Surfing sites of renowned Iranian firms, it can be recognized that they are just using few of web 2.0 tools such as social networks and RSS for achieving their business goals. Enterprise 2.0 is a new concept and it effects all dimensions of organizations. Therefore getting ready for it before implementing Enterprise 2.0 concepts and technologies in the organization is essential. The goal of this paper is presenting an Organizational Readiness Model for Enterprise 2.0, by which firms can calculate their organizational readiness for Enterprise 2.0. For this purpose, after reviewing literature, an initial model was developed and after asking the opinions of experts, final model was developed. The final model includes 5 stages for Organizational Readiness named Stimulation of Interest, Initiation, Legitimization, Decision to Act, and Action. It is also composed the factors named High market risk, External and social pressure for Enterprise 2.0 adoption, Familiarity with Enterprise 2.0 benefits, Fitness of needs with Enterprise 2.0, Existence or development of Enterprise 2.0 goals and strategies, Alignment of Enterprise 2.0 goals with organizational goals, Positive attitude and tendency of management and employees toward Enterprise 2.0, Senior management support and commitment, Presence of an appropriate organizational culture, Presence of pioneers and champions, Presence of a good and qualified technical team, Presence of a flat organizational structure, Determining the target audience, and Holding Enterprise 2.0 training programs and seminars.