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Toos has been one of the most important regions of Khorasan until the end of 8th century and it contained four cities the most largest of which has been Tabran. Since Tabran was located at the eastern borders of Iran and different tribes attacked it frequently, the issue of security has been of the most important concerns for kings and people in this city. By Promoting Islam in Iran and persisting on people security, Iranians had been familiar with various ways to supply their security and implemented it in their cities. The present research aims to examine methods to supply security in Tabran emphasizing on the structure of palisades and city gates, by studying historical texts and obtained reports from archeological explorations. The results from field activities and library sources indicate that the structure of foundations, wall's wide diameters, wall slopes and usage of high quality materials and also government policies and attendance of guards have been effective in the security of Toos Tabran. The palisades and city gates were effective elements to supply the security of people lives and properties against alien attacks. In order to achieve the research purpose the historical method with a qualitative approach along with documentary sources analysis and field activities had been applied.

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At the end of Gajari period due to failure of the conditionals, invasion to the country during WWI and dominant insecurity crisis, formation of a national army made one of the main concerns of Iranian society. Meanwhile, a group of Iranian politicians living in Germany referred to and emphasized this national necessity (formation of national army) by publishing articles about different social crisis. This paper, using analytic-descriptive approach, is to examine formation thought of national army published in Kaveh newspaper (1916-1921) by Sayed Hassan Taghizadeh in Berlin. Thus, the main question is "What was the viewpoint of Kaveh newspaper towards formation of national army? ". This article studies importance, goals, approaches, and methods of national army formation in Kaveh newspaper. Findings show that officials in this news casting agency counted setting domestic stability and serenity and dealing with foreign interventions as the importance and purpose of national army. Therefore, they stated using European military tips, uprooting foreign interventions and omitting their devoted forces in Iran army as approaches for formation of national army.

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Baghsheikhi Milad

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The 1st Ardeshir(224_240 m) as the progenitor of Sasani revived ancient Persian conventions. Among social classes of Sasanian the warriors formed the second class. They had to protect the empire and subordinates. At first, Iran army was responsible for the guidance and leadership of soldiers, but during the ruling of Ghobad and his son the first Khosro, the establishment of the army changed and it was delivered to four armies in four corners of Sasani sovereignty. The present research aims to evaluate the extent of consistency between historical data and archeological findings about Sasani army and the question here is that which archeological evidence have been found about Sasani army in Iran? The research method is historical _ archeological based on library studies and archeological evidence. The research results showed that in this period the constructed ddefenive structures are constrained to three groups: castles, defensive walls and trenches. Sasani kings started to construct defense structures such as defense walls of Darband, Gourgan, Temishe, Kalat, Goori. . . castles like Siraf, Abonasr, Nakhlak, Shirkooh. . . in sensitive geographical areas to protect paths and to prevent alien attacks to the empire

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Revolutionary institutions and committees were among the first and foremost measures in the history of the Islamic Revolution of Iran to establish the security and tolerance of the revolutionary society. The institutions and committees of the revolution were massively formed and organized by the movement. People spontaneously organized committees with clerics or trustees locally in mosques and various urban and rural neighborhoods. The main aim of the committee in the last days of the collapse of the Pahlavi dynasty was to secure and restore order and to fight the Pahlavi regime and the counter-revolution on the other. The basic question of the paper is what were the most important security-law-enforcement measures of the revolutionaries in the last days of the Pahlavi regime and what were the mechanisms and order of the revolutionary society? It seems that the establishment of revolutionary institutions and the Revolutionary Committee was one of the most important security-law-enforcement measures. The collapse of the Pahlavi dynasty was not due to the lack of readiness and disruption of policing and gendarmerie, and institutions and committees were needed. However, the subject of this article is of research importance. This article is a qualitative and historical study based on the sources and documents of contemporary history. The findings of the study

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Safavi kings always tried to choose servants among non_ Iranians who hadn't had a tribunal base and they just relied on the king. Instead of being foreigner, most of them acquired political power and influence. The complete trust of king to the servants and providing the grounds for political progress by Safavi king, in many cases especially during the first SShah. Abbas made more security in Safavi government. This security caused the government be more efficient in architecture growth, trade, even in fighting against enemies. The present research aims to study and analyze the position of servants in the disciplinary and military structure of Safavi government. Moreover servants not only played prominent roles in military affairs but also they affected the architecture trading progress and Safavi art. The research results showed that servants played a key role in military affairs, they supply security which led to the advancement of trading, architecture and art in this government and they encouraged these practices themselves. Even their families helped the reign family to supply the internal security. Indeed to a great extent, Safavi government's sustainability and survival was depended on servants practices in military, security affairs of Safavi government. The research method is descriptive _analytical and data was collected in a library form.

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BAYAT MASOUD | Rostami Hasan

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By the late Qajariyeh period the country situation became critical because of some internal _ external elements and many revolts had happened in different parts. Beside the leaders there were grandees in these revolts who played roles in the occurrence of revolts, their continuity and failures with different purposes and interests. Seyed Mehdi Farokh( Motasem al saltane) is one of these grandees who was very effective in M. T. kh. Pesyan policies along with some influential figures in Khorasan; Therefore the present research tries to answer the question that what was the role of Farokh in Kolonel Pesyan's revolt? It seems that Seyed. Zyaedin. Tabatabai's policies and Farokh's dispatch to implement them was a start point for Khorasan crisis in which Farokh's attitude toward the traditional class of society and his representative Ghavam alsaltane affected Seyed. Zyea's choice. The way of Ghavam alsaltane's arrest in this time, obideing the government orders by Kolonel Pesyan and also the role of Farokh in that arrest affected the future of relations. As a consequence, by announcing the prime ministry of Ghavam alsaltane and executing government policies to avoid unrests and Ghavam's hostility against them, the revolt was started. Finally regarding the role of Farokh, Kolonel Pesyan and Ghavam alsaltane the revolt led to battles and Kolonel Pesyan's murder.

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