Introduction: Dust storms are natural events and are common in the dry land areas. The severe droughts can increase the number of dust storms, particularly during the summer months. Dust storms reduce air quality and may have adverse effects on health, particularly for people who already have breathing-related problems. The most common experienced symptoms during a dust storm are irritation to the eyes and upper airways. The most vulnerable people are infants and young children, the elderly and people with respiratory conditions (e.g. asthma, bronchitis and emphysema) and heart diseases. For these people, exposure to a dust storm may, trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks, cause serious breathing-related problems, contribute to cardiovascular or heart diseases, contribute to reduced life span. Visibility deteriorates very quickly during a dust storm. Low visibility has important effects on transportation. In these days, dust storm is one of the major environmental disasters in the Middle East. Dust storms happen in the Middle East with very high frequency. According to the mentioned dust storm effects, it is vital to study the dust storms in the Middle East. The first step toward the study on of dust storms is to identify the point sources of dust storms. In addition, it is necessary to find the properties and the characteristics of the point sources and to determine the most important regions in Middle East with high density of point sources. Remote sensing is an appropriate tool for these investigations. Many different dust indices have been developed for the dust identification from remotely sensed images. In this study, a new false color composite method is developed for the identification of the point sources of dust storms in the Middle East using the dust indices. Then, the properties of the point sources are determined and finally, the share of different countries in the dust storm generation is investigated.