Background and aim: Due to the important role of dentists in plaque control programs, the present study evaluated the knowledge of general dentists about plaque control in the city of Isfahan during 2003.Methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional study included 165 general dentists holding private practice in Isfahan. The response rate of the study was 91.6% and questionnaire included items about demographic data, basis of plaque control, toothbrush types, dental flosses, mouthwashes and toothpastes. Questionnaires were distributed among dentists and each correct answer received 1 score while no score was given to incorrect or blank answers. Subjects who answered 0-5 questions correctly were classified as the weak group; those who answered 6-11 items correctly were classified as the average group, and dentists who correctly answered 12-15 items were considered as the good group. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics using chi-square test.Findings: Among participants, 29.7% were female and 70.3% were male. 72.1% had average knowledge and 27.9% exhibited good knowledge, while no dentist was classified as having a poor level of knowledge. Knowledge source was reported internet in 3.6%, scientific articles in 35.8%, congresses in 55.2% and miscellaneous in 5.4%. In the study group, 7.9% graduated from Shaheed Beheshti University, 13.3%,52.1%, 7.9%, 5.5% and 13.3% graduated from Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, abroad and other universities, respectively. The mean duration from graduation was 12.3 years. No significant differences were found between knowledge and gender, information source and university, but a significant difference was observed between knowledge and work experience (P<0.001). Conclusion: It appears that knowledge of Isfahan general dentists regarding plaque control is at a satisfactory level.