Introduction: Jaundice is observed during the 1st week of life in approximately 60% of term and 80% of preterm infants. Jaundice usually begins on the face and, as the serum level increases, progresses to the abdomen and then the feet. The cephalocaudal progression of dermal icterus may be a useful clinical tool to estimate the serum level of bilirubin. The aim of this study was to estimate hyperbilirubinemia by observation of neonate skin with jaundice in Amiralmomenin hospital of Semnan, 1999.
Materials and Methods: At the first, all infants (n=77) who reffered to Amiralmomenin hospital with chief complaint icter from May 98 to October 99 were carefully examined and the progress of icter level on the skin was determined. Then, the serum level of bilirubin of the infants was measured by standard laboratory procedures.
Results: The data indicated that as much as the anatomic level of icter progresses, the serum level of bilirubin increases, too. Anatomic level of icter was along the umblicus or lower in all patients with serum level bilirubins 17 mg/dl or more. In this level, values of sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive and negative predictive were 100%, 18.6%, 49.2% and 100%, respectively. Infants with anatomic level of icter along knee or lower are at the risk of kernicterus. In this level, values of sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive and negative predictive were 100%, 63.9%, 42.1% and 100%, respectively.
Conclusion: The above results show that infants with icter level around umblicus need more attention and if the icter level is around the knees , the infant will be at the risk of kernicterus.