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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Introduction: Lead is a constant poisonous metal used frequency in daily life and identifying this element as a neurological poison comes back to 2000 years ago before Christ. Lead compound are used in various industries. The main sources of pollution with lead are paints dusts, drinking water, the parent's job environment, water and foods. The different studies showed the prevalence of lead poisoning varies about 8-20%. As there is lack of information about lead poisoning in children in Semnan city, thus this study was performed. Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study. Sampling on 320 students was done randomly in two areas in Semnan city. 6 ml blood was taken from each student, 5 ml was sent to atomic energy organization in Tehran in order to determine the blood lead by atomic absorption (Spect AA.20), and then the rest of the blood (1ml) was sent to Pastur laboratory in Semnan to perform completed blood count (CBC) and differentiation. The data were analyzed in descriptive statistics in the form of table and graphs. To test the hypothesis the regression were used in level 5%. Results: 78.8% of the children had lead poisoning (Pb>10 g/dl). In 5% of them toxic levels of lead was observed (Pb>20 g/dl). There was no relation between lead concentration in blood with age, gender, parent's job, residential area, grade average, RBC level, painting and reconstruction of home, but there was a relation between lead with Hct, MCV, RDW, MCHC and the years in which houses have been made (P<0.05). Conclusion: In this study, lead poisoning is higher than the other studies but toxic level of Semnan is necessary.      

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Introduction: Copper is an essential trace element. This clement is absorbed in digestive system. Copper chloride is one of the most important of its components. The lack of copper results to structural and metabolic defects. According to recent studies, copper has toxic effect on central nervous system. In spite of that, a little amount of copper is necessary for brain development, but high amounts of it may cause defects in central nervous system. Materials & Methods: Eighteen pregnant mice were divided in intact, control and experimental groups. Each group had six pregnant mice. Experimental group was received CuCl2 (5 mg/kg. I.P) on 7th, 8th and 9th gestational days. Control group was injected with distilled water on the same days. Intact group was received no injection. Embryos were extruded from the uterus on 15th gestational day. Weight and number of absorbed embryos were measured. Following tissue  passage and sectioning, sections were stained with H &E. Results: According to macroscopic measurement, weight of embryos in all experimental groups was  decreased significantly (P<0.05).In microscopic observations, cellular irregularity and geliosis were seen. In morphometric evaluations, in all groups, thickness of marginal layer of spinal cord was decreased (P<0.05).Thickness of ventricular layer was increased, but mantle layer thickness was decreased in all groups. Conclusion: Our findings shows that high amount of copper chloride is teratogen and excess copper can caused anomaly in CNS.      

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Introduction: The sinoatrial (SA) node is not a homogeneous tissue in terms of its structure and electrophysiological function. The regional differences in action potential configuration are well known. One reason for those differences is the differences on ionic currents underlying the regional differences in electrical activity. One of the ionic currents it is thought to play a role in SA node for pacemaker slope of action potential should be hyperpolarization activated current if This prediction was tested in the present study by blocking of this current on pacemaker activity in the small balls of tissue of the rabbit heart. Materials and Methods: Firstly, the intracellular electrical activity was recorded by glass microelectrode from small balls of tissue from peripheral (ball A) transitional (ball B) and central (balls C and D) zones of the SA node and secondly, the current was block by 2mM Cs+for 2 min followed by recording electrical activity. Results: In all cases Cs+ significantly decreased the pacemaker slope (PS) to 47±5% in ball A (n=5) and to 21±9% in ball D (n=4). 2mM Cs+ also decreased the rate of spontaneous activity to 7±l% in ball D (n=4) and 19±1in ball A (n=5). Conclusion: Base on the results, it is possible to conclude that if current play the major role in pacemaker activity in the center and a minor role in pacemaker activity in the periphery in small balls of tissues of SA node.      

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Introduction: There have been many researches in specifying the airborne coal dusts in mines all over the world, but according to our knowledge there is no comprehensive information on health & safety conditions in mines in Semnan province. Data released by an interior source showing that around 10%of miners exposed to the inhalation of polluted air has been affected by respiratory diseases. The aim of this research is to find the amount of coal dust spread in to the mining work environment to find out the probable air pollution in different parts in these areas. Methods: Sample was taken from different parts at two mines according to methods suggested by authorized organizations (ACGIH). More than 30 air samples in working days were taken in different working days. Personal sampling was used and samples were sent to laboratory and analyzed by sample weighting and compared by standards proposed by Niosh (National Institute of Occupational Safety and health). It should be mentioned that respirable & total dust samples were taken. Results: In areas with condensed population of workers in areas where workers spent more working times exported to higher concentration of coal dusts in comparison with standard concentration. This was more times for respirable dusts in attracting areas and in horizontal tunnels it was six times more than limit value. Total dust was for higher than limit values. Conclusion: Results showed that the level of air pollution in areas under investigation had been higher than the limits and undoubtedly it would be a serious threat to all workers engaged in these areas. Thus immediate measurers must be taken to remove pollution and maintain workers health.  

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Introduction: Developing in medical care has increased life expectancy. As a result population has been increased. Therefore programming to provide services requires the identifying the elderly real needs. Having knowledge and achieving to their real needs helps the programmers to have a plan according to their needs. This study was performed to determine the elderly health, social and economic conditions and that how they spend their leisure time. Materials & Methods: In an analytic and descriptive research, 1024 old men and women were surveyed through using questionnaire and cluster sampling. To analyze the qualitative data, data were changed into the quantitative ones, and named with ranking the chi-2 tests and Spirman correlation coefficient were used in the 5% meaningful level. Results: Data showed that most of the elderly (69.23%) have the average economic condition, and the social condition of most of them is average (69.02 %.). Health condition of the elderly is showing some disturbances, hypertension (80.6%) and excrement problems (76.7%). However sight problems (46.9%), hearing (29.3%) and movement (28.2%) are considerable. There also existed a meaningful relation between the economic condition and gender (P=0.0003), age and social condition (p=0.000). But in the other cases, there did not exist any significant relation. Conclusion: The elderly average economic condition showing that this class of society needs more care, financially. Results showed that social activity condition of them was at the average level, resulting from age increase and removing the life motivation. Totally, they have a lot of physical problems and should be considered by health and treatment planners.        

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Introduction: Tolerance and dependency are two main problems that have limited morphine administration. There are some evidences indicating that glucocorticoids and stress may play a role in morphine-induced tolerance and dependency. Materials and methods: In this study, Male albinos Mice (25 30 gr.) were used. Morphine dependency was induced by Marshall method. On test day (day 4), naloxone (2 mg/kg, IP) was injected to induce withdrawal syndrome (WS) signs. Jumping and loss of weight were used as indexes of WS signs. Dexametasone was injected 30 min before induction of WS by naloxone. The rat was stressed in cold water for 1min 3 min before induction of WS. Results: The results show that dexamethasone and stress significantly diminish WS signs and the effect of stress was significantly higher than that of dexamethasone. Conclusion: The data indicate that glucocorticoids and stress may play an important role in morphine addiction process.      

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Introduction: Basic treatment in Leishmaniasis consists of the administration of antimonial drugs, sodium stibogluconate (Pentostam) and meglumine antimonate (Glucantime). Unfortunately, treatment failure, especially in endemic areas, is becoming a common problem in this disease. This study was undertaken to evaluate the in vitro resistance or susceptibility of Leishmania tropica isolated from patients in endemic areas to tri- and pentavalent antimonial drugs and to compare them with the clinical response of the patients to antimonial therapy. Materials and Methods: The parasites were isolated from the patients in endemic area. These isolates were cultured using solid media (3N media) and liquid media (RPMI-1640). The in vitro intracellular amastigotes of the parasites were prepared by using of viable murine macrophages in three-chamber tissue plates. Then a dilution of the antimonial drug was added to each chamber. Drug efficacy was measured by counting the percent of infected macrophages and the number of intracellular amastigotes per one hundred of infected cells. Results: The results showed that the minimum concentration of the trivalent antimony equal to 100 mg/ml was significantly effective to inhibit the growth of intracellular parasites (P<0.05). There was not significant correlation between the mean numbers of the intracellular amastigotes with the persistent of the lesions (P>0.05). Furthermore, there was not significant correlation between the percent of infected macrophages with the duration of the treatment in each patient. Conclusion: The present results suggest that the lack of relationship between the infectivity of the Leishmania isolated from patients with persistence lesions.    

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Introduction: In recent years, the role of LVA-7220 as an effective immunomodulating agent has been widely studied. The aim of the present study was to investigate its effectiveness on chronic forms of experimentally induced ulcerative colitis (UC) in rats. LVA7220 is a polysaccharide that is extracted from brown algae and is composed of D-mannuronic and L-guluronic acids residues. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is characterized by increase in inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-α. In addition, there is an increase in levels of inflammatory mediators such as PGE2,and LTB4. Material & Methods: Experimental chronic forms of IBD were induced by TNBS methods. For induction, TNBS dissolved in 50% (Vol/Vol) ethanol (120mg/ml) was introduced into rectal lumen of three randomly selected groups of rats (n=5 in each group) allocated into patient (P; did not receive any treatment), prevention (M; supplied with 0.5 % LVA in drinking water 24 h before) and treatment (T, treated with 0.5 % LVA in drinking water after induction). Three control groups (n=5) allocated as 1 and 6 week LVA-treated and non-treated normal. Rats were scarified 1, 2, 3 and 6 weeks after IBD induction. The sera was collected and investigated for assessment of TNF-α, IL-6, PGE2, and LTB4, respectively using ELISA method. Furthermore, clinical signs in all groups were compared using Gerald method. Results: The clinical signs of the disease were significantly different between P and M groups. However, there was no significant difference between P and T-groups in chronic forms. There were significant difference in the pathological results (P and T, M) as well as the serum cytokines levels of TNF-α, LTB4, and IL-6 between P and both T and M groups at 1,2,3, and 6 weeks after induction of IBD with TNBS. Conclusion: In conclusion, the findings of the present study demonstrated that LVA might have broad inhibitory property on the cytokine production and pro-inflammatory mediators such as IL-6 and TNF- α. Since these factors have important contributing role in the IBD process, it is expected that this agent may prove a contributing role in the treatment of this disease.      

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Introduction: Localization of superior sagittal sinus is very important before craniotomy for prevention of complication in neurosurgery. Historically, the sagittal suture has been used as an external landmark to indicate the middle portion of the superior sagittal sinus (SSS). The goal of this study is to verify the relationship between the sagittal suture and SSS. Material & Methods: This study is a descriptive analytic study. Fifty adult cadavers were selected for measurement of sagittal suture length and width of sagittal suture and SSS in three points: coronal-sagittal suture junction (bregma), lambdoid- sagittal suture junction (lambda) & midpoint of sagittal suture. The relationship of the SSS with respect to the sagittal suture in this three point was determined. We also determined the dominant transverse sinus. Statistical analysis performed for data. Results: Our finding demonstrated that the SSS is deviated to the right of the sagittal suture in majority of cases. This deviation was seen in 54 % of cases in bregma and 64% of cases in lambda and midpoint of sagittal suture. The SSS was located to the right of sagittal suture about 3.5 mm in bregma, 6 mm in lambda & 4.5 mm in midpoint of sagittal suture. The right transverse sinus was dominant in 76% of cases. No sex-associated differences were noted. Conclusion: Although the sagittal suture can be used to provide a rough estimate of the location of the SSS, in the majority of specimens we examined, the sinus deviated to the right of the midline. We hope this information will provide better navigation for neurosurgeons who needs to be aware of the position of the SSS.      

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Introduction: The serum lipid profiles of Iranian adolescents and its correlation with dietary fat intake and evaluation of the behavior, attitude, skills and knowledge (BASK) of students, parents and school staffs was evaluated, regardingly, in order to design an effective community-based intervention program for cardiovascular disease risk factors prevention and control. Material & Methods: The subjects have been 2000 randomly selected students (1000 girls, 1000 boys) aged between 11-18 years, their parents (2000 samples) and their school stuffs (500 samples) in urban and rural areas of two provinces in Iran (one considered for further interventions and the other as reference area). The data were obtained by questionnaires; anthropometrics measurements, 3 days food record form and serum lipids were measured in the central laboratory of Isfahan cardiovascular Research Center. Data have been analyzed by SPSSv10/Win software using the student t- and multiple linear regression tests at significant level of P<0.05. Results: Most of students, parents and school staffs had enough knowledge about a healthy nutrition but their practice was against it. This is suggested to be mostly due to considerable higher price of liquid oil than solid oil. Although the percent of the adolescents fat intake e (≤30%), but in most cases, the percentiles of serum total cholesterol, HDL-C and triglyceride were significantly higher and the percentiles of HDL-C were significantly lower than normal values, e.g. the mean obtained cholesterol for girls in 11-14 and 15-18 years age groups were significantly higher than standard values (169 and 172 vs. 160 and 159 mg/dl; respectively, P<0.05). This difference was also significant in boys (167 and 168 vs. 160 and 153 mg/dl, P<0.05). A direct relationship was shown between fat /salty snacks (P<0.05). Although the percent of protein intake was lower than recommended daily allowance (13.4% vs. 15%, P<0.05) but regarding the consumption of high fat containing lamb meat in most cases, the frequency of red meat consumption had direct correlation with dyslipidemia (P<0.05). Hypertriglyceridemia is in part suggested to be an effect of the percent of carbohydrate intake being higher than RDA (65.2% vs. 55%, P<0.05). Conclusion: Dietary guidelines for fat intake during childhood and adolescence must be developed within individual countries, taking into account the changes in availability and quality of the food supply.      

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Introduction: Across the elbow ulnar nerve conduction velocity (NCV) has been shown to be Significantly influenced by the elbow position, so that, ulnar NCV increases in elbow flexion. This is because of buckling of the ulnar nerve upon itself in elbow extension and unfolding of the nerve in elbow flexion. Some studies have been done with the effects of wrist position on ulnar NCV. They compared wrist flexion against extension, but their results were contradictory. Material & Methods: In order to clarify this difference and confirm one of them, this investigation was carried out on 40 healthy subjects without signs of ulnar neuropathy. Effects of wrist flexion (F), extension (E) and neutral position (N) on ulnar NCV were determined. Results: The mean across elbow ulnar NCV's in positions of F, Nand E were 59.3, 59.4 and 59.8 m/s respectively, that were not significantly different (P = 0.3). Forearm (below elbow to wrist) mean NCV's in these positions were 62.6, 61.8 and 61m/s respectively, that were significantly different (p=0.02), but when corrected for distance, mean NCV's were not significantly different (p=0.3). Conclusion: It was found that the skin traction and wrist position did not affect the calculated across elbow and also across forearm ulnar NCV's significantly. Thus, during individual electrodiagnostic evaluation consistent wrist position is necessary.      

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سابقه و هدف: سرب یک فلز پر مصرف و یک سم پایدار است که شناسایی آن به عنوان یک سم عصبی و تلاش برای کنترل آن به 2000 سال قبل از میلاد می رسد. با توجه به استفاده از سرب در بسیاری از صنایع، این ماده سبب آلودگی محیط اطراف می شود. منابع اصلی آلوده کننده شامل رنگ ها، گرد وغبار، آب آشامیدنی، محیط کار والدین، هوا و غذا می باشند. در مطالعات مختلف شیوع مسمومیت با سرب از 20-8% متغیر بوده است. مواد و روش ها: 320 نفر از دانش آموزان مقطع ابتدایی شهر سمنان به روش چند مرحله ای انتخاب شدند. سپس با برگزاری جلسات توجیهی برای والدین کودکان و اخذ رضایت نامه از هر یک از دانش آموزان 6 سی سی خون گرفته شد. 5 سی سی جهت آزمایش سرب و 1 سی سی خون جهت CBC و Index ارسال شد. اندازه گیری سرب به روش جذب اتمی متوسط دستگاه Spect AA.20 انجام گرفت. برای تحلیل داده ها از رگرسیون در سطح 5% استفاده شده است. یافته ها: 78.8% کودکان آلودگی با سرب داشتند (مقدار سرب بیشتر یا مساوی 10mg/dI) و در 5% کودکان سطح توکسیک سرب وجود داشت (مقدار سرب بیشتر از 20mg/dI) ارتباط معنی داری بین میزان سرب با متغیرهای سن، جنس، شغل والدین، منطقه مسکونی، معدل تحصیلی، میزان RBC، نقاشی ساختمان و بازسازی منزل وجود نداشت؛ ولی بین میزان سرب با هماتوکریت، MCHC، RDW، MCV و تعداد سال های ساخت خانه ارتباط معنی داری دیده شد (0.05>P). نتیجه گیری: هرچند شیوع آلودگی با سرب در سمنان نسبت به سایر مناطق بالاتر بوده است، اما سطح توکسیک آن نسبت به مناطق دیگر بالاتر نمی باشد. با توجه به شیوع بالای آلودگی با سرب، یافتن منابع مختلف آلودگی با سرب جهت رفع آن و اطلاع رسانی به والدین جهت شناسایی علائم و بررسی سایر کودکان از نظر آلودگی با سرب ضروری می باشد.

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Mucormycosis is a rare fungus disease. However it can cause serious and fatal infection in especial conditions such as thalassemic patients. Early diagnosis of this disease is very important for obtaining better results during treatment. Mucormycosis has an extremely high mortality rate even with aggressive surgical intervention. Death rate range is from 25%-80% depending on the site involved as well as the underlying immune problem. Untreated renal mucormycosis has a mortality rate exceeding 90%. Renal mucormycosis should be suspected in those with persistent flank pain and fever associated with underlying disease. Successful treatment requires early diagnosis, correction of the underlying risk factor, aggressive surgery and amphotericin-B medication.      

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