Ali Etemadi, Bagher Shamlo, Aman olah Alimoradi, seyed Mehdi Ahmadi e Mosavi Pages 5-24 Judicial authority is the most effective power that ensures the security and comfort of the people by enforcing the law and trust-building among people. In any stage, judicial authority has given the glory to a government and peace and security to its community and nation and One of the most important and influential areas in strengthening judicial authority, which has remained somewhat Neglected in a community, is the moral standards of the nation, because the human qualities and cultivation and self-perfection of the soul are shaped in the light of morality, With some thoughtfulness, we find that law and ethics are inextricably linked, therefore, Kant, a prominent moral scientist after the Renaissance in Europe, tells people in his moral command: "Behave in a manner that your character is as the basis for global legislation. " On the ethics, one of the main slogans of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) was: "I have been designated as a prophet to perfect the moral standards. " If ethical virtues were strengthened in the society people, what we will witness in our society, include of courage, trust, ruth, kindness, good posture, patience, devotion, honesty in the deal, and so on. These and other good ethical traits play an important role in judicial authority, because one of the causes of crime, which ultimately ties to judicial authority, is ethical vices such as bullying, lying, betrayal, greed and oppression