Introduction: Adolescence is a period of mental and physical maturation. It is a clear period of physiological, physical, behavioral and social changes. Unfortunately, there are a few researches on health and nutritional situation of adolescent girls and boys in Iran. Objective: The present study was carried out to determine the nutritional status of anthropometrics and BMI of high school girl adolescents in urban and rural areas in Astaneh Ashrafiyeh.2000. Materials and Methods: This research was a cross - sectional study on 336 girls (168 urban, 168 rural) at the ages of 14-17 with simple random sampling method. Height, weight and TSF were measured to the nearest 0/5 cm, 0/5 kg and with caliper respectively. Body Mass Index (BMI) was compared with the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey I (NHANESI). Independent t-test, Chi Square is the statistical methods were used for data analyses.Results: Data analysis showed that means of the height, weight, BMI and TSF in urban girls were 157.5 ± 5. 1 (cm), 54.22 ±10.09 (kg), 21.77±3.53 (kg / m2) and 13.75±6.48 (mm) respectively and in rural area: 156.97±4.7 (cm), 52.62±9.03 (kg), 20.99±3.25 (kg/m2) and 12.76±5.36 (mm). Weight for Age (W/A) indexes of urban and rural girls were %7.6 and %9 below 5th centile and %2 and %0.6 upper 95th centile of NCHS respectively. Height for Age (H/A) indexes were %13.2 and %11.9 below 5th centile and %0.5 and %0.6 upper 95th centile of NCHS respectively.Conclusion: With regard to Body Mass Index (BMI) and TSF, the results of the present study showed a good nutritional status of the urban and rural girls and there wasn't any significant difference between urban and rural areas. Stunting was prevalent among the rural and urban girls. It has been suggested that implementation of nutritional education program is necessary to increase the nutritional knowledge and food diversification in adolescent girls.