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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Agriculture as one of the main basis of realizing food security is one of the most important economic sectors of societies. Nowadays, rapid population growth and rising demand for food in the world have increased the pressure on natural resources and dependence on the consumption of chemical inputs in agricultural activities. Conventional agriculture, in which production focus is based on increasing the use of chemical inputs, such as various fertilizers, not only reduces the quality of water, soil and quality of the products produced, but also jeopardizes the health of consumers of agricultural products. The aim of this study was to investigate the economic behavior of wheat farmers in Kermanshah city regarding environmental control programs for chemical fertilizers using Contingent Valuation Method and in the form of willingness to pay farmers. For this purpose, 245 wheat farmers in this city were selected by simple random sampling method and required data were collected through a questionnaire. The content validity of the questionnaire was verified by 20 faculty members and experts and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the reliability of the questionnaire was calculated as 0. 838. According to the results of the research, the average willingness to pay farmers to reduce the negative environmental impacts of chemical fertilizers is estimated at 1585 Rials. To investigate the factors affecting the willingness to pay of farmers, the logit model was used and the results showed that explanatory variables of education and general attitude of farmers about the risks of using chemical fertilizer at the level of 5% had a significant positive effect on the tendency to payments, and age and land ownership did not statistically affect farmers' willingness to pay.

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Ensuring access to water reduces the effects of water fluctuations caused by farmers. Under normal conditions, an increase in the reliability of surface water is expected to increase the amount of perennial crops grown and expected farm profits and changes in the distribution of surface water can increase or decrease the amount of supplemental water procured. In this study mathematical model be used to study the effects of water reliability increasing on farmers, income and crop pattern of farm. In this context, the impact of water reliability increasing on farmers’ income and crop pattern was then examined using chance constrained programming. For this purpose, expected income maximization model were applied to determine optimal crop pattern, expected gross margin under with and without certainty condition at representative farms of homogenous groups. A sample of 131 farmers was selected for interview and collected necessary farm level data in 2014-2015. The sample farms were drawn using stratified random sampling. The results showed that water reliability increasing lead to increase farmers, income and level of crop compared to the current status. So that the expected earnings for producers who use surface water and combined water in drought conditions, increase by 136. 9-623. 9 and 2. 01-5. 33percent, respectively. Also, results indicated that the largest increasing in expected income as a consequence of the water reliability increasing is directed toward farmers who use surface water from river. These groups of farms ultimately suffered a severe reduction in expected income as a consequence of the drought, water unreliability condition, largely because their access to water was cut substantially. The results also revealed that the least increasing in expected income as a consequence of the water reliability increasing is directed toward homogenous group of farms that use groundwater or conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water. Finally, the results of this study can help farmers to choose crop pattern, irrigation strategies and irrigation method in such a way that farmers, income and water productivity index will be optimized, also due to the effect of increasing the confidence of the amount of available water on farmers' income, it is recommended that this project be considered in the evaluation of water projects that more projects can be implemented.

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The aim of this study was to investigate factors affecting knowledge and attitude of farmers toward relative advantage of crops in Garmsar County. The study was performed by causal-relative method. The population of this research was 13825 farmers in Garmsar County, which 380 was estimated as sample size by Morgan Table. The main tool of the study was a questionnaire, which its validity was confirmed by a panel of faculty members and the reliability was obtained by pilot test. The result showed that most of farmers toward crop farming of advantage relative were lower-middle knowledge, but upper-middle attitude. Results of the logit analysis of factors affecting knowledge of farmers toward relative advantage of crops farming showed that level of literacy, number of attendance in extension classes, number of extension visits had positive impacts, but contact to extension agent had negative impact. Results of the logit analysis of factors affecting on attitude also showed that level of literacy, number of attendance in extension classes, number of extension visits and farming income in past year had positive impacts, but contact to extension agents and number of land plot holding farmer had negative impact.

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Creating water market as an economic solution on one hand, and simultaneously using modern irrigation techniques as a technical solution, in addition to adapting to the existing dehydration conditions, can optimize the pattern of farming and sale of water saved in the market and ultimately lead to increased farm income Gets The results showed that due to the launch of the water market in the region and the increase in the price of irrigation water from 10 to 100 percent, the level of all of the Hashtgerd plain is lower than the base year, and the changes in the pattern of cultivation after the simulation The acceptance of Hashtgerd plain farmers is different in applying the water price increase scenarios for different products. Also, despite the water market and the increase in the price of irrigation water from 10 to 100 percent, it reduces water consumption in the fields of selected products of Hashtgerd plain. By increasing the price of irrigation water, the volume of water consumed for all products of the pattern decreases. The results showed that, following the launch of the water market and rising water prices, at levels of this increase, farmers are moving toward improving irrigation technology and reducing their yields and incomes. However, to some extent, rising water prices, improving irrigation technology with considering the high cost of investing in such systems, they will not justify them, and in this area they resist the change in irrigation system and do the traditional irrigation, but in the range of rising water prices, the tendency towards changing the irrigation method is more modern and the traditional irrigation decreases. The limited water resources will not increase. Overall, the results showed that the effect of the increase in water prices in the conditions of the launch of the water market in 7 scenarios(10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80 and 100%), as well as the effect of improving the technology of irrigation method in two scenarios (20% of new methods And 80% of the traditional irrigation method (40% of the new methods and 60% of the traditional irrigation method), and after a combined assessment in 56 states, at best, an increase of revenue of 194. 14 million rials will be achieved in the region.

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One of the strategies for sustainable development the agricultural sector is business to business collaboration in the form of a cluster that has attracted the attention of the world's scientific communities in recent years. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting development of cluster orchard crops business in Kermanshah province. Research paradigm, is mix-method qualitative – quantitative. The research method used in the qualitative section is the Grounded theory and in quantitative section is AHP. The population of the study included experts Industrial Township, Jihad-e-Agriculture Organization the Kermanshah province. The data collection process continued as the theoretical saturation was reached. The results indicated that 65 concepts were extracted from open coding; concepts were classified in 18 subcategories and 4 classes of cluster conditions, cluster development fields, intervening factors and effective strategies for the development of clusters. To prioritize these components, of AHP was used. The results of this section showed that in the created classes, the components of trust, access to manpower, cluster development and government support and support institutions are in the top priority. The results of this research can be used by rural development planners, experts Jihad-e-Agriculture Organization and Small Industries Organization and Industrial Township.

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Farmers need managerial skills to survive in a highly competitive business environment so that they can make informed decisions and implement changes that will move the operation towards predictable goals. This study was performed to Analysis and comparison Farm Management Skills in Traditional and Mechanized lands of Gilan province. The population consisted of traditional paddy land and farmers are covered by the plan. The samples were chosen using stratified random sampling method. Number of 150 traditional paddy land and 200 paddy land mechanized as the sample size was determined and the data were collected. The validity of the questionnaire was evaluated by the faculty members of department of Agricultural Management and Development at University of Tehran and reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha test (In Traditional lands 0. 947, in Mechanized lands 0. 927). Data analysis was performed using SPSS win18. Results showed that the majority of the ability farmers in field management skills in both groups was moderate and low (86. 7% in traditional lands and 77% in Mechanized land). The results of Friedman test in evaluating the importance of farm management skills showed that the planning skill and goal setting were the most and resources mobilization had the lowest mean among farm management skills in traditional and equipped lands.

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Globalization has made many changes to human life. The radius of these changes is widespread in local culture, and in rural architecture. As the native architecture of the architecture undergoes a change, it is feared that the traditional architecture is going to oblivion and degenerate. Therefore, the study of the process of these developments in order to identify the consequences of it can put forward solutions to officials to prevent the destruction of this multi-century culture that is based on compatibility with the environment. The main purpose of this research was to study the evolution of the rural houses architecture in the last half century in the village of Gultepeh. This research was carried out using ethnographic qualitative research method. Data were collected using observation, semi-structured interviews and photographs, also data were analyzed using Sweet Home 3D software using content analysis and simulation of house architecture. In the findings, a simulated scheme of one of the village houses was presented in four different periods with a summary of the culture of that house. Then, the features of traditional and modern architecture and the implications of each of these architectures were identified. The results of the research showed that globalization has caused rural houses to undergo changes in all periods. Based on the results, the change in the spatial structure of the home has caused changes in performance and behavioral patterns. In such a way that by changing the function of a house, the sector or parts of the structure of that house remain unused. Over time, that section is either assigned to another function or removed from the home structure.

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The main purpose of this descriptive-survey research was to study of barriers to commercialization of nanotechnology products in the Iran’ s Agricultural sector. The statistical population of the study consisted of 275 researchers employed in 22 National Agricultural Research Centers/ Institutions. According to the Krejcie and Morgan table, 160 of the researchers were selected using a random sampling technique. A questionnaire was used to collect the data. The content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of experts in the University of Tehran. A pilot study was conducted to establish the reliability of the instrument. The Cronbach’ s Alpha coefficients for the main scales of the questionnaire were at appropriate level. The results showed that the importance of the all five factors examined in the research conceptual model was verified based on the field data (fit of the model). The factors namely, political-supportive, infrastructural, financial, managerial and knowledge-cognitive were ranked first to fifth in explaining and identifying the barriers to commercialization of nanotechnology products in the Iran’ s Agricultural sector by explaining 66. 1 percent of total variances, respectively.

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The occurrence of environmental problems and its increasing trend has become a major concern of international organizations and experts in this field. Since human behavior is the main cause of environmental hazards, in recent years, the type of human behavior with the environment has been at the forefront of international attention. Therefore, the purpose of this study was Modeling Effective Factors on the environmental ethical behavior of villagers with an emphasis the theory of value-conscience-normative. The statistical population of this research included all the supervisors of villages of Alishravan’ s and Mishan Khas’ s family in Siwan in the city of Ilam. Using the Cochran formula, 332 people were sampled. Finally, 335 questionnaires were collected and analyzed in a proportional sampling method. The present study was carried out using a questionnaire. Validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a survey of experts and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha test. In order to test the structural model presented in the theoretical framework of the research the path analysis technique was used by maximum likelihood method using AMOS software (V 20). Structural Equation modeling showed the optimal fit of the structural model. In total, the variables of research explained 72% of the variance of environmental ethical behavior of villagers.

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In entrepreneurship literature, the importance of Bricolage is conceptualized in the ability to overcome resource constraints and thereby creating the market and the growth of emerging companies. In this way, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of Bricolage on Corporate Entrepreneurship with the role of mediating opportunity identification in companies active in the field of agricultural engineering consulting services. The statistical population consisted of all of the managers of the firms of the Agricultural Engineering Services of the Markazi province in 130 People. The sample size was determined based on Cochran's formula of 97 people who were selected by simple random sampling. Data collection was done by using a standard questionnaire which has had the necessary validity and reliability. In this research, apparent validity (referring to six professors and experts in the field of entrepreneurship) was used and reliability was confirmed through the combination of reliability and Cronbach's alpha. In order to analyze the data, Structural Equation Modeling and Smart PLS2 software have been used. The results of the research indicated that bricolage directly affects corporate entrepreneurship. In addition, bricolage has a positive impact on corporate entrepreneurship indirectly through the mediating role of opportunity identification.

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Due to the involvement of several companies in joint activity, the supply chain is an appropriate object for entrepreneurship. Considering the development of entrepreneurship in the supply chain, it is necessary to provide a conceptual model of the supply chain. In this research, the effective components on the entrepreneurial supply chain are identified and the integrated model of the entrepreneurial supply chain is presented. In terms of the purpose and in terms of data collection, it is qualitative in terms of data collection and in order to collect data from a closed questionnaire and semi-structured interview. Statistical sample of this study consists of 15 experts from university professors, experts and managers of the selected department of dairy industries in Golestan province. In order to analyze data from content analysis and fuzzy Delphi method. Due to the results, trading partners, business partners, uncertainties in demand, change management components, market share growth and productivity dimensions, cloud computing, cloud share growth, macroeconomic dimensions were selected via an average of thresholds among components. According to the findings, special attention to customers, the use of appropriate technology and the use of macroeconomic data in the supply chain leads to the growth and development of the supply chain of dairy industries.

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The main purpose of this descriptive-correlative research was to investigate factors affecting the wheat farmers’ safety behavior. The statistical population of the research consisted of wheat farmers in the central district of the Zanjan Township (N= 5705). According to the Bartlett et al. ’ s (2001) table, 254 out of them were selected through multistage sampling method. A research-made questionnaire was used to collect the data. The content and face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of experts. A pilot study was conducted to establish the reliability of the questionnaire. The Cronbach’ s alpha coefficients for the main scales of the questionnaire were at an appropriate level (ranged from 0. 701 to 0. 838). The results of descriptive statistics showed that the majority of wheat farmers’ safety behavior (95. 3 percent) was at a low level. Also, the results of path analysis revealed that four variables, including age (with effect of-0. 798), knowledge (with effect of 0. 690), literacy level (with effect of 0. 536) and attitude (with effect of 0. 514) had the highest effects (sum of the direct and indirect effects) on the dependent variable of wheat farmers’ safety behavior. Based on the findings, education and increasing farmers’ knowledge and awareness of issues related to workplace safety and changing their attitudes toward occupational safety can have an important role in improving the wheat farmers’ safety behavior.

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The purpose of this research was to explan the relationship between transformational leadership and learning organization in Agricultural Jihad Organization of Isfahan Province The research method was descriptive – correlational. Research populations consisted of 215experts of organization that by using Krejcie and Morgan table and, the number of 136 persons through stratified random sampling technique as was selected. Data collection tool was two Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire Bass and Avolio (1994) and known as the MLQ questionnaire and a standardized questionnaire of organizational learning (DLOQ) Watkins and Marsick (1998). According to pilot test and calculating Cronbach's alpha was α =0. 92 for components of learning organization and for transformational leadership Questionnaire obtained α =0. 978. The results indicated that, the state of Agriculture Jihad Organization of Isfahan Province in terms of transformational leadership was at average level and score of agriculture to promote the learning organization wasmore than average. Results of regression analyzes showed that there was significant positive relationship between transformational leadership and learning organization components.

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The Mostazafan Foundation is one of the institutions that, in recent years, try to outsourcing its projects to poverty alleviation and empowerment of lower income groups of society. Field experiments show that choosing an effective outsourcing method can guarantee sustainability of the project after their outsourcing. Therefore, this research tried to use grounded theory and hierarchical analysis method to design and select an optimal scenario for outsourcing the project of Foundation of Mostazafan to graduates of Kermanshah province. In this regard, 35 key experts in farming sector with practical experience were selected as qualitative participants of the research. Data were collected from April to February 2016. The data of the first step were analyzed using open, axial and selective coding methods. The data of the second step were analyzed using Expert Choice software. The results of the first step showed that planners and officials are faced with four different scenarios for assigning this project. In order to select the preferred scenario, 9 different quantitative and qualitative indicators were used. Multi-criteria decision analysis method showed that scenario getting private partner among the four considered scenarios was more preferable. The sensitivity analysis of the efficiency of this scenario indicates the high economic efficiency, sustainability and survival of the project after its assignment.

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