We do not need to reject the “ method” to assert the thesis that we cannot achieve the truth by any method. Our study, which traces the phenomenological method in Gadamer's work called Truth and Method, unveiled his connection with Husserl and Heidegger. Because convertion and changes of the phenomenological method until it came to Gadamer took a new form in Truth and Method. In our article, although the convertion and change experienced by the phenomenological method is examined, it has been shown that Gadamer’ s connection with this method in Truth and Method and how it applies it. Truth and Method work of Gadamer, which describes the state(s) of the human being exposed to the experience of truth using the phenomenological method, has also been approached from the phenomenological projection. With Husserl, the “ truth” , which started to cease to be the thing standing in front of the subject, began to be semi-hidden in Heidegger's thought and concealed as much as it reveals itself. In both Husserl and Heidegger, the phenomenological method provides our connection with the truth. For Gadamer, “ truth” radically escapes from being the thing standing in front of the subject because he does not have the idea of the subject, but it has taken a structure that is different from the semimystical nature like Heidegger, one foot is in the past and the other is in the present and in the future, which is constantly living and dialogic. Which method did Gadamer adopt in reaching such an idea in his work titled Truth and Method, which mentions the manifestations of this “ truth” in different fields, especially in fields such as art and language, and how did that method reflect in his work? Our study, which put the question to the center, started with Husserl, continued with Heidegger and reached Gadamer. Taking Heidegger’ s philosophy as the mediator it opens the horizon to look at Husserl to Gadamer, from Gadamer to Husserl.