INTRODUCTION: This study was conducted to demonstrate the demographic characteristics, clinical and laboratory findings of the patients with primary small intestine lymphoma in educational hospitals in Isfahan.
MATERIALS & METHODS: We studied the files of patients with primary small intestine lymphoma admitted in Al-zahra, Amin, Feys and Ayat- Allah Kashani hospitals between 1989 to 1994 (5 years). Data including age, sex, blood group, chief complain, physical signs, laboratory and radiological findings, medical and surgical therapies and pathology of the tumors were collected from the patient`s files.
RESULTS: The subjects were 30 patients with primary intestinal lymphoma. Half of the patients (15 cases) had below 5-year-old. Twenty five patients (83.3%) were male and 5 patients (16.7%) were female. Abdominal pain was the most common chief complain (22 patients). In 43% of patients (13cases) the lymphoma was diagnosed by paraclinical methods. The most common laboratory finding was anemia (83.3%). In all cases abnormal findings were seen in the small bowel series.
The total time of admission was 6 to 10 days in 46.7% of the patients. Thirty percent of the patients was admitted for 11 to 15 days. All cases were non Hodgkin`s lymphoma (NHL) which 53.3% were high grade. The most common subtype in the high grade lymphoma was small non cleaved (46.7%).
CONCLUSINOS: Small intestinal lymphoma has no characteristic finding. So, every patients with abdominal pain, abdominal mass or weight loss should be evaluated regarding the small intestinal lymphoma