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Objectives: The main purpose of this study is to investigate the elderly cognition of functional limitation, activity limitation, mental disorder and social and demographic characteristics (socioeconomic status, education, working status, sex and age) and their impacts on their self-perceived health status. Also to fit the health status data with Johnson and Wolinsky's model and offering a proper theoretical model for simultaneous assessment of variables were among other objectives of this study. Materials and Methods: Via a descriptive, analytical and cross-sectional study, a survey conducted to investigate the health status of Iranian elderly in the year of 2002. Two approaches were used to explain the self-perceived health status among such elderly: the population health approach and health related indicator approach. Results: The results of statistical analysis showed that elderly who have more functional and activity limitation, their self-perceived health status were weaker than those who had less functional and activity limitation. It is also found that people from lower class who have less income and lower education, have a lower self-perceived health status in compare to those who are from higher class with higher education and more income. Conclusion: Functional limitation, activity limitation, mental disorder, socioeconomic status, education and age are significant determinants of the self perceived health status among elderly.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective Reports are indicating of increasing trend of aging and disability in the developing countries while such disabilities are decreasing within the developed countries. This study designed to evaluate the disability and some of its related factors among the elderly population(65 and older) in Kashan, Iran. Materials and methods A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted on a multi-stage random sample of 350 elderly people(65 year and older) in Kashan . The WHO-DAS-II was used as the generic disability measure. The questionnair had 48 questions. The range of score could be between 0-144. Chi-square, t-test analysis and ANOVA were utilized to check significant differences between subgroups. Results Of the total sample, 61% were men and 12% were living lonely. One fourth had some type of addiction, the majority were ilitrate and two thired had not regular phisycal activity.Twenty percent of the old people had a modereate disability and 4.3% were extremely disabled. A significant relationship was found between the disability and variables such as sex, age, living style, needing help, marriage status, living location, addiction, job, level of physical activity, education, and having multiple diseases. Conclusions In conclusion, geriatric population in Iran, has a lower levels of disability in compare to those of other developed countries. Need of geriatric cares must be be increasing ,since the populationpattern of elderly people is increasing in Iran. Female and ilitrate elders were sufering of more disability. These findings indicated the nessesity to more attention to these voulnarable subgroups of population.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: As attention of the elderly is progressing rapidly in developing countries in recent years, special attention to their mental and physical needs are necessary. The aim of this study was to comparing general health and loneliness between two groups of the elderly, one who live with their families versus those who live in nursing homes in north part of Tehran, Iran. Methods & Materials: This is a cross-comparative research. Sample consisted one hundred eighty elderly, age 65 and over (96 male, 84 female, 103 living in nursing homes and 77 living with their families) with average of 73 years old and standard deviation 8 were selected. The sample was drawn by means of available method. General Health Question (GHQ) and loneliness questionnaires were administered . Data were analyzed by means of two way analysis of variance. Results: Findings showed that there were significant difference between general health of two groups . ( F( 1,176)= 19.53,P=0.0001) ( General health of the elderly living in nursing homes was significantly lower than the elderly living with their families. In addition, results showed that there were significant difference between loneliness of two groups. ( F( 1,176)= 105.5,P0.0001) Loneliness of the elderly living in nursing homes were significantly more than the elderly living with their families. Moreover results showed that there was a significant difference between males and females in loneliness ( F(1,176)=15.84,P=0.0001), also analysis showed that the male elderly had lonely feelings more than the female elderly. Conclusion: Results of this study showed that living with member’s family has positive effect on physical and mental health of the elderly. With respect to psycho-cultural situation of the elderly in Tehran, Iran, living with their family, may be considered as a better place in obtaining a better health and psychological values.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Balance is an index to determine the level of independency of elderly(65 years and older) in their daily activities. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a functional training program on static and dynamic balance of elderly male able-bodied subjects. Materials and Methods: Thirty elderly male subjects (age: 70.83±3 y, weight: 70.60±2.44 kg, height: 1.78±2.28 m) participated in this study where they randomly divided in two control and experimental groups. The pre-test of Sharpened-Romberg (static balance with eyes open and close) and Timed-get up and go (dynamic balance) balance tests applied a day before starting functional training program. Experimental group participated in functional training program three days a week for six weeks. Control group asked to continue their daily activity. The post-test applied afterward. Descriptive statistics, T-test for independent samples and paired sample T-test (a≤0.05) applied for statistical analysis. Results: No significant differences seen in all three balance tests between two groups, but experimental group had better performance than control group in post-test. Paired sample T-test showed significant differences between pre and post-tests in all three tests for experimental group while no differences observed in control group. Conclusion: Due to results, static and dynamic balance among participants of this study is improved as a result of using functional training program. However, further evaluation needed to be done for long-term effects of using functional training program.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: As the most part of geriatric (65 years and older) diabetic care is given at home, family support has an important role in their blood sugar level control care. This study aimed to assess the relationship between family support and blood sugar level control in such elderly suffering type- 2 diabetes. Materials & Methods: Via descriptive- correlative study, one hundred fifty geriatric patients with type- 2 diabetes, who referred to Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism in Iran University of Medical Sciences were selected. Samplings based on nonrandomized and convenience. The questionnaire consisted of three sections: demographic data; glucose-labeled hemoglobin (HbA1C) and received - perceived family support by applying the standard questionnaire of "Diabetes Social Support- Family Version" format. Data were analyzed by SPSS version 15 by using Chi-square and Pierson Tests. Results: Results showed a significant relationship between family support and glycemic control (r=-0.56, p<0.0001). Also there were significant relationships between family support, gender and marital status (p< 0.0001). There were also significant relationships between glycemic control and marital status (p=0.02), financial status (p=0.04) and educational level (p=0.05). Conclusion: Findings of this research added further evidence about the impact of family support on the health of older adults with diabetes. These findings suggest using family centered nursing interventions and collaboration of family members in care of the elderly with type-2 diabetes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Joint supporters can caused increasing proprioceptive information. Such proprioceptive information is needed for balance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of soft knee support on static and dynamic balance tests in male elderly(65 years and older). Materials and Methods: Via a randomized clinical trial study design, 22 elderly were selected and divided into two groups of case and control. Evaluation obtained by applying means of static balance as double leg standing, tandem standing and single leg standing that were executed in three different situations (on firm surface with open eye, on firm surface with closed eye and on soft surface with closed eye). For evaluation of dynamic balance repetitive chair standing, timed walking (twice), functional reach (with open and closed eye) and four square stepping tests were used. ANOVA repetitive measure test is used for comparing case and control performance in balance tests. Results: Findings did not show any difference between different stage of evaluation before and after bracing in static and dynamic balance tests. Comparing case and control groups in dynamic and static test also did not show any significant different. Conclusion: Knee supporters are not advised be used for enhancing balance in the elderly. Furthermore we did not have any postural control limitation in prescribing of knee supporter for other goals.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Globally, gastrointestinal cancers are the most common cancers in the older population aged 65 and older. Due to such high prevalence, this study aimed to provide the incidence rate of these cancers in such population and observe the changing impact of these cancers with increasing age versus young adult (15 to 44) and middle age (45 to 64) groups. Materials and Methods: A population based cancer registry was undertaken register all new cancer cases during a one year period (March 2006 to March 2007). Data were collected by recording consecutive cancer patients from all referral and valid pathology laboratories, hospitals and out patient public and private clinics, diagnostic and clinic laboratories, radiotherapy and chemotherapy centers and death certificates. Results: During one year, 1533 new onset cases were collected in the East Azerbaijan province. Eight hundred twenty four patients (53.8%) were ≥65 years, 522 (34.1%) middle age group and 125 patients (8.2%) in young adult group. Four percent of patients were with unknown age group. In elderly group, 67.2% were male and 32.8% were female. The mean age (±SD) at diagnosis was 73.74±5.64 years for males and 73.39±5.88 years for females. Based on age-standardized rate (ASR), gastric cancer (222.30) in males and esophageal cancer (83.13) in females which were found to be the most common cancers in the elder group. The gastric cancer incidence rate in geriatric males was 3 times higher than females (80.81) of the same group. Colorectal cancer was the third common cancer (63.02 in males and 43.51 in females) and small intestinal cancer (excluding the anal cancer) had the lowest incidence rate among gastrointestinal cancers (3.42 and 3.59). Conclusions: In spite of increasing life expectancy and quality of life in Iran due to increasing of higher quality of life care demands. This study concluded a high incidence of gastrointestinal cancer in geriatric. Since the pattern of population is young pattern in Iran and they will be aged in a few years, gastrointestinal cancers must be look upon as an important issue in this target population. It is essential to emphasis the increasing need for research in different aspects of the prevention and the planning for the treatment of gastrointestinal cancers the elderly.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Among social determinants of health, culture and ethnicity play a key role in defining the needs of different population groups. The aim of this study was to consider and compare the social and leisure time activities of the three elderly groups: Iranian residing in Iran, Iranian residing in Sweden and Swedish residing in Sweden. Methods and Materials: Via the cross-sectional design, 825 Iranian elderly who were living in Tehran compared with 305 Swedish elderly and 101 Iranian elderly living in Stockholm on social relations, group activities and leisure time activities. Only, elderly who could communicate properly entered the study. A structured questionnaire designed by the Iranian and Swedish Research Group on the" Assessment of Social Health Status and Needs" implemented for the subjects. Estimation method and logistic regression used to analyze the gathered data. Results: Subjects of all 3 groups were in the age range of 60-77 years old and mostly were married. Results showed despite very common characteristics, there are, also, many differences which can be explained by cultural and environmental factors. Rapid urbanization, limited resources and unawareness of or disregard for healthy life style resulted in lower levels of satisfaction with social and leisure life in the Iranian elderly. On the other hand, level of activities related to the spiritual dimension of health were more in Iranians than Swedish and the difference was significant (p=0.000), whereas the reverse was true for the group activities (p=0.000). Poor attitude toward physical activity and exercise in Iranian elderly, especially women, with consequent hazards for health, needs special consideration on behalf of the health planners and providers. Conclusions: Needs assessment with trance- cultural approach, especially on social determinants of the health of elderly is a necessity. Using valid and reliable instruments, designed to overcome the cultural barriers would help planners to apply the experience of the aged societies more reasonably, properly and creatively.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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