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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The holy system of the Islamic Republic, since its inception, has been confronted with malicious plans by the malicious bully of the Iranian nation, whose "project of influence" is one of their most crucial and effective. Understanding the nature, foundations, and conceptual infrastructure of an external infiltration program is the first strategic step towards structured confrontation with the satirical maps of world domination powers. The present article seeks to extract the theoretical paradigm of the concept of influence from Imam Khamenei's perspective. The main question of the research is: "What is the concept of Imam Khamenei's concept of influence problem and what model can it be analyzed"? The research findings show that From the point of view of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution, the conceptual apparatus of infiltration consists of four elements: metaphysics, anthropology, causality and purpose, and each of these elements has its own distinct structure and components within the context of the supreme intellectual system.

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Undoubtedly, after the Holy Quran, the speech of the infallible Imams peace be upon them, is the most important source for discovering the vision of the perspicuous religion of Islam in all areas of human guidance. In the narrations of Imam Ali, there are some discussions about the influence and damage of a deal with the enemy but adapting it to the enemy's trick in the unconscious soft influence through international conventions is a new exploration in the path of narrative studies and religious illumination. This article after understanding the concepts, has analyzed the steps of enemy's influence and its reasons via descriptive-Analytical method and notice to avoid it when joining or acceding to international treaties. This article consider by referring to the narrations of Imam Ali, enemy's new method of Influencing through International Conventions. Then, It explains the word by adapting to FATF and its bills. It then turns out that the harm of adhering to these conventions is greater than the unguaranteed benefits.

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National security seems to be nonsense without considering the threats and national power; national power, by itself, is deeply intermingled with threat and national security concepts. The concepts of security threats and threat against national power are correlated and make the essential foundations of the governance of national security. Threat and security are abstract notions which are deeply intermixed with each other. For this reason, there is no certain and uniform definition for these concepts. Hence, there are not definite and precise understanding of any of them. National power is a definitely explained concept containing certain aspects, components and indicators, and a number of fixed and instable elements. This research is mainly aimed at identifying and prioritizing the economic, cultural, political and military components of national power for reaching to the governance of national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This applied research follows a contextual-case method using SPSS software for data analysis. Field study and library method are used for data collection, and a sample population of 73 people are selected. The priority order of security circles is arranged in the following order: military, political, cultural and economic. The threatening circles are controversially positioned against security circles. Iran is imposed to all three types of threats: negative, neutral, and positive. The components of national power include 6 economic factors, 8 political factors, 11 military factors and 5 cultural factors. Five factors play two roles. Totally, the components of national power contain 30 factors and 35 roles: "22 roles of strength, 4 roles of weakness, 3 roles of opportunity and 6 roles of threat. " Hence, the Islamic Republic of Iran is placed in an "offensive" strategic position. It is suggested that the Islamic Republic of Iran changes its “ defensive threat-oriented and actional” doctrine to an “ offensive security-oriented and transactional doctrine which is derived from theory of “ balance of forces” .

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Akramiyan Seyed Mohammad Hossein | Hosseinizadeh Mohamad Ali



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Terrorism is one of the main variables affecting the security of the countries of the world, especially the Middle East. The Islamic Republic of Iran, and especially the south-east of the country, is no exception, and its security is affected by the concept of terrorism. Terrorist groups in these areas have been pursuing their own discourse and practice, and in doing so, have made discourse, assistance and mobilization of resources possible. One of these terrorist groups that pursues a discourse alongside military and direct action is Jaish al-Adl. Based on the necessity of a scientific and accurate explanation of the insecurities formed in the eastern regions of the Islamic Republic of Iran, this article aims at explaining the discourse and practice of the terrorist group Jaish al-Adl, using the model of Norman Fairclough (2001) and studying the sources produced and Will exercise the authority of the group. The method of data collection in this map is based on first class data and library resources and the research method is based on the critique discipline discipline. It is based on the assumption that the social and ideological affairs of the Jaish al-Adl group at the national and local levels are influenced by its lexical-grammatical values and discursive value, and that its anti-security function is divided by its particular disciplinary elements and values that The continuation of its indicators is introduced.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action concluded on July 7, 2015 in Vienna, between Iran and the 5 + 1 countries. during the negotiations, each country had approaches to the Iranian nuclear issue, and try to apply their views in the negotiations. In the meantime, the two countries were Strongly opposed the formation of the agreement, and did not hesitate to destroy it even after the agreement was reached. The two countries are Zionist regime and Saudi Arabia. The reasons for the Zionist regime's opposition to the Islamic Republic of Iran are quite clear. . But the key question is why has Saudi Arabia opposed the Iran's nuclear deal and peaceful activity, even more so than the Zionist regime? It seams, although the Islamic Republic of Iran does not consider Saudi Arabia as an enemy in its security strategies and does not seek to securitiz its relationship with that country, but the Saudi elites now considers the Islamic Republic of Iran as its main enemy. And take any action on its part as hostile and react to it. Nuclear peaceful activity is one of the actions of the Islamic Republic of Iran that the Saudi elite consider as an existential threat against them and have opposed it and attempted to securitiz it.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Using the hegemonic stability theory, this article seeks to answer the question of how US strategy under Donald Trump in the Indo-Pacific region affects Iranian national security. The purpose of the United States of America in the Indo-Pacific is to expand its power and maintain its hegemony in the region. Given that the region is the most challenging region to maintain the hegemony of this power, so the United States seeks to increase India's weight in the Indo-Pacific and to try to contain China in order to maintain its hegemony in the region. It is believed that China is a close threat and India a distant threat. Therefore, with the notion that India, as a future power in the Middle East, is not capable of challenging US interests in the region, it seeks to control China by strengthening India, a matter which directly and indirectly affects the security of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Gives. By descriptive-analytical approach, the authors have tested the hypothesis that US policy in the Indo-Pacific increases tensions in Iran's immediate neighborhood, diminishes US attention to the Persian Gulf, withdraws from non-compliance, and increases the likelihood of tension in Iran's relations with Iran. It provides both China and Pakistan, but Washington's interest in using New Delhi's leverage against China's influence could potentially facilitate India's expansion of relations with Iran.

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