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A newly developed Smart Pouch with enclosed biomaterial (Aloe vera and coconut husk powder) has been experimented for elimination of heavy metals i. e. (Pb2+, Cu2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+) from wastewater. The effect of concentration, pH, temperature, contact duration etc. was investigated using batch experiments which resulted that the Pouch may be accepted for convenient, efficient and low-cost accumulation of several heavy metals simultaneously from waste water. The maximum Pb removal was 99. 99%, 93. 21% for Cu, and for Ni, it was 91. 97% whereas for Zn, 86. 41% was obtained and also, the uptake capacity of pouch was quite sensitive towards initial metal concentration in the studied range of 10-200mg/L present in wastewater. The findings were further interpreted by quantum chemical study as theoretical support, various adsorption isotherms, FTIR, SEM, XRD, and physiochemical properties of metal ions to justify the synergized performance of new Pouch. A good correlation was found between experimental methods and theoretical findings.

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Adanikin B.A. | KAYODE J.



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Greenhouse experiment was conducted for four months using Leucaena leucocephala and Pleurotus tuber-regium to determine their bioremediation potentials. Leucaena leucocephala, Pleurotus tuber-regium and Leucaena leucocephala combined with Pleurotus tuber-regium were tested for their ability to improve nutrient (N, P, K, total organic carbon) and reduce heavy metals (Zn, Ni, Pb, Cu) of soil polluted with spent engine oil [5% (v/w)] and soil without spent engine oil was used as control. Bioaccumulation of nutrients and heavy metals in Leucaena leucocephala and Pleurotus tuber-regium were also determined. The highest reduction in Zn, Ni, Pb and Cu (41%, 48. 39%, 61. 60 and 52. 72% respectively) were recorded in soil remediated with Leucaena leucocephala alone, reduction of 30. 40%, 26. 53%, 48. 07% and 39. 60% respectively were recorded in soil remediated with Pleurotus tuber-regium alone while in soil remediated with combined Pleurotus tuber-regium and Leucaena leucocephala, reductions of 32. 7%, 33. 43%, 88. 41% and 46. 22% respectively were recorded. Bioaccumulation of Zn, Ni, Pb and Cu in Leucaena leucocephala increased by 73. 41%, 85. 46%, 3366. 04% and 125. 53% respectively, similarly in Pleurotus tuber-regium by 30. 16%, 21. 67%, 71. 11% and 53. 21% respectively. These studies have shown that Pleurotus tuber-regium and Leucaena leucocephala are capable of bioremediating spent engine oil polluted soil although, treatment with Leucaena leucocephala alone tends to be most effective of these treatments.

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Global plastic production has exceeded 300 million tons per year (Plastics Europe, 2015). In the marine and freshwater environments, larger plastics abrade and photo-degrade resulting in persistent environmental microplastics that are not effectively removed by existing wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The ecological effects of microplastics on the marine environment are poorly understood, with even less attention to freshwater systems. To assess whether microplastics have infiltrated food webs of shallow nearshore ecosystems of the St. Lawrence River, we sampled four sites along the international section of the St. Lawrence River, from Alexandria Bay to Waddington, NY. Twelve sediment samples along with one hundred and forty-nine Dreissenid mussels (Dreissena polymorpha and D. bugensis) were collected from the littoral zone, and forty one road-killed anuran amphibian specimens were collected adjacent to the river. Sediment subsamples at two of four sediment sampling sites contained plastic micro-particles. No microbeads were detected within any of the Dreissenid mussels or anuran digestive tract samples. The Dreissenids were likely too small to ingest microbeads greater than 35 microns. Microplastics congregating in the littoral zone may pose a threat within the food web through potential ingestion, requiring further methodological development.

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Yadav r.r. | Kumar l.k.



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In the present study, analytical solutions are obtained for two-dimensional advection dispersion equation for conservative solute transport in a semi-infinite heterogeneous porous medium with pulse type input point source of uniform nature. The change in dispersion parameter due to heterogeneity is considered as linear multiple of spatially dependent function and seepage velocity whereas seepage velocity is nth power of spatially dependent function. Two forms of the seepage velocity namely exponentially decreasing and sinusoidal form are considered. First order decay and zero order production are also considered. The geological formation of the porous medium is considered of heterogeneous and adsorbing nature. Domain of the medium is uniformly polluted initially. Concentration gradient is considered zero at infinity. Certain new transformations are introduced to transform the variable coefficients of the advection diffusion equation into constant coefficients. Laplace Transform Technique (LTT) is used to obtain analytical solutions of advection-diffusion equation. The solutions in all possible combinations of temporally and spatially dependence dispersion are demonstrated with the help of graphs.

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Municipal solid waste landfills are significant parts of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. The emission of significant amount of landfill gas has generated considerable interest in quantifying such emissions. The chemical composition of the organic constituents and potential amount of landfill gas that can be derived from the waste were determined. The chemical formulae for the rapidly biodegradable waste (RBW) and slowly biodegradable waste (SBW) were determined as C39H62O27N and C36H56O20N, respectively. The triangular method was used to calculate landfill gas obtainable from rapidly biodegradable waste over a 5-year period and for slowly biodegradable waste over a 15-year period. A plot was obtained for a landfill life span of 20 years. The volume of methane and carbon dioxide from RBW were 12. 60 m3 and 11. 76 m3 respectively while those from SBW were 6. 60 m3 and 5. 48 m3 respectively at STP. For the initial deposit of 2002 the highest landfill gas emission rate occurred in 2007 at 0. 2829 Gg/yr with an average cumulative emission of 0. 3142 Gg while for a landfill closed after five years the highest landfill gas emission rate was in 2010 at 1. 2804 Gg/yr with an average cumulative emission of 1. 5679 Gg while this cumulative emission will start declining by the year 2029.

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Yadav r.r. | YADAV V.



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In the present study, analytical solutions are developed for three-dimensional advection-dispersion equation (ADE) in semi-infinite adsorbing saturated homogeneous porous medium with time dependent dispersion coefficient. It means porosity of the medium is filled with single fluid(water). Dispersion coefficient is considered proportional to seepage velocity while adsorption coefficient inversely proportional to dispersion coefficient. Solutions are derived for both uniform and varying plane input source. The source geometry, including shape and orientation, broadly act major role for the concentration profile through the entire transport procedure. Initially the porous domain is not solute free. It means domain is throughout uniformly polluted. With help of certain transformation advection-dispersion equation is reduced into constant coefficient. The governing advection-dispersion equation, initial and boundary condition is solved by applying Laplace Transform Technique (LTT). The desired closed-form solution for the line source in two-dimensions and point source in one-dimension of uniform and varying nature are also evaluated as particular cases. Effects of parameters and value on the solute transport are demonstrated graphically.

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The present study was carried out to investigate the adsorption and leaching behavior of Cu2+, Zn2+ and Pb2+ by sediments collected from the western banks of three different sectors along River Nile at Aswan governorate, Egypt. The feasibility of sediments for the removal of Cu2+, Zn2+ and Pb2+ from aqueous solutions was tested under the effect of three conditions (pH, initial metal concentration and contact time). By increasing pH, the adsorption of Cu2+ and Pb2+ by sediments decreased while that of Zn2+ increased. The optimum pH values for Cu2+, Zn2+ and Pb2+ removal were determined as 5, 8. 5 and 5, respectively. The adsorption capacities of sediments for metal ions were in the order of Pb2+ > Cu2+ > Zn2+. The maximum uptake for Cu2+, Zn2+ and Pb2+ by sediments occurred at contact times of 48 h, 24 h and 72 h, respectively. Adsorption data were fitted well by Freundlich, Dubinin– Radushkevich and Temkin isotherms. The experimental results obtained were analyzed using two adsorption kinetic models, pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order, in which pseudo-second-order equation described the data more than pseudo-first-order one. The average leaching percentages of Cu2+, Zn2+ and Pb2+ from sediments were 0. 77%, 2. 72% and 0. 38%, respectively, with respect to pH, 0. 83%, 2. 49% and 0. 38%, respectively, with respect to temperature, and also 0. 79%, 2. 34% and 0. 38%, respectively with respect to contact time. The leaching percentages of metal ions from sediments were in the order of Zn2+ > Cu2+ > Pb2+.

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Surface water contains a large number of pollutants, particularly human pathogens, organic toxicants and heavy metals. Due to the toxic nature of heavy metals towards marine organisms, its removal from the environment has been a growing issue. The biosorption of heavy metal ions from surface water using fish scales has emerged as an environmentally friendly technique. This study assessed the degree of heavy metals accumulation in the scales of Oreochromis niloticus and determining its efficiency as a bioindicator for Cu, Mn and Fe ions removal in the environment of Wewe and Owabi rivers. This study shows that the levels of Cu, Mn, Fe adsorbed from the Owabi river were 685. 70 ± 16. 51, 247. 06 ± 50. 46 and 892. 90 ± 96. 29 mg/kg, respectively. Moreover, the levels of Cu, Mn and Fe adsorbed from Wewe river were 501. 60 ± 77. 78, 300. 89 ± 54. 61 and 413. 04 ± 9. 92 mg/kg, respectively. Under best optimum adsorption conditions, Cu was the best removed heavy metal ions in both surface water reservoirs. Multivariate analysis showed that Cu and Mn showed association in Owabi river, while Mn and Fe were correlated in Wewe river signifying their similarities to a common anthropogenic activity. The Fourier– transform infrared spectrum revealed the existence of a nitro, amine, and carbonyl groups in the biosorption process. This study highlighted that Oreochromis niloticus scales was an efficient bio– sorbent in removing Cu, Mn and Fe ions from Owabi and Wewe rivers.

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Biomass derived from Tamarindus indica partially activated seed coat was investigated for the removal of nitrate ions from aqueous solutions. Batch experiments were performed to evaluate the parameters like pH, contact time, sorbent dose and initial nitrate concentration. pH of the solution played vital role. The maximum sorption observed at pH=7, sorbent dose 300mg, contact time at 120min, initial nitrate concentration 5mg. Physicochemical properties of the biomass were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray analysis and Fourier Transform infra red (FTIR) spectroscopy. The SEM and FTIR data reveals the suitable surface and the presence of chemical functional groups such as hydroxyl, amide, carbonyl strong acid and primary amine on the biosorbent surface contributes to biosorption. The equilibrium isotherms and kinetics were deliberated. Biosorption equilibrium followed Langmuir isotherm. Pseudo second order kinetics provided better correlation of the experimental data in comparison with pseudo-first-order kinetic model. The study indicated that Tamarindus indica partially activated seed coat biomass found to be a novel biosorbent for the removal of nitrates from aqueous solutions.

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This study was carried out to analyze the variations of Benzene, Toluene, and para-Xylene (BTp-X) present in the urban air of Delhi. These pollutants can enter into the human body through various pathways like inhalation, oral and dermal exposure posing adverse effects on human health. Keeping in view of the above facts, six different locations of Delhi were selected for the study during summer and winter seasons (2016-2017). The concentrations of BTp-X on online continuous monitoring system were analyzed by chromatographic separation in the gaseous phase followed by their detection using a Photo Ionization Detector (PID). The concentrations of BTp-X were found maximum at a high traffic intersection area as 68. 35± 48. 26 μ g/m3 and 86. 84± 32. 55 μ g/m3 in summer and winter seasons respectively and minimum at a residential area as 4. 34± 2. 48 μ g/m3 and 15. 42± 9. 8 μ g/m3 in summer and winter seasons respectively. The average BTp-X concentrations of summer and winter seasons were found as 9. 88, 20. 68, 28. 52, 49. 75, 64. 04, and 77. 59 μ g/m3 at residential, institutional, commercial, low traffic intersection, moderate traffic intersection and high traffic intersection areas respectively. Clearly, it has been found that the concentrations of these compounds were more on the traffic areas indicating that the vehicles are the major emission source. Hence, it may be concluded that the number of vehicles along with the high traffic congestion on the city streets and roads results in more accumulation of aromatic compounds and deteriorate the urban air quality.

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This study carried out to investigate the production of hydrogen using the organic fraction of municipal solid waste OFMSW, where the anaerobic digester was depended as a method for disposing and treating OFMSW and producing bio-hydrogen. Bio-hydrogen production had been studied under different parameters including pH, solid content T. S%, temperature and mixing ratios between the thick sludge to OFMSW. The optimal conditions were found at pH, T. S%, temp and mix ratio of 7, 8%, 32oC, and 1: 5, respectively where the hydrogen yield was (138. 88 mL/gm vs). To found the most important parameters in this process, the ANN model had been applied. The effectiveness of temperature, total solid, mixing ratio and pH comes in the following sequence 100%, 75. 8%, 71. 9%, and 57. 2% respectively, with R2 of 95. 7%. Multiple correlation model was used to formulate an equation linked between the hydrogen production and the parameters effected on. Gompertz model was applied to compare between theoretical and experimental outcomes, it also given a mathematical equation with high correlation coefficient R2 of 99. 95% where the theoretical bio-hydrogen was (141. 76 mL/gm vs) under best conditions. The first order kinetic model was applied to evaluate the dynamics of the degradation process. The obtained negative value of (k =-0. 0886), indicates that, the solid waste biodegradation was fast and progresses in the right direction.

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Das Sharma s.



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The Kolleru Lake is a famous Ramsar wetland of international significance. In this study heavy metal contents in water and sediment samples are reported. It is found that certain potentially toxic metal ions like chromium (4. 5 80 μ g/L), copper (1 20 μ g/L), manganese (1 313 μ g/L) and zinc (1. 2 57 μ g/L) are present in variable quantities in the lake water. When normalized with respect to concentration of each element in clean surface waters, the normalized ratio is found to be highly heterogeneous (chromium=4. 5 80, copper=0. 3 3. 3, manganese=0. 07 20. 8, zinc= negligible to 2. 8). At several places, the normalized ratio is greater than 1, indicating anthropogenic input. The concentration of iron (4 20 μ g/L) in water, however, is less compared to the clean surface waters. Chemical analyses and quality assessment of Kolleru Lake sediments have been carried out through estimation of four pollution indices, which include enrichment factor (EF), geoaccumulation index (Igeo), contamination factor (CF) and pollution load index (PLI). Evaluation of these contamination indices with respect to average sediment composition of Taylor & McLennan (2001) confirmed that the Kolleru Lake sediment is polluted with a number of heavy metals that include cobalt (EF=2, Igeo=0. 64, CF=2. 4), chromium (EF=1. 5, Igeo=0. 18, CF=1. 7), copper (EF=1. 6, Igeo=0. 29, CF=1. 9), manganese (EF=1. 3, Igeo=0, CF=1. 4), vanadium (EF=1. 5, Igeo=0. 19, CF=1. 7) and zinc (EF=1. 5, Igeo=0, CF=1. 5). The level of contamination, however, is minor to moderate and is in good agreement with the heavy metal chemistry of the lake water. Based on these results some measures for environmental rehabilitation of the lake and its surroundings have been proposed.

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This study was undertaken to evaluate a novel aerobic wastewater treatment model for the remediation of refinery effluents and to assess the removal efficiency of Bulkholderia cepacia strain AJI and Corynebacterium kutscheri strain AJ2 to clean oil waste from petrochemical company. Wastewater quality parameters including pH, BOD5, COD, TDS, OIL & GREASE, PHENOL concentration, TPH and THC were monitored at 5, 10 and 15 days of treatment and the removal efficiencies were calculated. Results indicated that the raw oily wastewater effluents used during this study had extremely high levels of all the tested parameters. The mean values of all physicochemical parameters of the wastewater from primary tank at different treatment period were statistically different (P˂ 0. 001) After 15 days of biological treatment, BOD5, COD, TDS, Phenol, TPH, Oil & grease level of the refinery wastewater were reduced by 95. 60 %, 98. 40 %, 66. 34 %, 100 %, 97. 60 % and 96. 20 % respectively. The detection of the catabolic genes in the bacterial isolates recovered from primary tank using polymerase chain reaction revealed that both Bulkholderia cepacia strain AJ1 and Corynebacterium kutsheri strain AJ2 carried alk B and C23O but C12O was not detected in both isolates. Naphthalene dioxygenase was detected in Bulkholderia cepacia strain AJ1 but not found in Corynebacterium kutscheri strain AJ2. After treatment the waste water was filtered in the secondary tank. The results of physicochemical parameters in the outlet vessel essentially confirmed that the mixed culture in the two column model successfully carry out bioremediation of refinery wastewater. Therefore, aerobic treatment model for the bioremediation of refinery Petroleum refineries generate great amounts of wastewaters that may become seriously dangerous, leading to the accumulation of toxic products in the receiving water bodies with potentially serious long term effects to aquatic biota. Due to extreme toxicity of contaminants in refinery wastewater, there is a need to develop an economical technique to remove the pollutants from the wastewater is highly recommended owing its environmental friendliness.

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The effluent treatment plant sludge is one of the major sources of contamination with toxic metals. Since the sludge contains heavy metals, it must be pretreated to reduce the contamination. The heavy metals from the sludge can be reduced/ separated by washing it with a suitable leaching solution. In the present study, the efficiencies of three leaching solutions to remove the contaminants from an industrial sludge were studied and the leaching process was modeled. The leaching solutions used are 0. 1 N HCl, 0. 1 N EDTA and 0. 1 N FeCl3. The efficiencies of leaching solutions were assessed by conducting column leaching experiments on the sludge and the migration rates of heavy metal ions of Cu, Zn, Ni, Cd, Pb, Fe and Cr present in the sludge were estimated. These migration rates are useful to estimate the quantity of leaching solution required at the site to achieve the required levels of concentrations in the sludge.

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Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) have been employed to degrade biorefractory organic matters. This study investigates the combination of classical Fenton reaction with electrochemical oxidation, the electro-Fenton process, for the treatment of semi aerobic landfill leachate, collected from Pulau Burung Landfill Site (PBLS), Penang, Malaysia. The investigation has been carried out in batch reactors with aluminum electrodes to establish the optimal treatment conditions. The effects of applied current, pH, reaction time, electrodes separation distance, H2O2/Fe2+ molar ratio, and H2O2 and Fe2+ concentrations, significant process parameters by themselves, have also been investigated. According to the obtained results, electro-Fenton process is very efficient for the treatment of landfill leachate. Optimum oxidation efficiency has been achieved when neither H2O2 nor Fe2+ are overdosed, so that the maximum amount of OH radicals is available for the oxidation of organic compounds. The highest COD and color removals have been 92% and 93%, respectively; obtained at initial pH=3, H2O2/Fe2+ molar ratio=1, applied current= 2A, treatment duration= 30 min, and electrodes separation distance= 3 cm. The current efficiency declines from 94% to 38% when the current rises from 0. 5A to 2A.

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Over the last few decades, Anzali wetland has been at risk of pollutants, especially from heavy metals. The present research analyzes some physical and chemical properties and heavy metals concentration in 27 points in nine stations of Anzali wetland. The samples of each station have been mixed, acidic digested, and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The mean concentrations of Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn, As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Ni, and Cr have been 50527. 2, 1210, 23. 3, 79. 4, 8. 8, 0. 23, 32. 1, 0. 25, 31. 6, and 31. 5 mg/Kg, respectively. In addition, it can be seen that the concentrations of Cd (0. 31 mg/Kg) and As (25. 47 mg/Kg) in Hendekhale station, Hg (0. 52 mg/Kg) in Pirbazar station, and Pb (52. 69 mg/Kg) in Khazar villa station surpass world surface rock average. According to contamination factor (CF), in case of Mn and Pb, both Hendekhale, and Khazar Villa stations have been in considerable contamination level. The calculation of Pollution Load Index (PLI) shows that Hendkhaleh and Khazar Villa stations have had moderate pollution. The mCd index survey indicates that only in Hendekhale station, has heavy metals contamination been at a low degree level of contamination. According to PER index, mercury metal contamination in Hendekhale station faces medium risk. The calculated mean ERM quotient indicates the probability of heavy metals toxicity, equal to 21% in the examined stations.

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The Caspian trout is an endangered and quite vulnerable fish, considered for a natural protection program in the southern area of the Caspian Sea. Copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO-NPs) are toxic substances, which induce oxidative stress, not to mention other pathophysiological states. The toxicity of nanoparticles on fish needs more characterization for short-and long-term effects. Thus, the present paper examines the acute and chronic effects of CuO-NPs on hematology and plasma biochemistry of juvenile Caspian trout. After determining the lethal concentrations (LC50), juvenile Caspian trout is exposed to 0. 1 LC5096 CuO-NPs for 28 days in three replicates. The blood samples are then collected from fish after 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours as well as 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks of exposure to the CuO-NPsto deal with short-and long-term effects, respectively. Analysis of these samples shows that some hematological factors like hemoglobin (Hb), red blood cells (RBC), and hematocrit (Hct) are significantly increased after acute exposure, compared to the control group (p<0. 05). The number of white blood cells (WBC), neutrophilis, and monocytes are also increased after acute and chronic exposure with significant differences (p< 0. 05). Furthermore, the levels of lactate dehydrogenase after acute and alkaline phosphatase along with aspartate aminotransferase after acute and chronic exposure are significantly increased (p<0. 05). Thus, results indicate that the presence of even a tiny amount of CuO-NPs can affect most haematological and metabolic enzymes of the Caspian trout in the short and long-term exposure. It is therefore essential to prevent these nanomaterials from entering the aquatic environment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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