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This study aimed to comparison of morphometric characteristics of otolith in Eleutheroonema tetradactylum، Polynemus plebeius and Polynemus sextarius in the coral reefs of the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. Sampling lasted from March 2014 to April 2015. During this period 52 specimens of in E. tetradactylum, 23 specimens of P. plebeius, and 45 specimens of P. sextarius were cut with diving method. All the fish were identified and their otolith was extracted to verify them. Investigation of otolith morphometric characteristics (length, breadth, weight, perimeter and area) were conducted. Data indicated high correlation between otolith length and otolith weight, fork length and otolith length and between fish length and weight, the highest correlation was observed in E. tetradactylum. The results showed significantly different between otolith weight in P. plebeius with other species (P<0. 05), but not in E. tetradactylum and P. sextarius (P>0. 05). Otolith area shown significantly different in E. tetradactylum with other species (P<0. 05), but not in P. plebeius and P. sextarius (P>0. 05). Otolith perimeter, otolith width and otolith length had significantly different in all species (P<0. 05). This study indicated that P. plebeius can distinguished from other species with using otolith width, otolith length, otolith weight and otolith perimeter, and also otolith area, otolith perimeter, otolith width and otolith length are the factors can use in separation E. tetradactylum from two other species.

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The present study intended to investigate the bioaccumulation of toxic (lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, chromium) and non-toxic (copper, iron and zinc) metals in edible (muscle) and inedible (gills) tissues of Rutilus frisii kutumin the southern coast of the Caspian Sea. The samples of Kutum were caught from 6 sites. Metals extracted from the tissue using nitric acid digestion method. Then the heavy metals were measured using the device for plasma atomic spectroscopy (ICP-AES). The accumulation of heavy metals Pb, Cd, Hg, As, Cr, Cu, Fe, Zn, in muscle 22. 6, 3, 4. 5, 4. 79, 227, 402, 10680, 6843 and in gills 50. 2, 7. 3, 4. 8, 14. 3, 469, 405, 57400, 21323 (μ g /kg) dry weight were respectively. The results showed that metal accumulation was significantly different among the tissues and was found to follow the order: gill>muscle (P<0. 05). Pearsonchr('39')s correlation coefficient showed that the accumulation of As and Cd uptake in tissues had a significant direct relationship with the uptakes with weight and length indicators. Between the accumulation of heavy metals mercury, arsenic, copper, lead, arsenic in the muscle tissues of fish, significant positive correlation was found. Comparison of heavy metals accumulation in muscle tissue was lower from the World Health Organizationchr('39')s declaration of heavy metals, lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, chromium, copper, iron and zinc were 0. 4, 0. 2, 0. 5, 0. 2, 1. 3, 10, 100, 100 (μ g /g) respectively. Therefore, the accumulation of heavy metals in whitefish is very low and this fish is not toxic for human consumption.

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Crabs of the Charybdis genus are one of the most important group of the Portunidae family. But their position in the family has always been debated. In the present study, phylogenic relationship of this family were examined based on CO1 gen. crab samples were collected from the coasts of Chabahar Bay in 2014. After morphological analysis of the samples, DNA was extracted by using the CTAB Method. Polymerase chain reaction was conducted and gene sequence of CO1 determined. Based on morphological and phylogenetic analysis C. helleri and C. lucifera were identified. Based on phylogeny tree the Portunidae family showed a monophyletic relationship and the position of the Charybdis genus in the family with a high boot strap was supported.

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Investigation of the Chlorophyll a (Chl-a) concentration is important for various marine sciences such as marine biology, marine environment, climatology, and oceanography point of views. By examine and monitoring of this parameter it is possible to identify some important phenomena such as algal blooms and upwelling. In this study, satellite data of chlorophyll a concentration from the NOAA database and MODIS Aqua sensor with 0. 05° spatial resolution were monthly collected during 2003 to 2016 in the Persian Gulf and then two important statistics techniques analyses such as global Moran and local Moran were employed. The results of the Global Moran analysis showed that there is strong autocorrelation and clustering distribution of data across all season, where winter season had the strongest and summer the weakest autocorrelation. In order to determine the type of spatial clusters and their location, local Moran analysis were applied. The results of this analysis indicated that higher number of high-high clusters (high concentrations of Chl-a) was belonged to winter season than other seasons. By analyzing the output maps of this analysis, it was found that high concentrations of Chl-a in the winter and spring season are generally formed along the northern coasts of the Persian Gulf. In summer, high concentrations of Chl-a mostly along the southern coast of the Persian Gulf. But in the autumn, high concentrations of Chl-a were observed along all coastal areas of the region. Low-low clusters (low levels of Chl-a) were also formed in the central part of the Persian Gulf. As a conclusion, changes in Chl-a concentration in the Persian Gulf depend on the sea surface currents, river inflows and climatic conditions of the region.

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The purpose of this study was to compare the Biomass variations of zooplankton in the eastern coast of Chahbahar in the summer and autumn seasons. Sampling was done using a 100-micron zooplankton net to horizontally in two summer (Monsoon) and autumn (Post-Monsoon) in 2015 at 8 stations. According to the results, the mean of dry weight of zooplankton was 115. 46± 16. 34 and 23. 45± 2. 26 mg m3 in autumn. Independent T test showed a significant difference between the seasons of summer and autumn in terms of biomass (P<0. 05). There were significant difference of biomass in the sampling stations (P<0. 05) at each seasons. The Maximum and minimum values of biomass recorded at Station 3 (Shipbuilding) and Station 8 (Out of the Beris Port) respectively. According to the results of one-way ANOVA, there was no significant difference of salinity and temperature between different stations in the summer and autumn seasons (P>0. 05). Also, the transparency at station 3 was significantly higher than other stations in summer. According to the results of Pearson correlation, inverse linear relationship were observed between biomass and temperature (r=-0. 796) and salinity (r=-0. 285). Bay are affected by the monsoon and the western winds of the Indian Ocean. Zooplankton density is due to environmental, nutritional and reproductive conditions in different seasons should be.

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A considerable amount of Persian sturgeon fingerlings has been cultured in hatcheries and releases into the Sea annually. High density of these fish in hatcheries and the importance of keeping their health for facing new environment and salinity conditions is a key to understanding the parasitology and pathologic studies. 100 number of 2-3g Persian sturgeon fingerlings were obtained from sturgeon hatchery. Based on histological observation of the gill, the unicellular parasite, Trichodina of Trichodinidae has been recognized. This parasite was observed in gill chamber, spiracle, buccal and pharyngeal chambers of the fingerlings. 15% of studied fish were contaminated to this parasite. Gill damaged by this parasite was especially to the capillaries by bleeding and clot making. Also due to the attachment of this parasite to gill lamellae and the tissue damages of the gill it could be interfere with respiration and osmoregulation of the infected fish.

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Conotoxins, are exocrine toxic peptides from the epithelial cells of the cone gastraopodavenom duct which, for hunting and defense are synthesized. Conotoxins, are neurotoxins or cytotoxin. Neurotoxins, are agents of the pain reliever in animal models and cytotoxin usually introduced as factors of the anti-tumor. Hemolytic activity of the conotoxins extractions of two species Conuscoronatus and Conusfrigidus tested. Sampling was done in Zeiton Park, Qeshm Island. The venom ducts were isolated and then homogenized. The mixture centrifuged at 10000 × g for 5 min. Supernatant was considered as extracted venom. Peptides up and down 10 kDa, were isolated by the filter Falcon MWCO 10000 Millipore. Serial concentrations of crude conotoxin extracts, essences top and bottom 10 kDa were used to examine the hemolytic activity in 96-well plates on human and fish red blood cells. Hemolytic activity of crude and essences up and down 10 kDa were different and only on human blood, hemolytical effects were observed. Crude extracts, in low concentrations, have no hemolytic activity and at a concentration of 1, 000 micrograms per milliliter, the percentage of hemolytic on human blood, was the species 62% and 38% on C. coronatus and C. frigidus, respectively. The extracts top 10 kDa has more hemolytic effects than the extracts less than 10 kDa. The effects of hemolytic of conotoxin extracts is different according to blood type and cytotoxin activities of the extracts were in high concentrations, so cause the presence of peptide neurotoxins pain in these species, they can use in drugs since are not led to damage on red blood cells.

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This study was done for measuring concentration of heavy metals nickel, cadmium and lead in the muscle of Argyrosomus hololepidotus and Rachycentron canadum from the Oman Sea (Chabahar Bay) in spring, summer and fall, 2013. In this study, 48 samples of fish were prepared of coastal and marine from Oman Sea (Chabahar Bay). Metals were extracted from the tissues using wet digestion method and concentration of heavy metals measured by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer Younglin AAS8020. Concentration of Cd, Pb and Ni in the two fish from coastal zone was higher than marine area. Concentration of heavy metals in the muscle of Argyrosomus hololepidotus and Rachycentron canadum in summer was higher than spring and fall. Concentration of Ni in the two fish was higher than Cd and Pb. Concentration of Cd, Pb and Ni in the muscle of Argyrosomus hololepidotus from coastal and marine zone in spring, summer and fall was higher than Rachycentron Canadum. Concentration of Cd and Pb was lower than comparison of FAO, WHO, UKMAFF, NHMRC and FDA, but concentration of Ni was higher than comparison of Global Standards.

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