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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Aims: Coronary angiography is a stressful procedure for patients, and about 80% of the patients have expressed their anxiety before angiography. The current study aimed to compare the effects of virtual reality and rhythmic breathing on the anxiety of patients undergoing coronary angiography at the hospital of Ali-Ibne Abitaleb in Zahedan City, Iran, in 2019. Methods & Materials: This clinical trial study was performed on 90 patients hospitalized in the Cardiac Care Unit of Ali-Ebne Abitaleb Hospital in Zahedan in 2019. The study subjects were selected by convenience sampling method and randomly assigned into three groups: virtual reality, rhythmic breathing, and control. Anxiety was measured before, half an hour, and one hour after the intervention by Spielberger questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed in SPSS V. 16. Data analysis was performed by repeated measures ANOVA and the Chi-square tests at a significant level of 0. 05. Findings: The Mean± SD scores of the anxiety of the research samples before the intervention in the virtual reality, rhythmic breathing, and control group were 57. 56± 7. 82, 57. 10± 6. 49, and 56. 33± 6. 74, respectively. The Mean± SD scores of the anxiety of the research samples 1 hour after the intervention in the virtual reality, rhythmic breathing, and control group were 42. 30± 7. 46, 47. 46± 6. 14, and 55. 93± 6. 47, respectively. The repeated measures ANOVA showed a significant difference between the anxiety in the three groups during the intervention (P˂ 0. 001). This difference was between the control group with the virtual reality group (P˂ 0. 001) and the rhythmic breathing group (P=0. 004). Thus, reducing the research samples’ anxiety during the intervention was significantly more in the virtual reality and rhythmic breathing group than the control group. Conclusion: The results showed that virtual reality and rhythmic breathing lead to reduced anxiety in patients undergoing angiography. The application of these methods is suggested as they are non-invasive, inexpensive, without complications, and easy to implement.

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Aims: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and the first cause of cancer death. This study aims to determine the relationship between psychological wellbeing and psychological hardiness with the mediating role of social support in women with breast cancer. Methods & Materials: This research was a correlation study based on Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The study population consisted of women with breast cancer living in Mazandaran Province, Iran, in 2017. For this study, a sample of 236 patients with breast cancer was selected by the random sampling method. Then, Ryff psychological welfare questionnaire, Ahvaz hardiness inventory, and Berlin social support scales were administered to them. The obtained data were analyzed using the SEM. Findings: The correlation between variables of psychological wellbeing and psychological hardiness with social support was significant (P<0. 001). Fit indices indicated an appropriate fit for the proposed model (P<0. 05). There was also a significant relationship between psychological hardiness and psychological wellbeing through social support (P<0. 05). Conclusion: Considering the importance of preserving and improving the quality of life of patients with breast cancer, the evaluation of psychological hardiness, and social support with psychological wellbeing, and proper intervention to improve the mental health of these patients, is recommended.

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Aims: Disability reduces the independence and quality of life in the elderlies and it increases their independence and causes increased need of support, more admittance in nursing homes and early death. The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of disability and its relationship with the demographic characteristics. Methods & Materials: This cross-sectional (descriptive-analytical) study was performed on 470 elderly people aged 60 and over living in Gonabad by random stratified sampling. Data collection tools included a demographic profile questionnaire and a standardized questionnaire from the WHO to assess disability in the elderly. The data collected were analyzed using SPSS software version 14. 5 and the Kai Scoyer test and ranked logistic regression. Significant levels of less than 0. 05 were considered. Findings: 35. 6% of the elderly had very low disability, 40. 6% had low disability, 15. 2% had moderate disability and 8. 6% had severe disability. Age (P<0. 001), sex (P=0. 03), literacy level (P<0. 001), and background history (P<0. 001) were significant predictors of elderly disability. Conclusion: There is a relationship between disability and its level with aging. According to the growth in elderly’ s population, paying attention to health and reducing disability and promoting their life’ s quality is necessary.

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Aims: Accidents are the leading causes of hospitalization and death. This study investigates the prevalence and causes of accidents recorded in Gonabad City emergency hospital service using the Pareto chart from 2016 to 2018. Methods & Materials: This descriptive and analytic study reviewed about 12281 emergencies recorded during 2016-2018, and the key variables such as the number of incidents, causes of incidents, age, gender, and time of incidents were collected for transport and non-transport incidents. Data analysis was performed using a Pareto chart in Minitab V. 16, SPSS V. 18, and EXCEL 2010. Findings: Based on the results, the highest rate of the incidents (542 cases) was related to falling and the lowest related to chemical and electrical burns with one case. Also, most complaints were related to accidents. In the present study, the rate of road accidents was higher than the street and urban accidents (8142 and 4208 cases, respectively). The most frequent accidents were related to motorcycles (748 cases) and then light vehicles (744 cases). The number of accidents that occurred in September and April is higher. Most male victims of accidents were between 16 and 20 years old. Conclusion: Since incidents related to the fall and clash with the mechanical force have the highest prevalence, it is necessary to allocate more financial and human resources to prevent such accidents. Because most admissions to emergency hospital services are related to accidents, and the rate of road accidents is high, it is essential to investigate the causes of accidents. Then, it is possible to raise public awareness to respect the safety regulations while driving and increasing the quality of roads.

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Aims: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is one of the severe psychological health problems imposing considerable social and economic costs on society. OCD debilitating symptoms can disrupt interpersonal relations, job performance, and life quality. The purpose of this study is to investigate the mediating role of alexithymia in the relationship between coping strategies and personality traits with OCD. Methods & Materials: This is a descriptive correlational study. The study population consists of all people with OCD referred to psychiatric clinics in Kerman City, Iran, during 2018-2019. Of this population, 200 patients were selected using a convenience sampling method. Research instruments included the ways of coping questionnaire, NEO five-factor personality inventory, Toronto alexithymia scale, and Maudsley obsessive-compulsive test. The obtained data were analyzed using the Pearson correlation test and simultaneous and hierarchical regression in SPSS V. 23. Findings: Personality traits had a negative significant correlation with alexithymia (r=0. 523, P<0. 000) and OCD (r=0. 253, P<0. 000). Alexithymia had a significant positive correlation with OCD (r=0. 272, P<0. 000). There was no correlation between problem-focused coping and alexithymia (r=-0. 045, P<0. 531). There was a positive correlation between emotion-focused coping and OCD (r=0. 198, P<0. 000). The fit indices indicated a good fit of the proposed model (P<0. 005). Conclusion: Alexithymia, as a mediator of the relationship between coping styles and personality traits with OCD, plays an essential role in improving the psychological health of people with OCD

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Aims: Type 2 diabetes is a rising problem and a significant risk factor for small and large vessel disease. The present study aims to investigate the effect of a 6-week aerobic exercise program on High-mobility Group Box 1 (HMGB1) gene expression in aortic tissue of diabetic rats. Methods & Materials: In this experimental study, 40 male rats aged 8 weeks were randomly selected. Once familiarized with the exercise protocol, they were divided into four groups of healthy-control (n=10), diabetic-control (n=10), healthy-exercise (n=10), and diabetic-exercise (n=10). Type 2 diabetes was first induced, and then the rats run on a treadmill for 6 weeks, 5 sessions per week. After 12-14 h of fasting and 72 h after the last session, aortic tissue sampling was performed for HMGB1 analysis by quantitative realtime polymerase chain reaction (q-RT PCR) technique. Data analysis was performed using 1-way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test at the significant level of P<0. 05. Findings: Induction of type 2 diabetes led to a significant increase in HMGB1 gene expression in rats (P=0. 001), significantly reduced following aerobic exercise (P=0. 003). Aerobic exercise also reduced the expression of the HMGB1 gene in healthy rats (P=0. 000). Conclusion: Aerobic exercise may have a protective effect by reducing the HMGB1 gene expression in the aortic tissue of diabetic rats. It can be used as an effective non-pharmacological method to improve diabetes-induced inflammation and prevent vascular disorders.

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Aims: Hemostasis and serum levels of adipokines in the body are affected by physical activity and overweight. The present study investigates the effect of the Pilates exercise program on serum levels of resistin, visfatin, and chemerin in overweight women Methods & Materials: In this quasi-experimental study, 28 women with overweight voluntarily participated and were randomly divided into two groups of exercise (n=14) and control (n=14). The Pilates exercise program was presented to the exercise group for 8 weeks, 3 sessions per week, while the control group performed no exercise. Blood samples were taken before the intervention and 48 hours after the intervention in a fasting state to measure the serum levels of resistin, visfatin, and chemerin. The t-test was used for intra-group comparison and ANCOVA for inter-group comparison of the variables. The obtained data were analyzed in SPSS V. 23, considering a significance level of P<0. 05. Findings: After 8 weeks of Pilates exercise, serum levels of resistin (P=0. 001), visfatin (P=0. 045), and chemerin (P=0. 009) decreased significantly compared to pre-test values. A significant reduction in serum levels of resistin (P=0. 005), visfatin (P=0. 034), and chemerin (P=0. 025) were also reported compared to the control group. Conclusion: It seems that Pilates exercise can reduce resistin, visfatin, and chemerin levels in overweight women and can be considered as an appropriate exercise program to control the health and physiological conditions of overweight women.

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Aims: Stress is one of the significant factors contributing to the onset, exacerbation, and recurrence of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) that imposes high costs on society and people. The present study aims to assess the role of spiritual intelligence, sense of coherence, and cognitive flexibility (internal resources) in predicting perceived stress in patients with MS. Methods & Materials: In this descriptive/correlational study, 156 patients with MS were selected as samples using a convenience sampling method. The participants completed the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory (SISRI), Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC), and Cognitive Flexibility Inventory (CFI). The collected data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (stepwise regression analysis) in SPSS V. 24. Findings: Transcendental awareness (a component of SISRI), meaningfulness (a component of SOC), and perception of controls and alternatives (components of CFI) predicted perceived stress in MS patients. Conclusion: In stress management program, internal resources education can help reduce perceived stress in patients with MS.

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