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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Saffari Marjan | MORADI ERFAN

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    1 (17)
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Identifying the motivations of sports tourists is an essential concept in understanding their behavior and their decision-making process. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the causal relationship between pull and push motives on the behavior of sports tourists: the Mediating role of satisfaction. The methodology of the present research has been applied in terms of purpose, and from the perspective of the method, descriptive-Correlation was specifically based on structural equation modeling using Smart PLS 3 software. The statistical population of the study included sports tourists using water sports of Ramsar. Among them, 298 people were selected by random sampling method with taking into account test power of 90% and utilizing from PASS Software. In the present study, the evaluations related to the face and content validity and convergent and discriminant validity were carried out based on the supporting standard opinions of experts in the fields of marketing and sports tourism, Composite Reliability, Average Variance Extracted, Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio was conducted. Findings indicate a positive and significant effect on the direct path of motivations on the satisfaction and future behavior of sports tourists. The results indicate a positive and significant relationship between pull motivations, there was no significant relationship between pull incentives in relation to the motivation and future behavior of sports tourists. According to the results of the study, the necessity of thinking about measures to differentiate the motivations of sports tourists in recreational sports centers in order to satisfy their satisfaction and positive impact on their behavior towards managers, marketers of recreational centers is suggested.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was to the effect of The Effect of Intellectual Capital is Productivity with an Emphasis on Knowledge Sharing in the Experts of Sports and Youth Departments of Khorasan Razavi Province. The research method is descriptive-correlative and applied and Population of study was all experts of Sports and Youth Departments of Khorasan Razavi Province are 165 of us Due to the limitation of Population, all patients were evaluated In order to collect data, three questionnaires of intellectual capital Bontis( 1998), productivity Hersey and Goldsmith( 1980) and Knowledge Sharing Hesselt (2003), was used. To analyze the data, structural equation modeling and path analysis were used by the PLS SPSS and LISREL software’ s. Also, based on the suggested model can be said that, Intellectual capital with a coefficient of 0. 89 has a significant effect on knowledge sharing and with a coefficient of 0. 58, has a positive and significant effect on productivity. Knowledge sharing with the beta coefficient of 0. 43 has a positive and moderate effect on productivity. The result is that the variable of knowledge sharing will mediate the variable of intellectual capital and productivity in a positive and relative is Mediates.

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The purpose of this study was to design and elaborate an adaptive pattern in the work environment on the job performance of the staff of the Department of Sports and Youth of Khuzestan province with the role of mediator of organizational citizenship behavior. The statistical population in this research is all employees of the General Department of Sports and Youth of Khuzestan Province. A sample of 170 people (130 men and 40 women) was selected using multistage random sampling. The current project is a covariance matrix or correlation matrix (path analysis). The tools used for data collection were Individual Adjustment Questionnaire (Paceentin & Chapman, 2006), Individual Perceived Adaptation Questionnaire (Wagel and Feldman, 2009), Individual Perceived Adaptation Questionnaire-Kabel & Drew (2002), Graham & Deynesh (1994) and Personal Career Performance Questionnaire (1970). The results showed that the individual-organization matching is related to organizational performance with organizational performance. Also, the individual-job matching is related to organizational performance with organizational performance. However, the individual-group adaptation only indirectly increases organizational performance through organizational civic behavior. Organizational civic behavior is also related to job performance. The findings of the path analysis revealed that the structural model has good fitness and all structural relationships in the model are significant at P <0. 05.

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This study aimed to investigate the role of work ethic on job stress and burnout in teachers of physical education in tehran secondary schools. This study is applied and descriptive_survey in terms of objective and method, respectively. The research population includes all Teachers of Physical Education in Tehran Which is about 1500 people in the academic year 95-96 and the statistical sample includes 306 subjects who were selected by simple random sampling method. Three standardized questionnaires were used to collect date: Petty work ethic questionnaire, Osipow job stress questionnaire, and Maslach job burnout questionnaire. The research data were analyzed using structural equation modeling technique. The results showed that work ethic on job stress and job burnout of teachers physical education in tehran secondary schools has significant reverse effect and job stress on job burnout has a positive and significant effect.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose or aim of the role of organizational structure in the use of participatory management in between the workers of sport and youth organization of Hormozgan. The present survey is descriptive and is also done according to correlation and field method. The study population consisted of all male and female employees of all agencie in sport and youth Hormozgan Province using non-random sampling as a purposive sample of 95 individuals were selected as sample for the study. utilized tools of this research were the organizational structure questionnaires of Robin's (1987) and participative management questionnaire derived from Nazari kemishani (1384). the content and validity of which was accredited by 10 professors of sports management in the field of organizational behavior. and its reliability was studied in a pilot study with 30 subjects and calculated as 0. 90 and 0. 87 respectively. To analysis the data, Pearson correlation test, factor analysis and structural equation modeling in SPSS and LISREL used was. The research findings showed that the organizational structure (Complexity, formality and concentration) a significant inverse relationship between the level (P ≥ 0 / 01) there. Effect of participative management complexity 50 percent and reverse (absolute value of a significant number 3/33), Recognize the collaborative management and reverse the effects of the 55%. (Absolute value of a significant number 2/37) and Effect of participative management concentration 89 percent and reverse (absolute value of a significant number 5/14) is. Also the three dimensions of organizational structure by 63 percent Participatory management, explain. So we can say the organizational structure is an important factor in collaborative management and the importance of participatory management the staffs of sport and youth organization of Hormozgan should be considered.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (17)
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The purpose of study was to examine The Relationship Between spiritual intelligence and aggression with mediating role of resiliency in between asian kung fu workers The statistical research to include all athletes in the Games ofAsian Kung Fu. The number of athletes in Kung Fu, in Asian games, about 150 person, including (120 man athlete and 30 woman athlete), that with regard to the limited statistical society study via the census method (total number), the statistical society as a model of statistics were chosen. For accumulation information about this research we used of questioners of Resiliency Connor and Davidson (2003), Aggression Perry (1992), Spiritual IntelligenceKing (2008). To check research model diagnostics structural equations and analyze route via used of LISREL software. research findings, Suggests a significant relationship between spiritual intelligence and level of aggression with role of resiliency in asian kung fu workers. So the result for the enjoyment of spiritual is moving forward up as paramount sponsor technology could decrease chooses aggression ensures.

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    1 (17)
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The purpose of this research was factor analysis the culture makers in promoting culture of sport in Iran. The research methodology was a exploratory mixed method. In other words, first, using the qualitative method, were identified culture makers and physical activities creators, and conceptual model was created, and then, using quantitative Structural Equation Method, Partial Least Squares (PLS) approach, their role was investigated and analyzed. Data gathering tool was a researcher-made five-point Likert questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaire was approved by ten sports management experts. The results of the Cronbach's alpha with a value of 0. 878 showed that the reliability of the questionnaire was acceptable. The statistical population was the people who played a role in creating a variety of sports activities in Iran. 604 questionnaires were answered (n=604). Data analysis was performed using SPSS22 and Smart-PLS software. The confidence level was 95%. The findings showed that at present, families, friends and social institutions, the medical community, the Ministry of Sport and, the national media, have a significant role in promoting the culture of sport in society. But government executives and politicians, religious leaders and scholars, artists, elite athletes and celebrities are passive in promoting a culture of sports. Regarding the findings, it is necessary for sport managers to identify and implement strategies to use the potential of different cultures to promote sport culture.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (17)
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The purpose of this research is to develop a model of knowledge management and strategic thinking based on organizational readiness in the Ministry of Sports and Youth. The statistical population consisted of all employees of the Ministry of Sport and Youth of Tehran (890 people). By simple random sampling, 350 individuals were selected as sample. The research method is quantitative and correlational, and instrumental measurement; organizational preparedness standard questionnaire Ziaee et al. (2011), Hemati Knowledge Management (2010), and Manourian et al. (2012). Validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by 10 experts of sport management and their reliability was Cronbach's alpha coefficient for organizational readiness 0. 78, strategic thinking 0. 83 and knowledge management 0. 75. In order to analyze the data, binomial test and structural equation modeling were used through Smart-PLS software. The results showed that there was a significant correlation between organizational readiness for establishing managerial knowledge and strategic thinking. Also, results showed that KM has a significant effect on strategic thinking. The study of goodness of fitness fit of the model also showed that the structural model of knowledge management and strategic thinking based on the organizational readiness of the brush has a suitable and acceptable (GOF =0. 24). Managers can consider organizational readiness as an indicator of the organization's future success in order to deploy and promote unique strategies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (17)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of mediator of social responsibility in the relationship between professional ethics of managers and Behavioral Citizenship of the fans of football clubs. The research method was correlation and survey. The statistical population of this research was all fans of the national football league in 2017-18, who were present at the Azadi Stadium to watch their favorite football matches. Using the sample size formula for an unlimited society, 320 people were selected as samples. The research Instruments were Eidi professional ethics questionnaire (2016), Bakhshande Social responsibility questionnaire (2012) and citizenship behavior Gruth questionnaire (2005). Collected data were analyzed by inferential methods such as pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation model. Research. results showed a positive and significant relationship between professional ethics, social responsibility citizenship behavior Fans. the output of the AMOS software showed taht structural model is fit. (GFI = 0. 91, IFI = 0. 95, NFI = 0. 96, CFI = 0. 96 & RMSEA = 0. 012). According to results it seems that The social responsibility of the club can act as a mediator between the professional ethics of managers and the citizenship behavior of the fans And professional ethics thus show their effects on the citizenship behavior of supporters.

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    1 (17)
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The purpose of this research is to analyze the factors affecting the behavior of the championship sports managers with the scenario planning approach. The Statistical population included chairmen and vice chairmen of the sports federation of the championship and the National Olympic Committee and the Ministry of Sports and Youth, professors of sport management universities of the country. For statistical sample 32 individuals were selected purposefully. Tools and method of data collection included two questionnaires and one matrix. Impact questionnaire and uncertainty questionnaire. First, among the 64 primary factors, 21 factors were identified, then in the third questionnaire, a 21×21 matrix was completed by the experts and the data were analyzed by the Mick-Mac software. The research findings showed seven factors such as comprehensive program of sports championship, continuous support system, comprehensive system of talent, modern sports places, coaches retraining courses, long term scientific exercises and coaches and athletes performance evaluation system are effective on the behavior of Iranian championship sports managers with a scenario planning approach.

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