Introduction: The cochlea is a part of the inner ear in terms of anatomy, and it is a part of the sensory mechanism in function. The cochlear implant is usually done on people, especially children, who suffer intensely from sensory-neural hearing loss and those who cannot use hearing aids. By cochlear implants, the hearing ability will return to them. Thousands of people in Iran have already done the cochlear implant. Based on the span of cochlear implants and the number of people who have done this surgery, and the lack of law in this field, the hearing system-related crimes about these people have not been checked legally. Conclusion: According to the definition of an organ, the cochlea is considered an independent organ due to its function. In a cochlear implant, in contrast with a cochlear transplant, the implantation of non-biological tissues or organs is performed, whose legal effect of crime is different with organ transplant. Since the cochlear implant device does not have biological life, there is no infinite analogy between the criminal and the victim's ear, and the verdict is similar. According to the fact that after the implant surgery, the hearing ability of the victim will return to its normal form if the crime happens, based on the articles 570, 566, and 682 of the Islamic penal code and according to the held referendum, heavy damages including financial guarantee, compensation of hearing benefit, Arsh of felony and Arsh of loss of function are set as punishment.