The basis of that article is that the principality of Existences Mollasadra presented, in addition to that it has no obvious precedent at philosophy, it doesn’t answer to principal questions at ontology, lacks the fit and desirable epistemology results and from scientific and evaluative aspects is deprived of practical effects and blessings. On the contrary, principality of Mystic existence has a clear and long precedent and can reply our questions on ontology and also possesses epistemology results and practical effects and blessings. At the end, proportional to these premises and conclusions some proposals on correction and rebuilding the Islamic Philosophy has been rendered. In this article, all these claims have been deliberated and while answering to them, it has been established that, principally, the writer’s conception of the principality of Existence and its effects is wrong, hence, the premises and conclusions are also wrong. Furthermore, it has been shown that the presented proposals based on those wrong premises and conclusions instead of being constructive are destroying and preventive. As an alternative, it has been posed another proposal on correctness and rebuilding the Islamic philosophy at the end of this article.