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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: A complex and varied medicinal regime is used to treat heart failure. This is while the patients use other medications in addition to their prescribed drugs. Irrational and arbitrary use of the drug along with lack of treatment of the disease lead to long-term adverse effects of the drug and sometimes deterioration of the patients’ health. Therefore, this study was carried out to investigate arbitrary use of drugs in 200 patients with congestive heart failure. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study performed by simple randomization. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze data along with inferential statistics using SPSS software version 18. Results: 98% of patients did not feel the need to visit a doctor for prescription renewal. 77% of the patients prepared over-the-counter medications from the pharmacy while the same percent of the patients also claimed using the drugs recommended by others. Conclusion: Ignoring rational use of the medicine can lead to inappropriate consequences such as prolonged hospitalization, patient dissatisfaction, and exacerbation of the disease. Therefore, restricting over-the-counter medicines, promoting people's awareness about appropriate administration of drugs and their side effects is recommended.

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Introduction: Qualitative studies in the world have been growing and COREQ is the guideline that evaluates these articles. Earlier studies have compared non-nursing qualitative research or quantitative research with standard guidelines, but, to the best of researcher’ s knowledge, no comparative study of qualitative nursing studies with COREQ is available. Therefore, the present study was designed to fill this gap. Methods: This descriptive study was performed on qualitative articles from 2016 to 2018. Demographic information questionnaire and COREQ checklist (32 items) were used for data collection. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 16. Results: The results indicated that most of the items in the reviewed articles were in line with the guidelines. Comparing articles in English and Farsi journals, in three different years, and different academic types showed that adherence to some items (10, 15, 18, 25, 28, 29, 30, and 31) and domain 1 was different. Conclusion: Not complying with the COREQ items in the qualitative articles published in Iranian journals suggests this point to editors, writers, and researchers that they should consider available standards more precisely to obtain scientific and authentic results.

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Introduction: Dental caries is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. In addition to clinical examinations, the use of radiographic techniques, especially the bitewing technique, is the main tool for the accurate diagnosis of proximal caries. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 50 standard-quality Bitewing radiographs (576 dental surfaces) were obtained from a radiology clinic. The samples were examined separately by three faculty members as gold standard and 30 senior dental students to detect the presence or absence of dental caries and their depth. The observers were asked to mark the presence and absence and depth of dental caries according to the criteria specified in the questionnaire. The findings were analyzed by SPSS software Version 22 and the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, false positive, and false negative were calculated. Results: The rate of agreement (Kappa) between the faculty members and students in detecting caries was 0/610 ± 0/007 that was statistically significant (P<0/001). The sensitivity and specificity of the students' diagnoses of proximal caries were 89/9% and 70/3%, respectively. Interobserver reliability among the students’ detection of caries yielded a Kappa coefficient of 0/857 ± 0/007. Conclusion: The ability of senior students of Rafsanjan Dental School to diagnose the presence of caries and detect deep caries (near the pupl) was excellent, and their ability to detect caries on the enamel surface and caries reaching the DEJ was moderate/good. The students' reliability in diagnosing caries was also excellent.

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Introduction: Central venous stenosis and thrombosis are much more likely to occur following the insertion of a double-lumen catheter in the subclavian vein rather than the internal jugular vein. This study aimed to evaluate the knowledge and awareness of general surgeons in Fars province regarding the complications of central venous stenosis and thrombosis following the insertion of a double-lumen subclavian catheter. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among general surgeons in Fars province through a researcher-made questionnaire designed and used to assess their knowledge regarding the complications of stenosis and thrombosis following central catheter insertion in the subclavian vein. Results: Among the participants, 63% of them used the internal jugular vein as the preferred method of inserting a double-lumen catheter, while 36% of them preferred the subclavian method. Also, 46% of the participants were sufficiently aware of the possibility of stenosis and thrombosis following insertion of a double-lumen subclavian catheter, and 47. 4% assumed that the probability of thrombosis was less than 30%. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that a significant percentage of general surgeons in Fars province are not aware of the high risk of stenosis and thrombosis in the subclavian vein following the insertion of a double lumen catheter. Therefore, it is recommended that constant and up-to-date training sessions be held for general surgeons in selecting the appropriate vein and using ultrasound in the insertion of a double-lumen catheter.

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Introduction: Breastfeeding for the first six months and continued breastfeeding for 2 years or more is a good way to feed the baby. The empowering of mother’ breastfeeding is one of the important factors in promoting breastfeeding, and identifying its facilitating factors can help develop effective policies and interventions. This study was conducted to investigate the related factors in empowering mothers for breastfeeding in Shiraz Mother and Child Hospital in 2018. Methods: The present study was descriptive qualitative research with a phenomenological approach in which 12 participants were interviewed through semi-structured interview. Content analysis was carried out to analyze the collected data. To analyze the data, each interview was transcribed and codified. Finally, all thematic structures were analyzed, compared and contrasted and the main themes were determined. Results: Following the acquisition of breastfeeding skills in the hospital, participants cited breastfeeding counseling in health centers as an important factor in facilitating their empowerment in breastfeeding and their breastfeeding continuation. Further analysis revealed that "the mother's decision to breastfeed" along with her perception (self-efficacy and confidence in her capability to breastfeed), "positive cultural attitudes and participation of spouse and family in breastfeeding" "Breastfeeding" (training the spouse and his presence while loving the breastfeeding wife), "Public education and sharing information" (a successful personal relationship between the mother and her friends) and "The role of the midwife and other health care staff (encouraging mothers and increasing their tendancy to breastfeed "provides a good ground for constant breastfeeding. Conclusion: The four main principles including " health care personnel", "cultural factors" and "individual factors" and training factors have been extracted from the interviews conducted. These principles illustrate the dimensions which facailitate empowerment of women in lactation. Findings indicate that hospital breastfeeding services play a key role in mothers’ ability to breastfeed. Referring those who have problems in breastfeeding to the breastfeeding counseling unit will help mothers breastfeed.

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Introduction: Motivation is an important tool to motivate nurses to provide quality care. The purpose of this study was to investigate the decreasing factors of motivation affecting the performance of nurses in the teaching hospitals of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Methods: This descriptive-analytic study was conducted in Shiraz in 2019. The research population consisted of all nurses of the teaching hospitals of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, among whom 340 from 10 hospitals were selected as sample size. Data were collected through a questionnaire and analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation coefficient with SPSS23 software. Results: The total mean of materialistic and non-materialistic factors decreasing motivation were 3. 14 ± 1. 24 and 3. 29 ± 1. 31, respectively. Among the materialistic factors, the "personal economic problems" factor with the mean of 3. 38 ± 1. 14 and among non-materialistic factors, the "instability in decision making by the top managers" with the mean of 4/31 ± 1/13 had the highest score. There was a significant relationship between materialistic factors and gender, marital status, shift record, the number of shift work per month, and the number of patients under observation in each shift work. Also, there was a significant relationship between non-materialistic factors and age, work experience, and education level (p˂ 0. 05). Conclusion: According to the findings, organizing training courses for top managers in different managerial levels in the field of decreasing factors of motivation, providing a suitable working environment coupled with the desired interaction, and solving the economic problems of nurses is suggested.

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Introduction: This study aimed to predict job self-efficacy based on critical thinking and dynamic personality. The present study was a descriptive correlational study. The statistical population of this study includes all employees of the morning shift at Shiraz Dental School. Methods: The statistical sample of this study includes 80 employees who were selected by random clustering. To collect data to test research hypotheses, the SARJI Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale, Ritex Critical Thinking, and the dynamic personality of Batman and Krant were used. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was also reported to evaluate the reliability of the questionnaire. Pearson correlation test and multiple regression analysis were used for data analysis by means of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) package. Results: The results showed that dynamic personality and critical thinking have a significant relationship with job self-efficacy. Also, the results of multiple regression analysis showed that dynamic personality and critical thinking significantly predict job self-efficacy in employees. Conclusion: This finding has important implications for training and promoting the employees’ mental health.

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Introduction: Student mentoring is influenced by various aspects whose purposeful alignment lead to high-quality training of students and eventually introducing successful graduates, especially in the field of medical sciences. Methods: The data of the present qualitative study were collected via 16 Semi-structured interviews with mentor professors at Shiraz University of medical sciences. To analyze the interviews, content analysis was applied. Results: Through the present study, 45 basic themes were extracted. Then thematic structures combined and analyzed and 19 organizing themes were obtained. In the next step, 7 comprehensive themes were obtained, which were: human variable (mentor and mentee), and clinical, educational, social, and research components. Conclusion: According to the results of the study, various variables are involved in effective mentoring during college life, particularly in the field of medical sciences. These variables should be scrutinized at different levels of university management.

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Infertility is now a common problem for couples and half of it is due to male infertility, so maintaining sperm parameters and its chromatin are important for successful fertility. Various factors such as temperature, storage duration, and different methods of sperm storage, including cryopreservation, affect these sperm parameters and fertility. Different methods of sperm storage have advantages and disadvantages; among which cryopreservation is the most common method of long-term storage of sperm; maintaining fertility over a longer period. However, sperm fertility in this method is lower than fresh sex fluid. Despite the problems of freezing, cryopreservation advantages outweigh its disadvantages and it is an important tool for sperm storage in clinics of infertility. We searched the PubMed database. In our study, there is a combination of terms related to temperature and storage time as well as different methods of sperm storage and fertility parameters. The search was performed using Advanced Search Builder and the keywords were found in "Title or Abstract". In this study, we reviewed the effects of temperature, storage duration, and different storage methods on sperm parameters and its chromatin to determine the optimal conditions and methods for sperm storage.

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