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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    1 (پیاپی 13)
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Urban livability in urban development and urban design reflects the strong discourse-that is prevalent in urban planning. This study aimed to analyze the livability of the physical parameters of Ahvaz have taken place in metropolitan areas. This type of research is applied and the method is analytic. Data and information were collected in two ways library and survey. The data analysis models Topsis, Vikor, Sar and combination (merger) was used. The results show that reg 2 is ranked first, reg1 in rank 2, reg 6 in rank 3, region 3 in rank 4, reg 8 in rank 5, reg 7 in rank 6 and finally reg 4 in the last rank (unfavorable). In general, the seventh regions of this city differ in terms of the level of physical habitat in the indicators of the quality of housing, infrastructure, urban mobility and urban form. In terms of the level of utility of physical viability, only areas 2 and 1 were at the level of complete desirability and areas 8, 3, 4, 6 and 4 were the most undesirable areas of physical livability.

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    1 (پیاپی 13)
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The Mehr housing plan was designed to house the lower decks of society in the ninth government. Qualitativephysical dimensions of housing can be investigated from two angles: first, the housing structure as a residential unit, the second is the physical relationship of housing with its residential environment which is a social indicator of the role and place of housing in urban development. Considering the importance of housing and especially Mehr housing, the city of Kerman is investigated and the quality housing components are summarized in order to be used as a model for construction and appraisal of Mehr housing. The purpose of this study is to determine the quality components of Mehr housing in terms of physical characteristics of housing. The question posed in the present study is: which components affect the quality of housing? Based on aim this research is developmentalapplied which uses an analytical-descriptive method for data collection. Two models of AHP and TOPSIS have been used for data analysis. Based on their importance, the present study considers six main components in two different categories of "physical and qualitative" alternatives. The components are: housing pattern, housing strength and safety, environmental quality, accessibility, infrastructure, and land use. Analysis of the results indicated that the criterion of the shape and pattern of housing with land-use scale are the most important criteria. Finally, the comparison of the final weight results indicated that the results of qualitative alternative is superior to the other.

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    1 (پیاپی 13)
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One of the important plans implemented by the Islamic Revolution's Housing Foundation in villages of Iran is the "Credits for Upgrading and Renovating of Rural Houses Plan". The plan was started since 2005. Villages of Dowlatabad district in Ravansar county were one of the targets for the mentioned plan. By the early 2012, a total number of 246 rural residents had received "the End of Work" certificate in Dowlatabad district. But the plan was implemented without any social impact's assessment. Therefore, it carried out both positive and negative consequences, some of which had not ever been foreseen. The present study applied a qualitative method for assessing the social impacts of such a project during 2005 to 2011. Semi-structured interview method was used for data collection and we applied the grounded theory method to analyze the information. We also used a theoretical and purposive sampling method with a sample size of 22, as the result of theoretical saturation. To analyze the information and construct the grounded theory, we completed three stages of coding (open, axial, and selective). The results of the research are presented in the form of a model that includes conditions (causative, interventional, background), strategies and actions / interactions and consequences. The results of the research indicated that despite some positive outcomes of the plan, it has had some negative consequences and unpredictable functions such as ignoring the elderly, change of livelihood, and migration. Such consequences would somehow be prevented or mitigated if a social impact assessment of the plan was already carried out.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (پیاپی 13)
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Tourism as a booming and rugged activity of the present century has a significant impact on rural areas. One of the special characteristics of the tourism effects system, especially in rural areas, is its various and wideness economic, social, cultural, political, institutional, and environmental effects. Such impacts, depending on different spatial situations, can vary in intensity and direction. The present research aims to spatial analysis of tourism effects in rural settlements of Rezvanshahr county. Based on aim, this research is an analytical descriptive study. The statistical sample is rural settlements of Rezvanshahr. The analysis of built environment in rural areas was done using remote sensing data. GIS and the maximum probability with two user's algorithm were used for data analysis. The results of the study showed that intensity of rural tourism effects in Rezvanshahr county is different according to various spatial units. Therefore, the physical effects of rural tourism (such as second homes, service units, land use changes, and land prices) in coastal areas are more intensive than those in plains and foothills areas.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (پیاپی 13)
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There exist three major approaches to land use: economic-oriented approach, an egalitarian approach, and sustainable development. In recent few decades, sustainable development theory and subsequently the ecological approach has become the dominant paradigm in the land use planning thought. In this approach, land use planning is a reasonable use of land which is based on the maintenance of green lands and environment generally. In Mashhad metropolitan area in recent years, the uncontrolled growth of urban settlements has led to the deterioration of agricultural lands and pastures. So, in this study, it is attempted firstly to determine an optimal ecological land-use pattern on the basis of the ecological approach. Secondly, the pattern was compared to the existing land-use situation. For this purpose, Makhdum’ s method was applied and data were processed using the AHP model in ArcGIS 9. 3. For this purpose, twelve natural criteria were chosen, and based on Saati’ s table we assigned weights to them. Then, based on the mentioned twelve criteria, twelve suitability maps were generated. Finally, using mathematical overlaying, the layers were merged together and the final optimal pattern was introduced. The results of the present study indicated that the existing land-use situation is not in accordance with the optimal land use pattern and this could lead to irreparable environmental, economic and sociological damages. Thus, it is necessary to remind that planning authorities should think about controlling the growth of the city and consider some arrangements for urban development and management of the region.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Issue: 

    1 (پیاپی 13)
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Urban green space is one of the land uses that its distribution across the city is crucially important. Ardabil can be considered as a city with an inappropriate distribution of green space. The allocated green space per capita in Ardabil is 7. 3 square meters. This figure is quite far from the indices determined by the United Nations Environment Organization which considers 20 to 25 square meters for each person. The present study was aimed at analyzing 44 neighborhoods of Ardabil city based on 11 selected indicators of green space availability set by experts. Based on type, the present study is an applied research with a descriptiveanalytical method. The required data was obtained from the parks and green space organization of Ardabil in 2015 as well as through a field study. Then, in order to rank all 44 neighborhoods of Ardabil city according to their existing green spaces we have applied the Copeland model to integrate several multi-criteria decision-making models including TOPSIS, VIKOR, ELECTERE, and SAW. As a result, all neighborhoods of Ardabil were grouped into four categories namely: enjoyed, semi-enjoyed, deprived, and very deprived. As seven neighborhoods of the city lacked any kinds of green space, and most of the other neighborhoods fall in the deprived category, it can be said that the distribution of urban green space in Ardabil is an unbalanced distribution.

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    1 (پیاپی 13)
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One of the most important challenges of developing countries is a lack of precise vision on possible concequences of development programs and projects to be conducted. It necessitates the evaluation of impacts of relocating and resettlement strategies in rural areas. The present study was aimed at evaluation of economic, social, environmental, and physical-spatial concequences of resettlement strategy in two villages of Larini Olia and Larini Sofla in Sirvan county, Illam province. Based on type, the present study is a descriptive-analytical research. Required data were collected trough documentary and field methods. The statistical community included 129 households, of them 84 were selected by Chocran and random methods as a sample. Data analysis was done by T test in SPSS software. The questions posed by the present study include: what are the opinions of rural residents about executing the policy of rural resettlement? And, how do they evaluate its concequences bsed on the necessity of project and their satisfaction of such resettlements? The results indicated that the necessity of resettlement was evaluated by rural respondents as "very high" with a mean equals to 4. 27, and their satisfaction of resettlement was "high" with a 3. 88 mean figure. Moreover, the various impacts of resettlement on villages were ranked as follows: physical-spatial component with an average of 4. 08 (as high), environmental component with an average of 3. 70 (high), social component with 3. 43 (high), and economic component with 2. 93 as moderate rank respectively. The mentioned figures were used as a basis for the research theoretical framework.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Darvishi Yousef

Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (پیاپی 13)
  • Pages: 

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Open spaces located in central neighborhoods of cities can be considered as the most important programmable spaces from a non-operational defense perspective. Since such spaces belong to the public or the public bodies, they can, in times of crisis, be used for relief and temporary accommodation of damaged people. Accordingly, the present study aims to investigate and identify the limitations and possibilities of open spaces in district 1, Tabriz in terms of composition of masses and open spaces from the perspective of non-operating defense. For this purpose, various software applications are applied including: ArcGIS10, Auto cad, and Excel in order to zoning the spaces based on their different vulnerability levels and to analyze the data. The findings of the present research indicated that most old neighborhoods in district 1 Tabriz are vulnerable to the non-operating defense scale. Also, the structure of open spaces in the study area shows that more than 11. 7% of the district is inappropriate spaces for the critical situations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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