Upon equipping the banks to Electronic payment and receiving systems as well as the use of credit cards, most of the customers do their bank transactions by using credit cards and through the use of credit channels such as ATM machines, POS sale terminals, phone banking, internet banking, etc. The customers are now better able to find their required services and products and they may even change their own bank because of the type of services required. Therefore, managing customer relations is inevitable for banks. One of the helpful instruments in managing customer relations is data mining. Four data mining methods including decision tree, simple Biz, Vicinity neighbor K and combinatory model were used in this study to identify the most profitable services used by the customers. Each of these methods has been investigated on real data and the efficiency of each method has been examines. The results of model evaluations showed that vicinity neighbor K’ s accuracy in finding the profitable services was equal to 93. 26%, that of Biz was 74. 83% and that of decision tree was 97. 18%. in addition, the accuracy of combinatory model was 94. 80%. Further, the combinatory model was successful in accurately identifying 96. 01% of the normal services and it was also successful to accurately identify 94. 44% of the services. Therefore, we may conclude that it has a far better performance as compared with Biz model and Vicinity Neighbor K. the evaluations results showed that combinatory model is more accurate to use as compared with other existing models.