Background: Oral contraceptives are a well-known cardiovascular risk factor. The present study Was conducted to determine the effects of contraceptives on cardiovascular risk factors in females participating in the Tehran Glucose and Lipid Study. Materials and methods: It was a cross sectional study. of 15005 females participating in TGLS, 2480 females aged 15-49 years were selected. Different contraceptive methods including OCP, IUD, condom, withdrawal method were recorded. Blood pressure, height, weight, blood sugar, cholesterol, triglyceride. HDL, LDL, and 2-hour post glucose load (75mg glucose) were all measured.Results: Contraceptive methods were withdrawal (48%), OCP (11%), condom (4%), and IUD (5%). 32% have reported no means of contraception. Serum level of cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, and LDL Were within the normal range. Significant differences were found between OCP users and nonusers regarding the FBS, 2-hour post glucose load and HDL (p<0.01). Conclusion: Significant differences in FBS, 2-hour post glucose load and HDL were within the normal range. Our results revealed that OCP is not associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.