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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Introduction: Rhazya stricta is used traditionally by kerman selimani tribes, to accelerate wound healing. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of topical application of water extract of Rhazya stricta on cutaneous wound healing and compare its effect with phenytoin cream. Materials and Methods: This interventional-experimental study performed on the three groups of adult male rats. After anaesthesia, full thickness skin of upper dorsal part of the rats removed in 3 cm2 area. 24 hours after the operation, wound of each group treated once daily with water extract of R. stricta or phenytoin cream (1%). Control group received no treatment. Wound surface area measured  in 0, 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, and 16th post operative days. The time required for complete healing was also recorded. Results: The results show that wound surface area in R. stricta group in 10th day (60%) and in 13th day (77%) was lower than control group (P<0.05). Percentage of wound healing in control group in 4th day (20%) and in 7th day (38%) was higher than R. Stricta group (P<0.001). Wound healing percent also in phenytoin group in 7th day(21%) was higher than R. stricta group (P<0.05). Percentage of wound healing in R. stricta group in 10th day (25%) and in 13th day (13%) was higher than control group (P<0.05). The time required for complete healing in R. stricta group was 2.4 day lower than control group (P<0.05). Also water extract of R. stricta had full inhibitory effect on growth of E. coli and partial effect on growth of P. aeroginosa. Conclusion: These data suggest that topical application of R. stricta can accelerate wound healing after 7th day and this effect was comparable to phenytoin cream. More research is need to determine the mechanism(s) of this action.

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سابقه و هدف: برگ های گیاه R.stricta در طب سنتی عشایر سلیمانی استان کرمان جایگاه ویژه ای به عنوان مرهم زخم های جلدی دارا می باشد. هدف از این مطالعه بررسی اثر مصرف موضعی عصاره آبی برگ های گیاه فوق بر ترمیم زخم های باز پوستی در موش سفید بزرگ آزمایشگاهی و مقایسه آن با اثر فنی تویین است. مواد و روش ها: این مطالعه تجربی روی سه گروه موش سفید آزمایشگاهی نر بالغ انجام شد. پس از بیهوش کردن موش ها، زخم پوستی به مساحت 3 سانتیمتر مربع در پشت آنها ایجاد شد. سپس از روز اول بعد از ایجاد زخم، عصاره آبی برگ های R.stricta و کرم فنی تویین 1% به صورت موضعی و روزانه در گروه های R.stricta و فنی تویین روی جایگاه زخم مصرف شد. گروه کنترل هیچ گونه درمانی دریافت نکرد. سطح زخم و درصد بهبودی زخم در روزهای اول، چهارم، هفتم، دهم، سیزدهم و شانزدهم بعد از ایجاد زخم اندازه گیری شد و همچنین زمان لازم برای بهبودی کامل زخم بررسی شد. همچنین اثر غلظت مختلف عصاره آبی برگ های R.stricta بر رشد باکتریهای شایع عفونت زخم بررسی شد.یافته ها: نتایج نشان می دهد که سطح زخم در گروه R.stricta در روز دهم 60 درصد و در روز سیزدهم 77 درصد کمتر از گروه کنترل بود (P<0.05) و درصد بهبودی در گروه کنترل در روز چهارم 20 درصد (P<0.05) و در روز هفتم 38 درصد (P<0.001) بیشتر از گروه R.stricta و همچنین در روز هفتم این میزان در گروه فنی تویین 21 درصد بیشتر از گروه R.stricta بود (P<0.05). درصد بهبودی در گروه R.stricta در روز دهم 25 درصد و در روز سیزدهم 31 درصد بیشتر از گروه کنترل بود (P<0.05). مدت زمان لازم برای بهبودی کامل زخم در گروه R.stricta 3.4 روز کمتر از گروه کنترل بود (P<0.05). همچنین عصاره آبی برگ های R.stricta مهاری کامل بر اشریشیاکلی و اثر مهار نسبی بر پسودوموناس آئروجینوزا داشت.نتیجه گیری: یافته ها پیشنهاد می کنند که مصرف موضعی عصاره آبی R.stricta ترمیم زخم را از روز هفتم به بعد تسریع می کند که این اثر قابل مقایسه با اثر ترمیمی کرم فنی توئین است.

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Introduction: Disease progression in muscular dystrophy (MD) patients results in the gradual loss of ability to produce an appropriate contraction and consequently the loss of necessary force for completing the activities of daily living (ADL). As there is no any recognised treatment for MD and the certain benefit of exercise has not proved  yet for these patients. On the other hand, it has been shown that motor learning (ML) may improve the performance, we decided to examine the effect of ML on the upper limb performance in MD patients. Materials and Methods: Upper limb function and the effect of  ML on upper limb performance was investigated in two experiments. In the first experiment, the performance of 7 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) patients and 7 age and sex matched healthy volunteers was investigated during a simulated drinking task. Performance was assessed by measurement of electromyographic (EMG) activity of biceps brachii and brachioradialis muscles; elbow joint flexion; shoulder joint flexion and abduction; maximum acceleration at the onset of movement (MAM); movement time (MT) and reaction time (RT), both before and after a 30 min novel complex ML task. In the second experiment, the complex ML task was replaced by a novel simple ML task for another 6 FSHD patients and their age and sex matched healthy subjects. Except that the EMG activity of triceps and deltoid muscles (anterior part) were measured instead of brachioradialis EMG, the other measurements were same as the first study.Results: In both studies, the FSHD patients showed significantly larger values for all parameters except the flexion of shoulder joint and RT compared with controls. While the complex ML resulted in decreases in the brachioradialis EMG activity (P<0.01) and RT (P<0.01) in the FSHD group, the simple ML model resulted in significant changes towards the normal value in all parameters measured except flexion of shoulder.Conclusion: The change in the measured variables towards normal values indicates that motor learning may help to improve performance in FSHD and its effects are more impressive if a simple ML model is used in a therapeutic protocol.

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Introduction: Jaundice is observed during the 1st week of life in approximately 60% of term and 80% of preterm infants. Jaundice usually begins on the face and, as the serum level increases, progresses to the abdomen and then the feet. The cephalocaudal progression of dermal icterus may be a useful clinical tool to estimate the serum level of bilirubin. The aim of this study was to estimate hyperbilirubinemia by observation of neonate skin with jaundice in Amiralmomenin hospital of Semnan, 1999. Materials and Methods: At the first, all infants (n=77) who reffered to Amiralmomenin hospital with chief complaint icter from May 98 to October 99 were carefully examined and the progress of icter level on the skin was determined. Then, the serum level of bilirubin of the infants was measured by standard laboratory procedures. Results: The data indicated that  as much as the anatomic level of icter progresses, the serum level of bilirubin increases, too. Anatomic level of icter was along the umblicus or lower in all patients with serum level bilirubins 17 mg/dl or more. In this level, values of sensitivity, specificity,  positive predictive and  negative predictive were 100%, 18.6%, 49.2% and 100%, respectively. Infants with anatomic level of icter along knee or lower are at the risk of kernicterus. In this level, values of sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive and  negative predictive were 100%, 63.9%, 42.1% and 100%, respectively. Conclusion: The above results show that infants with icter level around umblicus need more attention and if the icter level is around the knees , the infant will be at the risk of kernicterus.

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Introduction: Due to high incidence of skin damages, finding new methods for skin transplantation is quite important. The aim of this study was to produce normal skin by culture of epithelial cells and to examine its autologus graft. Materials and Methods: 4 male albino rabbits (4 months) were used. At the first from one of the rabbits a piece of skin (6×6 cm) separated from back region and placed in MEM and FCS solution as a supporting surface. From another rabbit, a piece of skin (2×1 cm) separated and divided into small particles and placed on the derm of supporting surface. By two other rabbits, this process was accomplished once more.After preparation, it grafted to the second rabbit. After 4 weeks the animal killed and the grafted region separated and prepared for histological study by two staining methods. Results: The results show that in the grafted region, epidermis is normal but outer layer (cornea) is thinner than normal skin. Histological studies have been shown that skin elements were decreased, sweat glands were not found, repair was started from margin of ulcer, rete ridges were little and short, collagen of derm was regulated and vessels were dilated. Conclusion: With this method, the donor skin can be expanded to several times and used for autologus skin graft.

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Introduction: Thallous chloride (Tl-201) radiopharmaceutical is routinely used for heart imaging in nuclear medicine departments. The goal of this project was to study the quality of Tl-201 radiopharmaceuticals produced in cyclotron department of atomic energy organization of Iran according to European and United States standards. Materials and Methods: This radiopharmaceutical was produced in 15 stages through 203Tl (p,3n)201Pb→201Tl nuclear reaction in which the incident proton energy is 28 Mev. Radionuclidic impurities (203Pb,200Tl,202Tl) were determined by gamma-spectrometer with high pure Ge (HPGe) detector for production and pre-calibration dates and forone201Tl half life (73.5 hr) later. The radiochemical impurity (Tl3+ in comparison to Tl+), specific activity and activity distribution in vials were determined by electrophoresis, polarography and gamma spectrometry, and dose calibrator, respectively. Results: In fifteen production stages radionuclidic and radiochemical purity of product and it's specific activity have been higher than 97%, 95%, and 3.7 GBq/mg-Tl respectively; But in three stages 203 Pb impurity has been higher than 0.3% determined in USP. Accuracy of activity distribution in vials was higher than 10% in all stages. Conclusion: The results show that the product quality is in accordance to the British and European standards (BP and EP). In accordance to the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP), although in three stages of fifthteen production stages 203 Pb impurity has been higher than 0.3% determined in USP, radionuclidic purity has been acceptable (>99%).

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Introduction: Patients  are confined to bed in hospital are be exposed to nosocomial infections. Staphylococcal among medical personnel  may be transferred bacteria to patients and causes infection. The aim of this investigation is  to be determine the frequency of staphylococcal carriers in medical personnel of teaching hospital in Semnan. Materials and Methods: Samplings from medical personnel and control group were drawn by census and simple random methods, respectively. This investigation lasted from March 98 to October 99. In medical personnel 426 and in control group 360 persons (student of medical faculty and nonmedical personnel) were tested. By means of a swab, which was wetted in sterile normal saline, sampling from left and right nasal cavities performed and cultured on Blood agar media. After 24hrs of incubation and by means of Gram's staining, catalase test, culture on M.S.A and coagulase test, coagulase positive Staphylococci Aureus identified and antibiogram test by Kirby-Bauers method was carried out. Results: In medical personnel group 120 (28.16%) and in control group 90 (25%) carrier of coagulase positive staphylococci identified so there wasn't any significant difference between two groups. Species which isolated from medical personnel were sensitive to Vancomycin (88.3%), Co-trimoxasole (83.3%), Gentamycin (83.3%), Erythromycin (70%), Tetracyclin (43.3%) and were resistant to Penicillin and Cephalotin. The control group was more sensitive than medical personnel group. Discussion: Although there is no significant difference between carriers of Staphylococcus Aureus in two groups, Staphylococcus carrier among the medical personnel group in Semnan were less than ones other similar investigations. The species were isolated from medical personnel in this investigation were remarkably sensitive to Co-trimoxasole but in the most similar investigations the species were resistant. The sensitivity to Vancomycin was lower than other investigations.

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Introduction: Intramuscular injection is an important route of drug administration. One of the important complications of IM injection is injection-induced pain. This pain causes a lot of fear and anxiety for patients. Among the important responsibilities of nurse is to reduce this pain. The aim of this study was to  evaluate the effect of the position and the method of IM injection on pain intensity. Materials and Methods: This study was performed on the fourty male patients in surgical wards of Amiralam and Valiasr hospitals in Tehran. These patients received IM injection of gentamycin post-operation. Pain intensity in two prone position with foot turned outward and inward, and two standard (routine) and Z-track IM injection methods were evaluated. Pain intensity is evaluated by simple descriptive scale of pain. Results: The data show that in the same injection methods, there was a significant difference (P<0.05) between patient's pain intensity in two prone position with foot turned outward and inward, so that patient's pain intensity is less in prone position with foot turned inward. In the same positions, there was not significant difference between pain intensity in two standard and Z-track IM injection methods. Finally, if the both body positions and injection methods have changed, there was a significant difference (P<0.05 ) between pain intensity in prone position with foot turned outward and standard IM injection method, and prone position with foot turned inward and Z-track IM injection method which pain intensity was less in former state. Conclusion: The study suggests that patient position is more effective than injection method in reducing pain intensity. The best condition for reducing pain due to IM injection is prone position with the foot turned inward and Z-track IM injection method.

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Introduction: The present experiment examined the effect of post training injections of glucocorticoid agonist and antagonist into the dorsal hippocampus (DH) on retention of spatial memory in place avoidance learning task. Materials and Methods: Male Long-Evans strain rats were surgically implanted bilaterally with cannulae aimed at the DH and were trained to avoid a 60 degree segment of the arena entering which was punished by mild foot shock. Place avoidance training occurred in a single 30-min session and the avoidance memory was assessed during a 30-min extinction trial 24 h later. The time to the first entry and the number of entrances into the punished sector during extinction were used to measure the place avoidance memory. Dexamethasone 0.1mg/0.6ml, per side) as a glucocorticoid agonist and RU384486 (3 ng/0.6ml per side) as a glucocorticoid antagonist were injected bilaterally into DH immediately and 60 and 120 min after training. Retention test was done one day later. Results: Results indicated that infusion of glucocorticoid agonist and antagonist immediately and 60 min but not 120 min after training into DH significantly enhanced and impaired retention performance, respectively. Conclusion: The above results show that glucocorticoid receptor plays an important role in consolidation of spatial memory in place avoidance learning at least 60 min after training.

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