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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Introduction: The largest growth in GHG emissions has come from energy supply, transport and industry, while residential and commercial buildings, forestry (including deforestation) and agriculture sectors have been growing at a lower rate (IPCC, 2007). Aviation’s contribution to climate change is now a topic of considerable interest. Aviation is a comparatively small contributor - a few per cent - to Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, but its growth is rapid (Broker, 2008). Emissions of carbon dioxide by aircraft is about 2% of total anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions in 1992 or about 13% of carbon dioxide emissions from all transportation sources (IPCC, 2007). Therefore, it seems that fuel management in aviation has important role to CO2 emission. This paper focuses on the estimation of consumed amounts of fuel and CO2 emitted to the atmosphere in a case with incorrect fuel management.

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Introduction: Atmospheric conditions are one of the most important and effective variables in agricultural crops production. Being aware of atmospheric conditions and agroclimatic potentialities of different areas, we can make use of resources efficiently and develop the regions. One way for agricultural development is to use lands corresponding with ecological and environmental conditions. Papadakis classification method emphasizes on the agricultural potentialities, crops climatic requirements, and geographic distribution of climates in different regions. Knowledge on the agroclimatic potentialities is very important in optimal crop cultivation, design and management of agricultural system. In this research, Papadakis method is used to investigate the agroclimatic potentialities in three selected stations.

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Drought has significantly affected the environmental and socio-economic conditions in Iran. Three drought indices were used for monitoring drought intensity and duration in Kashafrood basin (northeast of Iran). The standardized precipitation Index (SPI), Precipitation Index Percent of Normal (PNPI) and Agricultural Rainfall Index (ARI) were calculated for the base period (1961-1990). All these indices were used to assess future drought in Kashafrood basin under climate change attributed to low and high greenhouse gas emission scenarios (SRES B2 and A2, respectively) for 3 periods (2010-2039, 2040-2069 and 2070-2100). Projected changes in precipitation, temperature and potential evaporation were simulated by statistical downscaling of HadCM3 outputs. Main results showed: (i) slight increase in precipitation means, around 2.2% to 5.4% under A2 scenario and 6.8% and 8.6% under B2 scenario. (ii) Slight increase in maximum temperature, around 4.6oC to 5.6oC for A2 scenario and 4.25oC and 4.6oC under B2 scenario. (iii) Slight increase in minimum temperature, around 1.6oC to 1.9oC under A2 scenario and 1oC and 2.23oC under B2 scenario. (iv) Higher drought frequency associated with global warming was demonstrated by all indices for both scenarios. Such an increase in drought frequency would have major implications for natural resources management, water security planning, water demand management strategies, and drought relief payments.

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Introduction: Climate is one of the important factors in human life. Now, The human for development of farming, urban and industrial central, increasing of nutrition resource and increasing of information about different climatic regional. Geographer and climatologist determining regional of climatic equal. The study about climate classification shown that climate classification have many method such as experimental, desciptional and classification quantity methods. But now, the application of statistical methods that really puts a lot of climatic factors, which are widely accepted. Khorasan province with an area of approximately 129 000 square kilometers, and it is the fourth of vast provinc of Iran that is have diverse topography and therefore the climate is diverse. Since, about of climatic classification on Khorasan by using multivariate statistical study has been done, therefore in this study has identified areas and also climatically isoelectric significant elements that have shaped the face of climate, are identified.

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Introduction: Dust storms are natural events and are common in the dry land areas. The severe droughts can increase the number of dust storms, particularly during the summer months. Dust storms reduce air quality and may have adverse effects on health, particularly for people who already have breathing-related problems. The most common experienced symptoms during a dust storm are irritation to the eyes and upper airways. The most vulnerable people are infants and young children, the elderly and people with respiratory conditions (e.g. asthma, bronchitis and emphysema) and heart diseases. For these people, exposure to a dust storm may, trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks, cause serious breathing-related problems, contribute to cardiovascular or heart diseases, contribute to reduced life span. Visibility deteriorates very quickly during a dust storm. Low visibility has important effects on transportation. In these days, dust storm is one of the major environmental disasters in the Middle East. Dust storms happen in the Middle East with very high frequency. According to the mentioned dust storm effects, it is vital to study the dust storms in the Middle East. The first step toward the study on of dust storms is to identify the point sources of dust storms. In addition, it is necessary to find the properties and the characteristics of the point sources and to determine the most important regions in Middle East with high density of point sources. Remote sensing is an appropriate tool for these investigations. Many different dust indices have been developed for the dust identification from remotely sensed images. In this study, a new false color composite method is developed for the identification of the point sources of dust storms in the Middle East using the dust indices. Then, the properties of the point sources are determined and finally, the share of different countries in the dust storm generation is investigated.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 3686

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Introduction: According to the urban green space development, water resources reduction, and other various factors, it seems necessary to use of sprinkler irrigation in irrigating the urban green space. There is no clear and principled method to determine the sprinkler system layout of green spaces. Sprinkler layout usually has a triangular or square pattern and is estimated automatically. In this paper, using genetic algorithm, the location of Sprinkler system installation is determined. In order to provide the maximum distribution uniformity.

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Introduction: Understanding the current climate change conditions and planning for the future requires the knowledge of paleoclimatic conditions which has been studied less in Iran. Although there are diverse methods to detect these changes, to select the proper one, the range of time period, environmental conditions and data access should be taken into account.

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Introduction: Precipitation regime refers to the distribution of precipitation over time and depicts the number of cycles per year. Most of the economic activities (e.g. agriculture) in every given region are adapted to the precipitation regime. The change in precipitation regime can affect these activities as it affects water resources. Accordingly, it is important to analyze these changes in every geographical region.A change in the precipitation regime as a change in the temporal pattern of precipitation is one of the effects and results of climate change. This phenomenon is has received much attention from climatology experts. They have studied this phenomenon using many techniques. One of the most important features in analyzing the change of precipitation regime is to study the periodicity of different harmonics. The harmonic number shows the number of cycles during the year. For example first harmonic shows one cycle per year while the second harmonic shows two cycles and … in one year

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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