Introduction: Drought is one of the most harmful environmental phenomena which has a devastating impact on agriculture, environment, economy and society. Drought happens during a period of water deficit in a region due to low precipitation, high evapotranspiration, high groundwater derivation or a mixture of the mentioned factors.Observations from space, especially from the NOAA polar-orbiting satellites, provide a synoptic view, permanent data archive, extra visual information, cost effectiveness, and a regular, repetitive view of nearly all of the earth’s surfaces (Johnson et al. 1993). Hence, remotely sensed data from NOAA’s AVHRR has been commonly used for national to global-scale drought monitoring activities since the 1980s and application of satellite based drought indices of vegetation health (TCI, VCI, VHI ) in drought identifying, analyzing, evaluating and monitoring has been studied world widely (Kogan 1997, Vogt et al. 1998, Seiler et al. 2000, Singh et al. 2003, Kogan et al. 2004, Bhuiyan 2008, Rahimzadeh Bajgiran et al. 2008).