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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Mali Shahriar | Sareban Hassanabadi Mohammad Taghi

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Introduction: One of the important complications of peripheral venous catheters is suppurative thrombophlebitis that would be life threatening without treatment. In this report, we introduce a patient who developed purulent thrombophlebitis due to venous catheter in the upper limb after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Multiple abscess formation was developed on her upper limb after the third day of coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG). The limb was fatty and edematous; therefore, the abscesses were drained by multiple small incisions. Wounds managed to be closed as secondary wund healing. Three weeks later the patient discharged with good condition. It seems that venous excision can be avoided in some cases involved by suppurative thrombophlebitis.

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Introduction: Nowadays the use of cone beam computed tomography in dental imaging is increasing, although this method has a much lower dose than conventional CT scans, it delivers a higher dose than the panoramic and periapical patients therefore, , the aim of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the patients' dose in dental CBCTs and methods of optimizing and reducing the patients' dose. Various factors such as the use of thyroid collar, lead goggles, field size, device type, imaging parameters such as tube voltage and current, alternating or pulsed radiation; type, amount and shape of the filter, 360 degree or partial rotation of tube and scan time, can affect the absorbed dose of the patient in dental CT scans. Among these, the use of thyroid collar (42% reduction), lead goggles (6% reduction), the smallest possible field of view ( up to 90%), pulse irradiation, patient sitting position and 180 o rotation angle instead o of 360 (more than 50% reduction) cause significant reduction in the organ doses and effective dose of the patients. It should also be kept in mind that measures taken to reduce the patients' dose should not impair image quality and, depending on the patient's condition, the radiographer will select the dose reduction parameters without degrading the image quality.

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Introduction: In the recent years, attention to the use of probiotic drugs and probiotic food products, due to probiotic's functional and health properties has been increased. The storage and the viability of the probiotics in the products and passing through the gastrointestinal tract was always a big challenge. Drying is one of the functional and important choices that can be used for stabilizing microbial species and makes the bacterial usage easy. Among different microencapsulation methods, spray drying is one of the important drying methods that can be used in industrial scale and size. Optimizing the effective parameters on the cultivation and separation of probiotic bacteria, the most important and challenging parameters of spray drying that have influence on probiotic products, and choose of the best wall materials for the cores, are the most important and challenging factors that are necessary for optimizing the microencapsulation in industrial scale. In this review article, the factors affecting the survival and resistance of bacteria in the stage before entering the spray dryer and the factors affecting the survival of probiotic bacteria during the drying stage are discussed. In addition, the important criteria for selecting microfiber wall materials and the tests that are often performed on probiotic microfiber resulting from spray drying have been examined.

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Introduction: In addition to its protective role, dressings not only prevent infection, but also accelerate wound healing process. In this study, the influence of optimizing the properties of the calendered needlepunched nonwoven fabrics using the finishing materials of Honey, Aloe Vera, Chitosan and Nano Argentum Nitrate for the end-usage as dressing has been investigated. Methods: The prepared samples of the needle-punched nonwoven fabrics were firstly calendered and then, tested for the fundamental expected physical characteristics in the dressing purpose, i. e. crease recovery magnitude, air permeability, etc. in order to distinct initial optimized sample. In the following, the antimicrobial finishing process was carried out on the primary sample by the four studied finishing materials. The finished samples were finally analyzed simultaneously from the antimicrobial aspect and also, for the same physical properties of the dressing, as tested before, to distinguish the ultimate optimized sample. The bacteria of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli (E. coli) were also employed for antimicrobial tests. Results: The results demonstrated that combination of four finishing materials of Nano Silver 1%, AloeVera 20%, Honey 7% and Chitosan 1% improved desired properties for wound dressing application in comparison to the other samples from one side and, showed no cellular toxicity and allergy from the other side. The FTIR's results also implied stretching bonding of hydroxyl group in 3200-3400 wavenumber. Conclusion: The needle-punched nonwoven fabric finished by the recommended antimicrobial materials can be considered as wound dressing, regarding to sufficient physical properties and hygienic condition.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Obesity and overweight are common among Iranian women. The relationship between these anthropometric indices, depression and quality of life has been studied before; however, there is different relationship between these variables according to age group, sex and socioeconomic status. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between anthropometric indices and quality of life with depression in employed women aged 25-40 years in Yazd city. Methods: This analytical cross-sectional study was carried out based on the obtained data from the first phase of YAHS, which was conducted on 10000 adult residents at the age of 20-69 years in Yazd City during 2014-2015. From the total sample of YAHS study, 275 women aged 25-40 years were employed in the public sectors whose data were analyzed. Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) questionnaire, as well as the quality of life (SF-8) questionnaire were used. All data were analyzed using logistic regression and SPSS software ver. 16. Results: There was a significant relationship between depression and the quality of life in terms of education (P=0. 01), but there was no relationship between anthropometric indices and depression in terms of education (P>0. 05). There was no significant relationship between depression with quality of life (P=0. 234), waist circumference and hip circumference in terms of economic status (P>0. 05). However, in those with good socioeconomic status, there was a significant relationship between the variables of BMI and the possibility of depression (P=0. 02). In the single group, there was a significant relationship between the waist circumference and the chance of depression (P=0. 03( Conclusion: In general, by increasing BMI, depression increases. People with a lower quality of life are more likely to have depression than those with a better quality of life. Further studies are needed on the relationship between obesity and depression in women, as well as possible related factors, such as occupation, satisfaction with body shape, and sedentary lifestyle.

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Introduction: Estimates show that about 3-7% of all couples or women around the world have an unsolved infertility problem. Interleukin-17 (IL-17) is a pro inflammatory cytokine involved in the expression of many inflammatory mediators. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between (rs2275913G/A) IL-17A gene polymorphism with infertility in women. Methods: This case-control study was carried out on 200 patients with infertility and 200 healthy individuals whose conditions were confirmed by an infertility specialist. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood using the Salting Out method and K Proteinase. To examine the position of rs2275913 polymorphism the RFLP-PCR method was used. Data were statistically analyzed using SPSS software Ver. 20, Chi-square and Hardy-Weinberg tests. The P-values ≤ 0. 05 was considered significant. Results: The results showed that allele A at position rs2275913 had a significant correlation with infertility (P = 0. 000). It was found the patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome (P = 0. 02) and Falobian tube disorders (P = 0. 03) showed a significant relationship with rs2275913 Polymorphism. Conclusion: According to the results, it appears that the rs2275913 polymorphism of IL-17 gene is related to the infertility in women.

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Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of backward gait training protocol on ground reaction forces in Patients with medial knee Osteoarthritis. Methods: This quasi-experimental study was performed with a pretest-posttest design in two groups of healthy and unhealthy and the experimental group (participants with medial knee osteoarthritis). The participants were 21 healthy and 42 unhealthy men with knee osteoarthritis who were divided into two experimental and control groups according to the Kellgren and Lawrence radiologic scale and the visual analogue scale. The experimental group performed backward gait training for six weeks. Two Kistler force plates (1000Hz) were used to measure parameters by Vicon Nexus 1. 8. 5, Polygon 4. 1. 2 software. For statistical analysis One-Way ANOVA test was used through SPSS, version 20 (p≤ 0. 05). Results: Before training, there was a significant difference between the groups of the patients and healthy participants for the first peak of vertical (Fz1) and vertical valley (valley), braking force (AP1), propulsive force (AP2) of ground reaction forces (P<0. 05). The training protocol had a significant effect on increasing propulsive force (PPre=0. 021, Ppost=0. 068) and braking force (PPre=0. 022, Ppost=0. 077) in the experimental group compared to the healthy group; and there was no significant difference between the groups after training compared to pre-exercise (baseline). Exercise did not affect on the components of vertical force. Conclusion: Loss of braking-pushing forces and first peak of vertical ground reaction force (Fz1) could reflect limb pain or poor performance. Backward gait training protocol had a significant effect on brakingpushing forces.

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Introduction: In the lung cancers, a computer-aided detection system that is capable of detecting very small glands in high volume of CT images is very useful. This study provided a novelsystem for detection of pulmonary nodules in CT image. Methods: In a case-control study, CT scans of the chest of 20 patients referred to Yazd Social Security Hospital were examined. In the two-dimensional and three-dimensional feature analysis algorithm, which were suspicious areas of pulmonary nodules and automatic diagnosis for evaluation, and the area segmentation results by active contour model, were compared with the results of the donation by the physician. Finally, to categorize the areas into two groups of cancerous and non-cancerous helping the MATLAB software Ver. 2014 b using Support Vector Machine (SVM) with three linear kernels, cubic polynomial and a kernel of the radial base function and repeated measurements test were analyzed at level of P≤ 0. 05. Results: The mean error for 10 cancer patients and 10 healthy individuals was 0. 023 and 0. 453, respectively and the best results were obtained using the RBF (Radial Basis Function) kernel algorithm and the σ = 0. 28 parameter for it. Using the local area-based active contour model, the zoning time was reduced from 18. 66 to 5 seconds on average and the calculated distances were calculated to be less than or equal to 0. 75 mm; which indicates an increase in the speed of identification of high-precision pulmonary nodules. Conclusion: In the proposed algorithm, the amount of false positive error and the time of identifying the nodules were significantly reduced and all areas suspected of being cancerous were identified with high accuracy and speed.

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