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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Islamic republic of Iran as a religious, yet modern, pattern of state has always advocated “ family” as the holiest and the most fundamental social institution. Based upon the tenth article of Iranian constitution, all the legal measures are to facilitate both formation and protection of “ Family” ; a policy which is supposed to shelter the holiness and solidarity of “ Family” in accordance with the Islamic sharia. Admittedly, after the 1979 revolution, the number of laws and policies related, directly or indirectly, to “ family institution” have always been on the rise. This qualitative research has studied those polices and laws (1979 to 2012) which have represented the aim of advocating “ Family” . Different types of critical “ Content Analysis” have been manipulated to thematically explore, interpret and compare the previously mentioned laws and policies. According to the results of the analysis, while “ Governmental” reactions to “ Family” issues have been mostly of economic essence and conservative approach, “ Judicial” reactions have remained more responsible in case of addressing the contemporary problems of the “ Family” institution. In summary, the emergence of social and legal problems which are threatening the ideals of “ Family” institution, have resulted in a “ realistic” judicial approach which cannot ignore the weaknesses of “ traditional” formulations and prefers to be adjusted to the new social facts.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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ustody and guardianship of child amongst sensitive and important issues that is considered in Family Institution regionthat doing it in certain section of The age of the child, the mother Is responsible. It is clear that curated and upbringing of the child, demands effort andabundance inconvenience and hence an important question that respond to it required is that, is the mother for Maintenance and guardianship of child, the competency of the receive wage for it? permissibility or nonexistence of permission of taking wages for guardianship is one of the origins of the Jurisprudential disagreement. so that, many of special jurisprudents and the public by providing several evidences and with emphasis on the custodianship obligatory and the nature of its command, and lack of license of taking wages for obligatory acts, has ruled into the lack of license of taking wages for guardianship and in contrast, some of them have been believed a license wages on guardianship. the authors in this research, with descriptive-analytic method, meanwhile, explore Promise to to permissibility and the lack of permissibility, through the the prove of the customary truth to the notion of guardianship and also based on the presumption of innocence in Neccessity judgment doubts of and the other evidence and confirms has proven righting of guardianship into child mother and with emphasis on not opposed between the necessity of an action and receive wages for it, this such a results that receiving wages for guardianship is permissible. even in the premise of its necessity. moreover Since other evidence of the believers in the permissibility accomplisher to the purpose and was not enough to prove his claims and the other hand despite the benefit in guardianship and respect of the inalienable act and with the absence of an obstacle, principle due permissibility of the obtaining of wages is based on guardianship.

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Any successful development and implementation of population policy in the field of fertility, is based on promotion of understanding and knowledge of the factors that affect women's fertility desires. The aim of this paper is to study and explain the childbearing desires of Sunni and Shia married Kurdish women in the range of reproductive age, living in rural areas of Kamyaran. Data were taken from the Kamyaran Fertility Survey (KFS) conducted on a sample of over 500 households in August 2014. Results showed that more childbearing desire is low among both religious groups. However, childbearing desires of Sunni women is a little more than Shia women. Among women who wished to have more children, a large proportion of them in both religious groups have stated that want to have one child more. This proportion among Sunni women (66. 4%) is more than Shia counterparts (62%). The multivariate analysis showed that a combination of cultural, socio-economic and demographic characteristics have determinant and significant role in predicting the risk of women’ s childbearing of both religious groups. Based on these results, government’ s programs and policies to prevent the continuing of fertility decline or promoting it to replacement level should be in line with the demands and interests of women and families. Otherwise, the policies will face resistance and ultimately likely to fail.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (7)
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This research aimed at the development of the concept of arrogance in various periods of Shia jurisprudence based on a descriptive– analytical method and tried to investigate the problems aroused regarding couple’ s arrogance based on the Islamic jurisprudents’ viewpoints. It was found that developments of the Shia jurisprudence had no negative impacts on the concept of arrogance in the various periods of time. None the less, Shia jurisprudence has had positive impacts on the definition of concept of arrogance in men, and a majority of Islamic jurisprudents have considered the concept of arrogance for both women and men. There was no significant change in the definition of arrogance throughout the history of Shia jurisprudence and there was only a little change in its definition based on the conditions of different times. Generally speaking, the definition and causes of arrogance in men has become more and more clear and obvious compared to the previous periods of time. Conducting a good and fair behavior by the men towards women has been emphasized in different periods of time and its dimensions have become clearer compared to the last periods of time.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (7)
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In reviewing terrorist incidents and considering women victim’ s rights, we are facing massive and increasing violations of their fundamental and established rights. While solving their problems is the most important part of counter-terrorist measures, however this problem not only is this problem resolved, but rather women victims are also suffering great oppression. Accordingly, the main research question is that, why in today’ s world in spite of some legal actions at international level, the necessary steps to fix the direct and indirect complications of terrorism on women and their fundamental rights are not taken? Why are we facing dramatic growth of such violence every year? In answer to the above question, this article by using library method (descriptive-analytical) while investigating the substantive rules, tries to discover the strengths and weaknesses of international laws. Based on the results from this research, the suitable legal order to support and ensure the rights of women, which is emphasized in Article 28 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is not provided. So strengthening the basic entity of human community i. e. the family is the first priority of the women's rights. At the same time domestic and international structures need to be transformed. In this paper, after explaining the ignored rights of women victims of terror at international law, the pivotal role of social and international order necessary for its realization have been mentioned.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (7)
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Commercial advertisements as one of television’ s programs are effective in presentation and reproduction of women’ s position in society and continuity of gender stereotypes. The main purpose of this research is the study of gender stereotypes. In this regard, theory of gender representation of Goffman and symbolic annihilation of Tuchman were used. In this study firstly, the advertisements were segregated according to their subjects and then were studied regarding their gender stereotypes to specify if there is in Iran, differentiation in stereotyping. The method used was quantitative content analysis with reverse questionnaire. Population was commercial advertisements from 20: 00 to 23: 00 among three channels (channel 1, 2 and 3). The results showed that there is significant relation between gender of performer and presence in advertisements, main character of advertisements, touching of objects, ritual subordination, and voice of narrator and the subject of the advertisements do not affect their method of presentation. This is due to the outstanding stability of gender stereotypes in commercial advertisements behind the subject of advertisements. According to these results, gender stereotypes are re-produced and depicted regardless of what the subject of advertisements is.

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“ Gender Regime change” is a global and inevitable process. Today, “ Women’ s status” has unprecedentedly become the standard of development. The present gender regime is constructed based on modern norms and values and there are historical evidences that support that United States has an efficient role both in defining its norms and mechanisms. The present paper, then, investigates Hillary Clinton’ s tenure at the Department of State as a historical episode when women’ s issues became the most significant axis of American foreign policy. The present study concentrates on the concept of “ Hillary Effect” as a significant element in Americans’ interventions in women’ s affairs in Islamic countries in MENA. It focuses on this fact that the US uses the academic projects and exchanges to manipulate some young scholarly Muslim women as the source of “ change” and “ democratization” in the region. Two projects of “ TechWomen” and “ NeXXt Scholars” are case studied here as typical examples of these programs. The results of the study indicate the these main strategies have been implemented: a) encouraging the sense of “ leadership” and “ democratization” in these women, b) taking English as the major language for communications, c) stimulating mutual motivations, d) encouraging the sense of empowerment, participation, and belonging to American culture and political thought.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (7)
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Shiite jurists sayings about the validity of woman's testimony is based on two promises. a groupare considersubjectivism for the womantestimony, therefore considering the women testimony is limited to jurisprudence texts, in some cases, in this respect have accepted, only the testimony of the woman, in some cases, are not recognized a value for testimony of the womanand is considered limited to men it and in some cases, in the case of have considered valid the woman's testimony which is annexation to of theoathand are distinguished in its validity in terms of number with men. some other of jurists have been considered Esoteric to testify of woman therefore, ensuring to judge of courtabsolutely isconsidered basis of the Credibility of the testimony. juristsalso, comply with the Shiite jurisprudence to a description that passed, on the testimony of the woman have expressed their opinion. of course, inthinking deeply inentered evidences can be express that can be respect of detail in Esoteric and Subjectivism of the testimony, in this respect, thatfor the testimony in the divine termini, that should be respect Subjectivism, in an absolute form and the non-divine Termini, in an absolute form is based Esoteric. therefore, sexuality is not a place for the credibility of his testimony in non-divine Termini and what is Subjectivism is ensuring the court judge in sentencing. it is necessary to mention thatresearch method isanalytic and is used in study of the sources, of the library method.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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