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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Aim The purpose of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of emotional-focused couple therapy and imago relationship (Imago) Therapy on the marital conflicts of couples referring to counseling centers in Tehran city. Methods Research method was a quasi– experimental with pre and post-test and o control group. The statistical population consisted of couples who had are to ten years of marriage experience and had at least one child. The sample included 30 couples who were selected by chance among couples volunteered to participate in this study and 10 couples randomly assigned to experimental and control groups, while each couple was considered as one unit for analysis. Sanaie and others (2008) revised marital conflicts (MCQR) questionnaire which has 54 items and assess decreased cooperation and sexual relationship, increased emotional reactions, increased children support, increased relationship with their own relatives, decreased relationship with spouse relatives and friends, separation of financial affairs, and decreased effective communication used to assess marital conflicts of couples. Data analysis was done by covariance analysis method. Findings Emotional-focused couple therapy and Imago therapy decreased couples marital conflicts, but there was no meaningful difference in their effectiveness on couples marital conflicts. Conclusion Both emotional– focused therapy and Imago therapy are effective in reducing couples marital conflicts and can be used to help couples with marital conflicts

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Aim The goal for this research was to assess the effectiveness of the two approaches in couples therapy, one being based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and the other being Imago therapy (IRT), on couple’ s sexual intimacy. Methods Quasi-experimental method with pre and post-test and control group were used. Total of 45 couples from among those who used counseling centers in city of Kermanshah during the year 2019 participated voluntarily in this research. They were randomly assigned to three 15-couple groups of ACT, Imago Therapy, and control. Eight 90-minute sessions were conducted using ACT with one group and Imago Therapy with another group. Data was collected using sexual intimacy questionnaire that was adapted from Enrich scale. Findings Covariance analysis showed (p>0. 05) couples therapy based on ACT and Imago Therapy techniques were effective in improving sexual intimacy in couples. These findings showed utilizing techniques in ACT-based couples therapy, cause psychological acceptance about mental experiences and decrease ineffective controlling behaviors.

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Aim Compassion-focused therapy (CFT) is developed for clients who experience high levels of shame and self-criticism. CFT emphasizes the centrality of our affiliative system in reducing threat-based processing by allowing us to feel cared for and able to offer care to both ourselves and others. The aim of the current study was to investigate the effectiveness of CFT on shame and feeling of guilt among women with sexual abuse experience in childhood. Methods The statistical population consisted of all women with Sexual Abuse experience in Childhood who had referred to counseling centers in Ahvaz. The research sample consisted of 3 women referred to counseling centers that were selected according to the results of the PTSD Checklist (Weathers, 1993) with cutoff point of 50 and with purposeful sampling method. In this research, a single-case experimental design, type of non-concurrent multiple baseline designs was used. To evaluate the shame and feeling of guilt, the state shame and guilt scale (SSGS) were used. The protocol of CFT was carried out in three phases of basic lines, intervention of 8 weekly sessions, and two months follow-up. Findings The findings indicated that the subjects in the shame treatment phase experienced 31. 20% improvement and in the guilt phase experienced 28. 68% improvement. The effectiveness was maintained during the 2-month follow-up. The change index was indicative of meaningful changes. Conclusion Therefore, the research findings illustrated that CFT is effective in decreasing of shame and feeling of guilt of women with sexual abuse experience in childhood, through decreasing reducing threat-based processing and strengthening the soothing system through the cultivation of compassion.

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Aim This research investigates the effectiveness of mindful parenting training on mental health and parenting competence for mothers of children with special needs. Methods This quasi-experimental research was performed using pretest/post-test and control group and statistical population included all of the mothers of children with special needs in Dezful who were studying at exceptional schools during the years 2016-2017. A total of 49 mothers were selected through convenience sampling method and put into two experimental (25) and control (24) groups. control group. The pretest was implemented for both groups. The experimental group had nine 90-minute educational classes about mindful parenting. Following the educational classes, the post-test was implemented. The surveys used in this research included Symptoms Checklist 90-Revised (SCL-90-R) and Parenting Sense of Competence (PSOC). Data were analyzed using analysis of covariance. Findings The results indicated the effectiveness of mindful parenting training on mental health and parenting competence on mothers of children with special needs (p < 0. 05). Conclusion This method is effective and useful to improve the mental health of families with children with special needs.

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Aim Suicide is a main cause of death worldwide, especially in teens and adolescents. The aim of this research was a structural test of the three-step theory of suicide in students. Methods Current research method was descriptive in the form of correlation that used structural equation model. Research community included all students of Mohaghegh Ardabili University, among whome 630 people were selected as sample through available sampling. Suicide Attempt questionnaire (Dhingra, et. al, 2018), Depressive Symptom-Suicidality Subscale (DSI-SS) Joiner et al. (2002), The Psychological Ache Scale based on Shneidman theory (1993), Hopelessness, Fraser, et. al (2014), Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire by Hill et. al. (2015), Self-Perceived Acquired Capability for Suicide by Rimkeviciene et. al. (2016), and Suicide Capacity Scale-3, by Klonsky & May (2015) were used. Fndings: Findings showed that the composition of psychological ache and hopelessness are the main predictors of suicide attempt, and lack of interpersonal needs has a protective role. However, just acquired capability for suicide, in some extent can predict suicide attempt. Conclusion The results showed that Psychological ache and hopelessness have an effect on suicide attempt both directly and indirectly through the idea of suicide and the acquired capacity of suicide. Also, the relationship between acquired capacity and suicide attempt in the model was eliminated due to its low factor loading and better fit of the model. From these findings we can conclude that the three-step Theory of suicide model has a good fitness in Iranian community. Based on 3-step model, combination of hopelessness and psychological ache can lead to suicide ideation, and lack of interpersonal needs can act as a protective factor.

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Aim One of the main features of the distinction between successful and effective managers is the networking skill. In fact, this skill plays an important role in promoting individuals in a hierarchy and the success of their career. Successful managers, with the benefit of networking skills and communication with powerful stakeholders outside the organization, progress well through the administrative hierarchy and even run ahead of the most effective managers who use best manners in running the organization. The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship of networking skill with the career-success with the mediating role of communication power. Methods The statistical population of this study consisted of all directors and assistants of the central government ministries in the province with 400 people. Using Morganchr('39')s table, 196 individuals were randomly selected. For data collection, Wolf and Moser questionnaires (2008) were used for assessing network skills, Gurkian and Gurkian (2011) was used for the career path success, and Saadda and Hashem (2017) was used for the communication power For data analysis, structural equation modeling and PLS software were used. Findings The results of the research indicate that networking skills and communication with powerful organization’ s stakeholders lead to promotion in the organizationchr('39')s hierarchy and their career path success. Conclusion According to the research findings, it can be said that the networking skills of government managers and communication with powerful stakeholders of the organization promotes hierarchy and success in their careers. In fact, managers who have strong networking skills compared with their counterparts, have higher chances for holding higher positions in the organization.

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Aim Successful marriage is the foundation of establishing a stable family. This study was carried out to provide a successful marriage paradigm. Methods The study was conducted through a qualitative methodology applying grounded theory. The participants of the study were all couples who were living in city of Ahvaz during 2019. To select the participants in this study, a purposeful sampling was administered and as the study advanced, sampling of the desired cases continued until theoretical saturation was reached. At the end, 22 individuals (11 couples) were interviewed using open-ended or structureless questions. Findings In grounded theory, data analysis consists of coding the data. Using open coding resulted in 83 initial codes, while using axial coding produced 23 main categories. The concept of successful marriage was elicited as a central, transparent and explicit category. Conclusion We can draw a conclusion that a successful marriage is hinged on a thorough and comprehensive transparency of the issues involved in a marital relationship. That is to say either couple expresses openly what they have experienced, not leaving anything vague and ambiguous so that they don’ t get the urge to decode and discover it. The paradigm obtained from this study can be used in teaching couples in premarital counseling sessions. It can also be used to treat upset couples and those couples who want to enrich their relationship.

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Aim Intimacy is a basic human need and one of the principals of marital life. This study aimed to investigate the factors enhancing couple’ s intimacy. This research was conducted qualitatively, based on grounded theory. Methods The population included all married individuals from Shiraz who were married for at least one year. Ten of them were interviewed using semi-structured questions until data saturation was reached. The main question of the research was "In what ways couples may enhance their intimacy? ". Findings According to the findings, the main categories were: constructive criticism, constructive and non-judgmental conversation, conversational skills, support and reliability, mutual respect, fun, interpersonal character, harmony in different aspects, relationship with surrounding systems, boundary, growth and development, respect for desires and interests, mutual understanding, acceptance, task allocation, caring to mutual needs, knowing each other and individualization, and core categories were: effective communication and understanding of differences. Conclusion In the present study, two categories of factors are effective in promoting the intimacy of couples. These factors include both intra-family and extra-family concepts. Accordingly, it is suggested that improving effective communication skills as well as comprehension and acceptance skills in couples, promote their intimacy.

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Aim The present research intended to investigate the outcomes of death awareness in life from the perspective of Iranian adolescents. Methods The study employed a phenomenological qualitative approach. The participants included 26 male and female high school students aged 16 to 18 going to schools in Tehran province, who were selected through criterion purposive sampling method. To collect data, semi-structured interviews were utilized. In order to analyze the data, thematic analysis (TA) technique was used. Findings The findings demonstrated that the consequences of death awareness in adolescentschr('39') lives can be categorized in five main dimensions: motivation and goals, feelings, behaviors, interpersonal and social, and worldview. Conclusions Death-consciousness can overshadow various aspects of a teenagerchr('39')s life, and is therefore an important and fundamental issue. Each of these themes shows the effects of death awareness on different aspects of adolescence life and indicate that the remembrance of death can affect various dimensions of adolescent life in different ways. It can also change the adolescentschr('39') life style and their attitudes towards themselves and the world. In other words, to adolescents, who are at the beginning of planning their future lives, death awareness can act as a beacon and help shape their future plans and paths.

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Aim The aim of this research was to study the role of e-learning on students’ perceived interpersonal relationships with teachers. Methods This research has been done in the framework of qualitative research method and phenomenological design. The participants were 11 high school students in Tehran and they were selected in an accessible manner and participated in a semi_ structured interview. Data were analyzed by Klaizi method. Findings Finally, after analyzing the data, 4 main categories and 8 sub-categories were obtained. Based on the findings, the studentchr('39')s view on their limited communication with teachers, students confusion in new situations, the nature of the differences between distance and face-to-face education, and students’ concerns about the unpreparedness of infrastructure were obtained. These component led to a comprehensive dimension of studentchr('39')s perspectives on research concerns. Conclusions The results of this study explain the possible contexts for positive intervention in the teacher-student relationship considering the existing conditions.

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