Electron multiplier detectors measure the number or intensity of positively and negatively charged particles, and even photons and used in X-ray spectroscopy, Auger spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron. The present study deals with the design and production of educational content in the field of electron multiplication detectors with a self-study approach. The research method was library research and indexing has been used as a data gathering tool. First, the general educational goal was divided into several smaller partial goals, and for the purpose of partial education, behavioral goals were formulated. For these behavioral goals, appropriate content was collected through the translation of scientific texts and their analysis, and the final content was compiled for each behavioral purpose by comparing and analyzing different sheets. At the end of the research, it was found that electronic detectors can be examined in different categories. They are divided into two categories of single-channel and multi-channel according to the number of channels, and according to the type of dynode, they are divided into two categories of separate and continuous dynodes. Their geometric shape and structure is one of the factors affecting the detector gain. In this research, the performance of these detectors, their main performance and job description of each part, the factors affecting their efficiency and their errors have been investigated and analyzed.