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To evaluate the genetic diversity and develop of new chickpea cultivars for autumn planting in the country, 14 genotypes of chickpea including 13 selected lines from germplasm of International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), as well as one check variety, ILC 482, investigated in a randomized complete block design with four replications during two years (2012-2014) in Saral Agriculture Research Station, Kurdistan province. The evaluation of chickpea lines was performed in terms of number of days from planting to flowering and maturity, plant height, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, number of primary and secondary branches per plant, biological yield, harvest index, 100-seed weight and grain yield. Combined analysis of variance showed that there were significant differences between the studied genotypes for days from planting to flowering and maturity, plant height, number of pods per plant, number of secondary branches, harvest index, 100 seed weight and grain yield, and new lines compared to control cultivar had a significant superiority for most of the traits. Based on path analysis, biological yield, harvest index and number of secondary branches had the most direct effect on grain yield. Therefore, to select high-yielding chickpea cultivars in autumn sowing in west highland areas of Iran, these traits should be paid more attention. In addition, FLIP 09-130C line which had higher and significant seed yield than check line (ILC 482), was identified favorable for autumn sowing in Kurdistan province. This genotype had appropriate seed yield and plant height for mechanical harvesting.

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To investigate the effects of salinity stress on canola, ten cultivars of spring canola obtained from Karaj Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, were evaluated in vegetative growth stage in the greenhouse of Payam-e-Noor University of Mahabad, in 2017. The experiment was carried out in two salinity levels of Sodium Chloride (zero (control) and 250 mM) using a hydroponic system. Traits were measured at the end of rosette and before the stem elongation stages, after two weeks of salinity stress. The results showed that in addition to morphological depreciation, salinity stress caused imbalance in ionic concentration, increased Na+ concentration, and decreased K+ and K+/Na+. Meanwhile amount of the electrolyte leakage, proline and glycine betaine was higher under stress than control condition while the RWC was decreased. Generally, the most tolerant and succeptible cultivars were SW5001 and Sarigol respectively. Traits such as plant dry weight, chlorophyll index and K+/Na+ were 10. 89, 41. 53 and 16. 80 respectively in tolerant SW5001 cultivar and were of 8. 70, 38. 10 and 8. 25, respectively in Sarigol succeptible variety. Therefore, there was diversity between the studied cultivars in terms of response to salinity stress, which could be used in complementary studies and ultimately in plant breeding programs.

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To investigate the effect of integrated nitrogen fertilizers (manure and urea) resources and mycorrhiza under water deficit stress on soil chemical properties and biological yield of Purslane, an experiment was conducted in Qom during 2015-2016 growing seasons. Treatments were arranged as a factorial split plot in a randomized complete block design with three replications. A factorial combination of two levels of irrigation (Irrigation at 50% and 70% of available water) and two treatments of mycorrhizal (inoculated and non-inoculated) were assigned as the main plots. The subplots consisted of six different sole and integrated combinations of fertilizers consisting of manure (sheep and chicken) and urea fertilizer (control, without fertilizers, 100% manure, 75% manure+25% urea, 50% manure+50% urea, 25% manure + 75% urea, and 100% urea). Results showed that water deficit stress increased oil content and decreased the electrical conductivity, total nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium of soil, mycorrhiza colonization (30. 3% and 15. 3 %( and biological yield (21. 3% and 17. 7 %( of purslane in first and second year, respectively. Also, manure in combination with urea fertilizer and mycorrhiza increased the biological yield (50% Manure+50% urea) and oil content (25% Manure+75% urea) in purslane leaf and reduced the consumption of urea fertilizer by modifying the negative effects of water deficit stress and increasing the availability of nutrients. Decomposition of halophyte purslane plant residues in soil increased the electrical conductivity and potassium content of the soil. Due to the key role of potassium in fertility and osmotic regulation of soil, it could produce acceptable biological yield in water stress conditions.

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To evaluate the physiological changes and oil yield of common purslane in response to water limitation and foliar application of salicylic and abscisic acids, field experiment was carried out as split-plot based on randomized complete block design with three replications in 2018. Treatments were four levels of water supply (irrigation after 70, 100, 130 and 160 mm evaporation from class A pan) and three levels of foliar application consisted of control (foliar application of water), foliar application of salicylic acid (1 μ molar) and foliar application of abscisic acid (50 μ molar). Irrigation and foliar application treatments were allocated to main and sub plots, respectively. Decreasing water availability resulted in decreasing chlorophyll content (34. 2%); however, proline content of leaves enhanced under limited irrigation conditions. Mean leaf chlorophyll content significantly enhanced by salicylic acid application (9. 6%) and decreased with foliar application of abscisic acid (5. 4%), compared to control. Decreasing water supply led to reduction in anti-oxidant enzymes activity and grain yield. Foliar application of salicylic and abscisic acids caused significant increase in anti-oxidant enzymes activity and grain yield. Oil percentage in the grains of purslane increased (16. 6%) as a result of water deficit, but grain oil yield decreased (70. 1%) with increasing irrigation intervals. Oil yield was significantly enhanced by foliar application of salicylic and abscisic acids. There was no significant difference between the effects of salicylic and abscisic acids foliar application on the most traits except chlorophyll index. Therefore, regarding to beneficial effects of salicylic and abscisic acids on grain and oil yield of pursalane, foliar application of salicylic and abscisic acids are recommended for the study area and the similar regions. This would become more important under conditions where water availability is limited.

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The blast disease with the causal agent Magnaporthe oryzae B. C. Couch and anamorph Pyricularia grisea Cooke Sacc is one of the most important plant diseases in the world. Because of its rapid and destructive release under favorable conditions of relative umidity, it is the main disease of rice. This research was conducted to evaluate the genetic diversity of 53 rice genotypes inclouding Iranian lowland and non-local aerobic rice in terms of resistance to blast disease. The field experiments were conducted in two years as a randomized complete block design with three replications during spring and summer 2017 and 2018. To calculate the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC), sampling was done in five steps from the occurrence of blast disease. After mean comparison, genotype ranking was done by Arunachalam method to determine general resistance. The result showed that Nemat, Sepidrood, IR82589-B-B-84-3, IR82589-B-B-114-3, IR82635-B-B-143-1, IR83749-B-B-46-1, IR81422-B-B-200-4, IR82310-B-B-67-2, IR82616-B-B-64-3 cultivars achived the highest scores, and as a result, they were in the resistant group. Hassan Saraei, Chamapudar, Ghasroldashti, Shahpasad, Domsiah, Anbarbou, Ahlamitarom, Sadri, Rashtisard cultivars with the highest disease severity, received the lowest rating and were classified as highly susceptible and semi-sensitive genotypes. Genotypes were divided into 6 groups based on cluster analysis results and confirmed the results of Arunachalam. Discriminant function analysis considering two groups of Iranian and non-local rice with Wilks' lambda statistics 0. 561 showed a significant difference between two groups (p<0. 001). Based on this analysis, two groups showed the most difference based on infection type, AUDPC and severity of disease in third stage.

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Thyme is one of the most widely used and valuable medicinal plants in the world. To study the genetic diversity, 22 populations of Iranian thyme from four species, T. deanensis, T. Pubescence, T. kotschyanus and T. lancifolius as well as a population of T. vulgaris evaluated by 12 ISSR primers. Ten ISSR primers produced detectable bands with 57 alleles. The highest amount of the PIC (Polymorphism Information Content) was detected in P9 primer with 0. 92 PIC. Primers with AC and AG motifs produced sharper bands. Cluster analysis based on molecular data grouped the populations in two separate classes. The range of genetic distance between populations varied from 0. 03 to 0. 4. Daran-Isfahan population and T. vulgaris revealed the highest (I=0. 43, h= 0. 29) and the lowest (I=0. 16, h= 0. 106) intra-population variation, respectively. The intra-and inter-population diversities contributed 23% and 77% to total Variation, respectively. T. deanensis and T. lancifolius indicated the highest polymorphism with 98. 25% and 77. 44%, respectively while the lowest polymorphism was detected in T. vulgaris (35. 9 %). The intra-and inter-species diversities contributed 10% and 90% to total variation, respectively. Results showed a great genetic variation in Iranian thyme species which could be considered in hybridization and breeding programs.

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Radaei Alamoli Zahra | Jahansouz Mohammadreza | Hosseini Seyyed Mohammad Bagher | SOUFIZADEH SAEID

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Water and nitrogen stress are among the most important factors that reduce wheat yield. To study the effect of water and nitrogen stress on some morphological traits, grain yield and yield components of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L. ) and determination the effective traits on yield, a split-plot factorial field experiment was carried out at Research Field of the School of Agricultural and Natural Resources University of Tehran, Karaj, in 2016-2017, in a randomized complete blocks design with 3 replications. The main factor was water stress at two levels, (No water stress and 40% of water requirement) and the sub factors included the combination of nitrogen fertilizer at two levels (0 and 200 kgha-1 of N) and wheat (Sivand and Pishtaz) and barley (Fajr 30) cultivars. Water and nitrogen stress reduced all traits such as 50 percent reduction in grain yield. In terms of water stress, the highest correlation was observed between grain yield and biological yield, peduncle length, number of grain per spike, spike dry weight and plant (more than 75%). Stepwise regression showed 5 and 3 varialbles significantly explain the variation of yield under normal irrigation stress conditions, respectively. Results of factor analysis revealed that factors justified 98. 4% and 99. 5% of total variance variation under normal and stress conditions, respectively. According to the results, biological yield was the most effective variable on grain yield under water and non-stress conditions; therefore, it could be used as a marker for yield.

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This experiment was carried out as factorial based on a randomized complete block design with three replications at the farm of Urumia University in 2013. Treatments included the cultivation of cover crops (red clover, matter pea, hairy vetch, bitter vetch) along the safflower rows and two control treatments [safflower planting with (control 1) and without weeds (control 2)] as the first factor and the application of organic manure and different amounts of chemical fertilizer systems (high, medium, and low) as the second factor. Results showed that hairy vetch and bitter vetch under different chemical fertilizer systems had the most effects on reducing the relative biomass of grasses and broad leaf weeds. In all the fertilizer systems, the highest seed phosphorus and potassium concentrations, grain and protein yield obtained from safflower plots without weeds or cover crops (control 1). Based on the results, by reducing the use of chemical fertilizers, the role of cover crops with increasing safflower seed nutrients became more pronounced. Use of hairy vetch as the cover crop in an organic fertilizer system increased the grain and protein yield of safflower by 74. 83 and 79. 15%, respectively, compared to plots without weed control (control 2) in a medium fertilizer system. Therefore, cover crops are appropriate tools for weed management in sustainable agricultural systems.

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Because of high levels of fatty acids, sunflower seed is susceptible to deterioration and damages caused by deterioration will reduce the quality of seed and seedling. To compare the effect of sunflower seed (cv. Barzegar) priming with gibberellin and ascorbic acid under two conditions, i. e. before and after the seed deterioration, an experiment was conducted in 2016 in the greenhouse of the Faculty of Agriculture, Lorestan University. The factorial pot experiment was performed based on a randomized complete block design with three replications. The first factor was the application time of priming in two levels (priming before and after seed deterioration) and the second factor was priming treatments in six levels (hydropriming, 50 and 75 ppm of gibberellin, 100 and 150 ppm of ascorbic acid, gibberellin 50 ppm + ascorbic acid 100 ppm and none primed control). Accelerated aging (72 h at 43 ° C and 100% RH) was used to deteriorate the seed. The results showed that priming after seed deterioration in comparison with priming before deterioration was more efficient to improve traits such as seedling emergence and growth rate and seedling dry weight (p<0. 05). However, for other traits such as emergence and seedling root length, there was an interaction between priming time and treatments; for these traits, priming after seed deterioration was generally more effective than priming before deterioration (p<0. 05). Hydropriming after seed deterioration significantly improved percentage and rate of seedling emergence; and 75 ppm of gibberellin could improve seedling growth rate and dry matter accumulation. Therefore, 75 ppm of gibberellin and hydropriming are suggested for improving the quality of sunflower deteriorated seeds.

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Due to wheat cultivation in semi-arid regions of the world, much attention is paid to the production these days and introduction of cultivars that do not have a significant yield reduction during drought condition. The healthy and developed roots increase the efficiency of water and nutrients absorption that increase the yield. In this research, root length and number, total length of roots and shoot in embryo stage, root fresh and dry weights, volume, length, shoot length and weight, number of leaves and tillers and also root traits like fineness, diameter, water content, root length, length density, specific mass, texture density, mass density, surface area and density indices in seedling were measured. Descriptive statistics of traits estimated and genotypes were classified into nine groups based on the root depth and texture density. Also, analysis of variance of different groups was estimated. Based on the results, 20 genotypes had dense and deep roots, the best indices for drought tolerance. Most traits, except embryonic stage traits, showed significant differences among genotypes. Discriminant function was performed and the amounts of functions were calculated for each group.

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Drought is one of the most important abiotic stresses which has serious effects on production and qual. ity of crops and increasing global climate changes make this situation more serious. To investigate the physiological responses of wheat cultivars under moisture constraint conditions, a factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications was conducted at the Research Farm of Agricultural and Natural Resources College of University of Tehran in 2014-2015. Treatments included three cultivars of wheat recommended for the region (Pishtaz, Sivand and Parsi), and four moisture regimes (70, 90, 110 and 130 mm cumulative evaporation from evaporation pan). There was a significant interaction between the cultivars and moisture regimes in terms of leaf area index and activity of catal. ase enzyme, So that, Sivand cultivar with an average of 436 cm2 had the highest leaf area index and Pishtaz cultivar with 0. 12 mg/min, had the highest activity of catal. ase enzyme. The results showed no significant difference in soluble carbohydrate contents. In contrast, Pishtaz cultivar had the highest mean remobilization of soluble carbohydrates and remobilization efficiency (362 mg and 91/1%, respectively). Moisture regimes also had different effects on the studied traits; so that, increasing the irrigation interval from 70 to 130 mm cumulative evaporation resulted in reduction of leaf area, stem length and carbohydrate storage and increase in the spad, the amount of remobilization of soluble carbohydrates, remobilization efficiency and activity of antioxidant enzymes.

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It is important to determine the optimum nitrogen and plant density to increase linseed quantitative and qualitative yields, nutrients uptake and nitrogen use efficiency. Therefore, this experiment was conducted to achieve the best nitrogen and plant density combination in linseed. The experiment was conducted in Yasouj University, Iran, as a split plot based on a randomized complete block design with three replications in 2016. Treatments were nitrogen as main factor in five levels (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 kg N ha-1) and density as sub factor in three levels (50, 100 and 150 plant m-2). Maximum seed oil yield (982 Kg ha-1), seed yield (2525 Kg ha-1), grain protein (33. 5 %), seed mucilage (7. 4%), seed phosphorus (0. 41% ) and potassium (2. 85%) were obtained from 100 kg N ha-1 at the density of 100 plants m-2. Maximum nitrogen use efficiency (79. 5 kg kg-1) was obtained in 25 kg N ha-1 and 150 plants m-2 treatment, however the minimum (20. 4 kg kg-1) obtained from minimum plant density and maximum nitrogen. Generally it is suggested the 100 plant m-2 density and 100 Kg ha-1 nitrogen to produce high linseed yield quantity and also quality in Yasouj region.

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Chia (Salvia hispanica) seeds are so interesting for farmers and researchers and farmers due to their high nutritional value. However, Chia response to environmental factors has poorly been studied. In the present study, the chia response to waterlogging intensity at early growth stages was studied under a factorial experiment with three replications. The experimental treatments were five periods of waterlogging (0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks) occurring at different growth stages of Chia (i. e. seedling emergence as well as 2, 4, 6 and 8 leaves stages). Results showed that the waterlogging intensity had a significant interaction effect with the time of the waterlogging occurrence. Leaf number, area and dry weight and root dry weight were strongly reduced by waterlogging while stem growth, height and root volume showed a lower depression. The increase in shoot/root weight ratio in water logging showed the more sensitivity of root to waterlogging. It was observed that the leaf antioxidant capacity was increased by waterlogging during first two weeks and thereafter was diminished while it descended in root after the first week. Totally, the antioxidant activity of leaves was more than roots. Generally, the most chia growth reduction was observed after four weeks of waterlogging and the seedling emergence stage was the most sensitive stage responding to waterlogging stress. After seedling emergence, the chia tolerance to waterlogging was increased; so that it could tolerate the waterlogging for at least one week. In addition, the chia tolerance to waterlogging was commensurate with its antioxidant activity.

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The Identification of the factors affecting the yield and edible quality of spinach (Spinach oleracea L. ) and their interaction with the environmental conditions are the most important issues in crop production management. In this experiment, the effect of three levels of plant density (71, 45 and 33 plant m-2), six levels of nitrogen fertilizer (100, 200, 250, 300, 350 and 400 kg urea ha-1) and control on yield, growth indices and quality of spinach was evaluated in the field condition. These experiments were carried in 2014-15 and 2015-16, in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. The results showed that interaction effects of nitrogen fertilizer and plant density and year only had Significant effcet on nitrate content (P<0. 001). Nitrogen fertilizer increased biomass, yield, growth parameters like leaf area index, crop growth rate, and qualitative parameters like nitrate content, potassium percentage, chlorophyll a, b and total traits while had not significant effect on net assimilation rate and relative growth rate. Interaction effects of plant density and year had a significant effect on all traits except potassium percentage (P<0. 001). The increase in plant density led to increase in the biomass, leaf area index and nitrate content but chlorophyll content was significantly decreased. It is suggested that in autumn cropping in Karaj region, and under high light and temperature conditions, 71 plants m-2 and 250kg urea ha-1 could be better to estimate the aims of economic profitability for highest yield and maintaining a healthy level of nitrate in the plant tissue.

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Seed dormancy in Apiaceae family is one of the major obstacles for cultivation and domestication of these species. In this research, two separate experiments were conducted to determine the best treatment for breaking seed dormancy and improving germination in Smyrnium cordifolium Bioss. In the first experiment, effects of three factors including 7 levels of gibberellic acid (0, 500, 1000 and 1500 mg L-1) with pre-treatment with gibberellic acid for 48 and 72 hours and 3 levels of stratification (4, 8 and 12 weeks) and different germination temperatures (5, 10 and 15° C) were investigated in a factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design with four replications. In the second experiment, the effect of different levels of gibberellic acid (used in the first experiment) in different levels of stratification (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 weeks) on the α-amylase activity and hydrogen peroxide content were studied. The results showed that in all three temperatures, 12 weeks stratification had the highest effect on most measured traits. Also, in most of the stratification periods, the amount of alpha-amylase activity and hydrogen peroxide content increased in pre-treatment with gibberellic acid. Among all the treatments, the combination of 12 weeks stratification along with 500 ppm gibberellic acid and germination temperature of 5 ° C had the highest effect on breaking seeds dormancy of Smyrnium cordifolium Bioss.

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