To understand a country's foreign policy approaches, important data such as the quantity and quality of the presence of foreign actors, evolution or defects in the legal-governance structure, political elite thinking, social and political stratification, geopolitical, geoeconomic and geocultural position are essential. Regarding Iraq's foreign policy towards the Islamic Republic of Iran, in addition to the mentioned data, other issues such as territorial and border disputes with neighbors, excessive enthusiasm for leading the Arab world and playing a "major or appropriate role" in resolving regional issues., Strategic inclinations are effective for tangible activity in the Persian Gulf and getting rid of geopolitical bottlenecks. After the occupation of Iraq in 2003, the Americans have made great efforts to overshadow the decision-making circles in Iraq's foreign policy, while Iran has elements of soft power in Iraq so has more legitimacy in the eyes of the Iraqi government and society. The present study seeks to examine the important approaches of Iraq, s foreign policy, while examining the approaches of modern Iraq's foreign policy towards the Islamic Republic of Iran in a scenario-writing manner. The research findings show that the continuation of competition between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States is a scenario that is more likely to occur. Therefore, it seems that with the adoption of an independent foreign policy by Iraq and the liberation from the clutches of the United States in the future, the weight of Iraq's interaction with the Islamic Republic of Iran will be heavier.