Education is a very complex and sensitive issue, and the sustainability of a society depends largely on the efficiency and effectiveness of the education system. If the education system can properly fulfill its mission of individual and social development, it will also provide a favorable environment for cultural, economic, political and social development in society. It goes without saying that a great deal of the complexity and sensitivity of the education system goes back to the competencies of senior education managers. One of the challenges of HRM in organizations, especially in education, is how to select and promote managers. In this regard, the evaluation process process is used as a guideline for evaluating and effectively developing competencies in workplace-like conditions. Therefore, the present study was designed to identify the competencies of higher education managers and to present managers' competency models for use in evaluation centers. Mixed research approach was used to conduct the study. The research population in the qualitative section was all experts, professors and senior managers in the field of education, who were interviewed with 17 experts using snowball based sampling and the statistical population was all of the education managers in Tehran. 462 individuals were selected using cluster sampling method. The research instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire in the quantitative phase. Its validity was confirmed by experts and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha test. Semi-structured interviews were used in the qualitative part. In the second step, quantitative method was used in descriptive-analytical method. Based on this, competencies of education managers for use in evaluation center were identified and then the model of competency of higher education managers for use in evaluation center was presented. To estimate the validity of the proposed model, second-order confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling with partial least squares method were used. The results showed that the components of the model of education managers competency for use in the evaluation center are: knowledge competence, professional competence, personality competence, executive performance competence, leadership and guidance competence, communication competence and perceptual competence.