The aim of the persent study was to examine the psychometric properties of the job satisfaction and customers’ satisfaction scales in employees of Irarian bank of Saderat. The method was descriptivesurvey. Two separate questionnaires. Job satisfaction, and customer satisfaction special for Bank of Saderat were including developed. Through a pilot study their psychometric features were calculated. The final questionnaires were administrated on two separate samples including the bank employees (N=873) and the customers (N=350). The samples were selected randomly through stratified sampling method. The results of explanatory Factor Analysis confirmed the initial theoretical structure and extracted seven factors including providing meeting material and non material needs, communication with coworkers and customers, nature of work, with supervisor, responsibility and respect, workplace conditions, and organizational climate. The level of employees’ job satisfaction was in averagelevei. The lowest scores of job satisfaction were found in following factors: organizational climate, meeting material-nonmaterial needs, and workplace conditions. Explanatory Factor Analysis confirmed the theoretical model and extracted four factors in meeting customer satisfaction including satisfaction with staff and the bank procedures, physical conditions of the bank, obstacle, in equipment of the bank services, and obstacles made by human resource for bank services.