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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Mammary immune suppression has been observed in high yielding dairy cows due to metabolites and endocrine changing after parturition. Twenty four Holstein dairy cows at the late stage of lactation were used to study the effects of long term (48 h) manipulating metabolites and hormones on mammary antioxidant genes that encode by nuclear factor E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2). Treatments include 48 h intravenous infusion of insulin (HypoG, n=5), insulin and glucose (hyperinsulinemic euglycemic) (EuG, n=6), BHB (HyperB, n= 5), and 0. 9 % NaCl (Control, n=8). Mammary tissue samples were taken from two rare quarters one week before and 48 h after the start of infusions. Following total RNA extraction, mRNA abundance of housekeeping and candidate genes related to Nrf2 measured by qPCR method. Hyperinsulinemic euglycemic down-regulated mRNA abundance of catalase (CAT), heme oxygenase 2 (HMOX2), microsomal glutathione S-transferase 3 (MGST3), NAD (P) H dehydrogenase, quinone 1 (NQO1), superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) (P<0. 05), compared to pre-infusion in EuG group. Hyperinsulinemic euglycemic down-regulated GPX3 mRNA abundance in EuG group compared to HyperB group (P<0. 05). Therefore, increased susceptibility and disease in mammary gland may be related to reduction in the mRNA abundance of antioxidant genes during metabolites and hormones changing.

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During the last years, gene expression profiling has revealed specific genes which are involved in the regulation of host response to several diseases. Avian Influenza infection is one of the important diseases in poultry industry. The aim of the present study was to identify significantly involved genes in H5N1 infection using the meta-analysis of two DNA microarray datasets of host response to influenza infection. The meta-analysis revealed that STK17B, CCL4, MCM9, IRF7 and IL6 were differentially expressed using Fisher, AW and maxP methods. We used real-time PCR to validate the differential expression of identified genes. For this aim, the previously H5N1-infected samples were used. The real-time PCR results of all five genes confirmed the differential expression between infected and non-infected samples and also the type of regulation obtained from meta-analysis significantly. The genes IL6, IRF7 and CCL4 were over expressed while STK17B and MCM9 were down expressed in infected samples. The results suggested that the meta-analysis is a robust method to find differentially expressed genes which may be ignored in individual analysis. These genes may play some critical roles in host response.

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Kiss1 gene is known as one of the genes affecting fertility. In the present study, DNA polymorphisms were investigated in gene 331 bp exon one and 286 bp of intron one of Kiss1 and their associations with reproduction trait (liter size) in 100 Mehraban sheep. Polymerase chain reaction based single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) and DNA sequencing methods were used to identify eventual polymorphisms. The results showed single nucleotide polymorphism at three sites (g102C> T, g. 155G> C and g. 272G> A) with four different band patterns (four haplogenotypes) in exon one. All samples were detected with the same SSCP banding patterns and no polymorphism in intron one. The Chi-square test was used to compare the observed and expected genotypic frequencies. It was shown that the frequency of genotypes were significantly different in g. 102C> T and g. 272G> A mutations in exon one and they weren’ t in the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P˂ 0. 01). In the association analysis, the identified haplogenotypes were significantly associated with litter size, the number of lambs per parturition (P< 0. 05). The results of this study showed that the variation in exon one of the Kiss1 gene can be considered in marker assistance selection programs in Mehraban sheep breed.

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The aim of the present study were estimation of economic value and determination of breeding goals of functional traits of Lori breed sheep in the rural development system with two strategies, annual birth and three births in two years. For this purpose, functional parameters, management and economics of 32 herds (According to Cochran's sample size formula) under the cover of a livestock breeding plan with a capacity of 3000 generative ewes from 2013 to, 2015 years were analyzed for two production cycles using a bio-economic model. The Performance data from information system animal breeding center of Iran and management and economic data were collected through preparation of a questionnaire and interviews with farmers. The results showed, Profit per head of ewe in the strategy of birth annually and three births in two years was 1723376 and 3429140 respectively. In both strategies, feeding more than 75 percent total costs and the sales of meat with 98. 5% had the highest percentage of total costs and revenues. In addition to, in both strategies, relative economic coefficient the number of lambs born per ewe had the highest relative economic value and wool produced for per ewes had the lowest relative economic value. Litter size and conception rate were the most important traits in a breeding objective for ewe in village system. Birth weight, weaning weight, One year olds weigh and survival at 3 and 12 month of age were the most important traits in a breeding objective for ewe lamb in village system. The strategy of three lambings in two years was superior to the annual birth strategy due to the increase in the number of consumer sales lambs.

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This experiment was conducted to evaluate effects of different levels of Thyme or Ziziphora essence on performance, microbial population and immune response of broiler chickens. Four hundred and twenty day-old male chicks (Ross 308) were randomly distributed in seven dietary treatments of four replicates with 15 chicks/pen in a completely randomized design. Treatments were 50, 100 and 150 mg/kg diet of Thyme or Ziziphora essence and a non-essence diet as a control group. Based on the results, inclusion of 50 mg/kg of Ziziphora resulted in higher weight gain than control treatment at the end of experiment (P<0. 05). On the other hand, feed intake was significantly increased with 50 mg/kg of Thyme and Ziziphora essence (P<0. 05). At the end of experiment, no significant differences were shown between treatments in FCR. Thyme in 150 mg/kg and Ziziphora in 50 mg/kg indicated the highest EPI (P<0. 05). Thyme at 100 and 150 mg/kg levels increased the proportion of lactobacilli and reduced intestinal colibacilles (P<0. 05). Based on the results, different levels of Thyme compared to Ziziphora essence showed stronger effects on the humeral and cellular immune responses of broilers.

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In order to evaluate the effect of Anise and Angelica extracts as an alternative to antibiotics to stimulate growth, 400 male and female Ross 308 broiler chicks were used in a completely randomized design with five treatments and four replications at the age of 1-42 days. The control diet was based on corn-meal soybean with no additive, and four other treatments were prepared by adding 200 mg per kilogram of diet of Anise seed extract, Angelica seed extract, oxytetracycline antibiotic and 100 mg probiotic Primalac per kilogram of diet. On day 38, one chick was selected from each replicate and three mL of blood were collected from the wing vein in the test tube to examine the biochemical parameters. The highest (57. 9 g) and lowest (52. 6 g) average daily gains were observed in the birds fed with control and probiotic treatment, respectively (P<0. 05). The daily feed intake of birds fed with Anise, Angelica extract, and probiotic treatments was lower than birds were fed with control (P<0. 05), but there was no significant deference between antibiotic treatments with others treatments. The effect of experimental diets on feed conversion ratio was not significant. The highest and lowest carcasses without skin of broiler chicks were observed in the birds fed with control and antibiotic treatment, respectively (P<0. 05). According to the results of this study, the use of Anise and Angelica extracts can be used as alternatives to antibiotics in broiler chickens diets.

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The aim of present study was to evaluate nutritive value of seven species of alfalfa weeds and comparison with alfalfa. The studied forages were: Crepis sancta, Achillea millefolium and Acroptilon repens from Asteraceae family, Medicago sativa (Alfalfa) and Melilotus officinalis (L. ) Pall. From Fabaceae family and Bromus tectorum, Dactylis glomerata and Alopecurus myosuroides from poaceae family. Samples were collected during 10% blooming of the alfalfa field and divided in two parts, one part sun dried in the field for 72 hours and the other part used as fresh for palatability test. Chemical compositions were determined using common methods and Short Term Intake Rate (STIR) method was used for palatability test. The results showed that chemical compositions of samples were significantly different (P<0. 05). Alfalfa hay and Alopecurus myosuroides had the highest and lowest crude protein (14. 30 vs 8. 36% DM, respectively) (P<0. 05). Alopecurus myosuroides and Melilotus officinalis (L. ) Pall. had the highest and lowest NDF content (58. 70 vs 33. 76% DM, respectively) (P<0. 05). Crepis sancta and Acroptilon repens had the highest and lowest ADF content (28. 83 vs 19. 49% DM, respectively) (P<0. 05). Acroptilon repens had the highest predicted metabolizable energy and digestible dry matter (P<0. 05). Poaceae family weeds had the highest relative palatability as fresh forage, however, they had least relative palatability as dried form as well (P<0. 05). It is concluded that the differences in chemical composition and palatability between alfalfa and weed forages should be considered in ration formulation.

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Planning, identifying strategies and appropriate strategies for the development of sericulture and preparing a value chain require information and a complete picture of the status of this profession and the attitudes of the sericulturists. The present study was conducted to investigate the effective factors on the participation of experienced sericulturists of Guilan province in developmental projects of sericulture value chain. In this regard, econometric model of logit binary choice and cross section data of 133 sericulturists in Guilan province was used. Data were collected based on Cochran's relationship and simple random sampling method in 2016. Results revealed that silkworm rearing house area, mulberry garden life, satisfaction from silkworm egg quality and cooperation level of family women in production process had positive and direct effect on the probability of sericulturists cooperation in developing plans of sericulture products value chain. On the other hand, sericulturists’ age and the ratio of improved mulberry/total trees had negative effect on mentioned dependent variable. Also, results showed that among the studied variables, a one percent change in the satisfaction from silkworm egg quality variable had the most positive effect (0. 54) and a one percent change in the explanatory variable of sericulturists’ age had the most negative effect (-0. 95) on the probability of sericulturists cooperation in developing plans of sericulture products value chain. Considering the individual characteristics of sericulturists and parameters related to production system could have notable role in effectiveness of sericulture value chain policies.

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