in deep sepsis cases.

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