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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Gholestaneh Mahshid

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Doing research and publishing its results has always been a concern of researchers in various fields, including chemistry education. In Iran, chemistry education is a nascent field and, related research is insignificant. On the other hand, it is not dynamics enough. In other branches of chemistry, research work is done at the graduate level. But in recent years, student teachers and chemistry teachers have tended to do research work and publish the results in the form of research articles. Since the steps for doing the research work and writing its obtained results in the form of a research article are different from what is done in review and conference papers. Therefore, in this editorial, an attempt has been made to briefly discuss the main components of a research paper, including the topic selection, research questions, and method, which can be helpful for chemistry students and new teachers interested in doing research.

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Phenomenography is one of the methods of qualitative research and is located in the domain of interpretive paradigm. This methodology was created in the 1970s at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. The basis of this approach is based on the fact that different people can have different experiences or concepts of one phenomenon. The use of phenomenography in empirical sciences, such as chemistry, can be seen as the discovery of different aspects of this science. Therefore, in present research, we tried to help the better education of this science by integrating the teaching of the electrochemical and oxidizing-reduction reactions and taking advantage of the learners' experiences. A content based on phenomenography was designed and taught. A questioner containing 33 question was prepared and after evaluation and confirmation was employed for assessing of the method effectiveness. The coefficient of difficulty, the coefficient of cleanliness and the internal co-ordination coefficient of the questioner were assessed by pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed by SPSS software. The results indicated that the teaching of redox reactions by the phenomenography method is effective.

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Electron multiplier detectors measure the number or intensity of positively and negatively charged particles, and even photons and used in X-ray spectroscopy, Auger spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron. The present study deals with the design and production of educational content in the field of electron multiplication detectors with a self-study approach. The research method was library research and indexing has been used as a data gathering tool. First, the general educational goal was divided into several smaller partial goals, and for the purpose of partial education, behavioral goals were formulated. For these behavioral goals, appropriate content was collected through the translation of scientific texts and their analysis, and the final content was compiled for each behavioral purpose by comparing and analyzing different sheets. At the end of the research, it was found that electronic detectors can be examined in different categories. They are divided into two categories of single-channel and multi-channel according to the number of channels, and according to the type of dynode, they are divided into two categories of separate and continuous dynodes. Their geometric shape and structure is one of the factors affecting the detector gain. In this research, the performance of these detectors, their main performance and job description of each part, the factors affecting their efficiency and their errors have been investigated and analyzed.

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This research has sought to find solutions to find the root cause of not paying attention to the importance of laboratory and research work and the interest of teachers and students in collaborative work and creating interest in it. In this research, how to improve teamwork and practical skills in chemistry and experimental science laboratories of the tenth, eleventh and twelfth grades have been studied and the group (participatory) teaching method has been used. The research method is action research. In this study, two surveys were conducted at two different times with an interval of two months from three-year students and the results showed that tenth and eleventh grade students showed more enthusiasm for group work, but twelfth grade students showed more interest in group work. They showed less enthusiasm and participation to the lab. In general, it can be said that the current teaching method has been effective in creating interest in teamwork and practical students in chemistry and laboratory. Therefore, with strategies such as expressing the value of research, giving responsibility, timely encouragement, a step was taken to attract interest in group and practical work.

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Akrami Zakyeh

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Identifying and prioritizing professional competencies in the field of teaching with the aim of improving the level of professional skills of teachers can lead to a significant improvement in the quality of education. Meanwhile, teaching in research-oriented schools is of special importance due to the important role of these schools in fostering a thinking, creative and responsible generation, as well as the position of these schools in the set of programs under the research subsystem and evaluation of the document of fundamental transformation of education. Enjoy. In this study, the dimensions and components of the professional competence of chemistry teachers in research-oriented schools were determined by the DACUM method and a questionnaire was developed to confirm it. The validity of the questionnaire was obtained according to the professors of educational sciences and its Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0. 87. The statistical sample of the study included 40 people specializing in chemistry, teaching and research. Collection of questionnaire and data analysis with SPSS software and one-sample t-test showed that six components include research promotion with five indicators, facilitation of research with three indicators, leadership with two indicators, teaching with three indicators, evaluation with four Indicators and professional interactions with three indicators are essential for a chemistry teacher to teach in research-oriented schools.

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RAJABLOO ALI | Movahedfar Ali

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The field of chemistry education is one of the multidisciplinary trends that are defined in order to train a chemistry teacher for the second round of high school, which aims to acquire the knowledge, skills and competencies required for student-teachers. Teachers are the most important factor in preparing students in any education system, so teacher education reform is one of the necessities to improve the quality of the education system, including these reforms, revision of the education curriculum so that the teachers can acquire the necessary competence to teach. This article examines the topics discussed in the high school chemistry textbooks in the second round with approved topics in the field of chemistry education and its research method is descriptive-comparative in which it first examines specialized courses in the field of chemistry education. Then, the mentioned topics are compared with the topics mentioned in the textbooks of the second high school chemistry, and based on this comparison, the important topics in the chemistry education courses are identified.

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Kamyabi Sharif

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The aim of this study is to identify the knowledge needed by new chemistry graduates to teach experimental sciences in the first round of high school in terms of content knowledge, in both desirable and existing situations by providing a suitable framework for the content components of thematic knowledge in the field of experimental sciences. In conducting research through descriptive evaluation method by collecting information using tests to assess thematic knowledge, research questions have been answered. The results of this study showed that novice teachers in various educational levels face problems in the field of subject knowledge. Due to the breadth of thematic and content knowledge of science curricula, it is required that the curricula of Farhangian University be in line with the science curricula and also to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness, in supporting graduates by creating a site and training. Online and face-to-face service as a support for the teaching profession to complement the university education, creating a relevant scientific-specialized field in Farhangian University is another solution that is offered to policy makers and decision makers.

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