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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Payavard Salamat

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Background and Aim: Web 2. 0 technology has various usages in libraries all over the world. According to studies, however, it seems that this technology is rarely used in Iranian academic libraries. Therefore, the present study aims to determine the level of familiarity with and use of Web 2. 0 tools among librarians working at Iran, Tehran, and Shahid Beheshti Universities of Medical Sciences. Materials and Methods: This is a survey study. The statistical sample included 91 librarians working at the libraries of Iran, Tehran, and Shahid Beheshti Medical Universities. The data were collected through a questionnaire that was graded in the Likert 5 range (very low to very high) and analyzed by descriptive and analytical (one-way ANOVA) statistics using SPSS software. Results: The level of awareness of Web 2. 0 tools among librarians working at the studied libraries was relatively satisfactory with an average score of 3. 13. However, the level of their use for personal activities (with an average score of 2. 89) as well as for professional activities (with an average score of 2. 78) was relatively low. Conclusion: Due to the unsatisfactory level of librarians' familiarity with and use of Web 2. 0 tools, holding training courses as well as encouraging medical librarians to acquire more knowledge and to use these technologies in library services are recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Payavard Salamat

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Background and Aim: This study was conducted due to the increasing importance of ethics in providing nursing care and also due to the role of nurses' moral intelligence in quality of care; meanwhile, the role of authentic leadership (AL) in enhancing the moral intelligence of nurses working in Kerman University of Medical Sciences hospitals was investigated. Materials and Methods: This is a mixed methods research. In this study, after defining nurses’ moral intelligence model qualitatively, the relationship between nurses’ moral intelligence and authentic leadership (AL) was tested quantitatively. In order to study authentic leadership, the AL standard questionnaire of Walumbwa & et al (2008) with a reliability of 0. 917 was used; moreover, a researcher-made questionnaire was used for investigating moral intelligence with overall validity (81%) and reliability (0. 961). The statistical population of the study consisted of 400 hospital nurses selected by stratified sampling method. SPSS20 and Amos24 software, and statistical methods of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis as well as structural equation modeling were used to analyze the research hypotheses. Results: The results showed a positive and significant relationship between AL and moral intelligence of nurses (0. 575). In addition, all components of AL, i. e., selfawareness (0. 322), internalized moral perspective (0. 360), relational transparency (0. 408), balanced processing (0. 394) showed a positive and significant relationship with moral intelligence. Conclusion: Applying suitable strategies for enhancing moral intelligence of nurses and improving the quality of nursing care can have a positive effect on the quality of services. The AL in the hospitals' nursing system is one of the most suitable ways for developing the moral intelligence of nurses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Payavard Salamat

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Background and Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between metacognitive beliefs and individual-social adaptability among Iran University of Medical Sciences librarians. Materials and Methods: The research method was descriptive correlational. The statistical population of this study included 51 librarians of Iran University of Medical Sciences. The research tool was the California Individual and Social Adjustment Questionnaire and meta-cognitive beliefs of Wells and Cartwheel-Hatton. Data were analyzed by inferential and descriptive statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient) and SPSS. Results: The results showed that there was a negative relationship between individual adaptability and the variables positive beliefs about worries, uncontrollability and risk, and cognitive self-awareness. With the variable thought control, the relationship was positive, but there was no relationship with the cognitive reliability variable. Between social adjustment on the one hand and irregularity and risk variables, cognitive reliability, and thoughts control on the other hand the relationship was positive. There was no relationship between social adaptability and positive beliefs about worries. However, social adaptability was negatively related to cognitive self-awareness. Conclusion: Increasing the variable of positive beliefs about worries reduces individual adaptability, but has no effect on social adaptability. Increasing the uncontrollability and risk variable reduces individual adaptability, but increases social adaptability. Cognitive enhancement of librarians is ineffective in individual adaptation, but has a positive impact on social adaptability. Increasing control of thoughts among librarians will increase their individual and social adaptability. Increasing cognitive self-awareness leads to the reduction of the individual and social adaptation of librarians.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Payavard Salamat

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Background and Aim: The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of knowledge management on innovation performance in the pharmaceutical industry, which leads to a sustainable competitive advantage. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of knowledge management on innovation performance in Salamat pharmaceutical investment holding. Materials and Methods: This study is a descriptive-survey applied in terms of data collection method, the statistical population of this research included all the experts and managers of the Salamat Holding Research and Development Unit located in Tehran in the first half of the year 2018. Data were collected through a census, and tools used in this study consisted of standard questionnaire of innovation performance, knowledge management and dynamic capabilities of knowledge management. Data analysis was done by using SPSS and SMART PLS software. Results: The results indicate that R & D, product innovation, process innovation and organization size have a significant correlation with innovation performance, which with R2=0. 98 have been able to predict the behavior of the variable of innovation performance. R & D with ß =0. 466 has the most positive impact on innovation performance. But the hypothesis about the significant effect of knowledge management on innovation performance and, consequently, the moderating effect of KMdynamic capabilities on knowledge management relationships on innovation performance was not valid. Conclusion: Considering the results of this study, thinking about the transformation of traditional business methods into new forms and the provision of a behavioral and cultural context in the implementation of knowledge management is significant.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Payavard Salamat

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Background and Aim: In our country because of the security of production and distribution of medicine, Pharmaceutical producers and distributors are known for profitability. The weaknesses in this industry include low productivity in the raw material supply, inefficiency in Pharmaceutical distribution and increasing corporate finance costs. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify and prioritize the critical success factors in SCM and distribution of the pharmaceutical industry in the country to provide effective decision making in this field. Materials and Methods: The research consists of two phases of library and surveying. In the first phase, by searching in scientific databases, CSFs in the supply chain and distribution were identified and were categorized in 25 dimensions. Based on the Pareto principle 9 dimensions out of 25 divided dimensions became the pairwise comparison in DEMATEL method to determine the impact and effectiveness. The statistical Society of this research is pharmaceutical producers and distributors in 2018. We have used 13 experts in marketing, SCM, and distribution of pharmaceuticals companies as samples. For data analysis, Excel and MATLAB software were used. Results: Senior management commitments, use of information technology and government intervention were the first three influential factors and processes, service quality and trust were the first three effective factors. Also, the most challenging factor was the senior management commitment and the least interactive factor was government intervention. Conclusion: Managers can not consider all the factors; they should invest in influential and challenging factors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Payavard Salamat

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Background and Aim: Methylphenidate (MPH) is one of the commonly used drugs in the treatment of hyperactivity disorder in children. The use of MPH has been associated with increased activity of the central nervous system so may lead to the abuse of this compound. Nicotine is one of the compounds available in a wide range of people in various forms. The negative effects of nicotine on pituitarytesticular axis and spermatogenesis have been reported. In this study, the effects of long-term and simultaneous administration of methylphenidate and nicotine before and during pregnancy in mice on the microscopic structure of testicular tissue in newborn babies were evaluated. Materials and Methods: Adult mice received nicotine and methylphenidate for eight weeks before and during pregnancy. Embryologic indices and microscopic structure of testicular tissue were evaluated in newborn babies. Results: The results showed that embryologic and histologic indices in newborns from treated mice decreased in comparison to control group. A decrease of cellular population of seminiferous tubules and development of some structural changes in seminiferous tubules has been observed in treated groups. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the simultaneous administration of nicotine and methylphenidate before and during pregnancy could induce some structural alterations in testicular tissue in embryonic development and postnatal period.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Payavard Salamat

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Background and Aim: This study aimed to investigate the effect of six weeks high intensity interval training (HIIT) and moderate intensity continuous training on health status in over weight males with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Materials and Methods: Thirty overweight males with NAFLD were randomly divided into three groups included control (n=10), HIIT group (n=10), and continuous training (CT) group (n=10). The HIIT included four sets of two minutes running with a 90-95% heart rate reserve and 3 minutes of active rest between each set; every week, a repeat was added to the workout. Continuous aerobic training included 20 minutes of running with an intensity of 70-85% heart rate reserve, which every week was added five minutes to the workout. Aerobic power, liver enzymes and lipid profiles were measured in serum by valid tools and data analyzed by co-variancetest. Results: After six weeks of training program, the serum levels of ALT, AST, ALP, lipid profiles and degree of fatty liver sonography improved significantly in the experimental groups compared to the control group (P<0/05). Increased HDL and decreased LDL, total Cholesterol, AST and ALT levels in HIIT group were significant as compared to the CT group (P<0/05). The improvement in maximum oxygen uptake was only significant in HIIT group than the other groups (P<0/05). Conclusion: According to the findings, because of more effective effects on aerobic power, lipid profiles and reduction of liver enzymes, HIIT in comparison of continuous training could be a proper alternative for patients with nonalcoholic fatty Liver.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Payavard Salamat

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Background and Aim: The liver, as one of the largest internal organs in the body, is responsible for many vital functions including purifying and purifying blood, regulating the body's hormones, preserving glucose, and the body. Therefore, disruptions in the functioning of these problems will sometimes be irreparable. Early prediction of these diseases will help their early and effective treatment. Regarding the importance of liver diseases and increasing number of patients, the present study, using data mining algorithms, aimed to predict liver disease. Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was performed using 721 data from liver patients from Zahedan. In this study, after preprocessing data, data mining techniques such as SVM: Support Vector Machine, CHAID, Exhaustive CHAID and boosting C5. 0, data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Modeler 18 data mining software. Result: According to the findings, the liver diseases can be predicted by the enhanced C5. 0 algorithm with precision of 94/09, exhaustive CHAID algorithm with precision of 88/71, SVM with the precision of 87/09, and CHAID algorithm with the precision of 85/47. The enhanced C5. 0 algorithm showed the best performance among other algorithms. Conclusion: According to the rules created by boosting C5. 0 algorithm, for a new sample, one can predict the likelihood of a person for developing liver disease with high precision.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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