Although the foundation of the World Trade Organization and its predecessor (GAT) was formed on the basis of international trade, and mainly the subject of import and export tariffs, other issues in this organization were legislated, which directly and indirectly focused on the goals of the organization Have been affected. The main reason for the WTO's entry into these seemingly non-commercial issues has been its direct and indirect impact on the organization's goals, in a way that disrupted the goals of the World Trade Organization, regardless of them. In this regard, many subjects, including intellectual property, government support, dumping, etc., were placed on the agenda of this organization and became regulated. In accordance with this procedure, it is necessary to identify and review other relevant issues that have a significant impact on the goals and functioning of the World Trade Organization, and ultimately they will adopt effective and effective mechanisms and rules at the level of the organization and be implemented in a timely manner. . Among the issues that have a profound impact on international trade and have made the world organization's goals worse, is the subject of labor services. The cost of labor is an important part of the cost of manufactured goods, which, in addition to the human rights aspect, has a fundamental impact on the competitiveness of industrial production. Therefore, due to its close connection with business, economic and human rights issues, it is necessary to regulate it at the level of this organization.