Introduction: Life in the modern cities takes shape through interaction with various environmental, socio-economic, infrastructural, health, security, political and cultural conditions. The result of this interaction shapes the quality of urban life (QOUL). Quality of lifeis a complex concept involving social, economic, environmental, physical, psychological and political aspects (El Din et al, 2013). In general, Quality of life (QOL) has been evaluatedbytwo objective and subjective points of view. Researches in this field, have mainly been conducted in the form of social studies and in the macro geographical scales of countries or cities, and less attention has been paid to the spatial differences of the life quality in the complex urban environments. In these studies, the principal components analysis (PCA) method has been the most common method used for combining and overlaying of the life quality indicators (Lo, 1998; Jun, 2006; Li and Weng, 2007; Motakan et al, 2010; HatamiNejad et al, 2014; Messer et al, 2014). But, Oneof the disadvantages of PCA is the possibility of deleting some of the useful information. Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) and Fuzzy Logic methods can also be useful in spatial modeling of life quality. Moreover, QOL as one of the features of geographical environment is a dynamic concept. This means that this feature changesover time and location. The spatiotemporal modeling of this concept can help monitoringthe quality of urban life and planning for its improvement...