The exact purpose of the NGOs (civil societies) is not clear and so the variety of NGOs (civil societies) may be in the form of various associations, organizations, institutions, foundations, institutes, cooperatives, clubs, groups and staff. Considering that these enterprises as independent entities and no dependence on the government and play a role for voluntary and non-profit and non-political purposes for the existence, so crime prevention plays a very to have an effective and in reducing crime and making them especially the role of prevention. NGOs (civil societies) through dissemination and public notification (communication), attracting public partnership (general mobilization), small grassroots fundraising and resources (resource mobilization), creating expanding and strengthening of coordination between the state that continues still, expanding the general monitoring and evaluation activities, increase efficiency in the use of resources to act in the normalization between the three topics of, popular participation,, mobilization of resources, and, monitoring and evaluation, and the importance of their role in the matter of high prevention plays a very noteworthy to say the failure of social deviations began fighting approaches and prevention of crime has caused the recent governments of about half a century to adopt participatory approaches in criminal policy, especially on the prevention of crime. This is the approach that it calls "criminal policy" that will be remembered for a participatory which means the company is giving people in various stages of the criminal justice system. One of the templates for the turnout in the field of crime prevention is the non-governmental organization because of the systematic, objective and being specialized of the effectiveness and the impact of a large enterprise.