Because of the recent increasing in the number of counseling centers in Iran evaluating them seems an unquestionable necessity and one of its most important components is assessing the client's satisfaction. So, the service satisfaction Scale-30 (Greenfield et al, 1989), which is the product of UCSF's satisfaction, Research program, after being translated to Persian, was tested in an Iranian population for its psychometric properties. First, in regard of its understandability, the scale was administered on 33 clients of nine centers. After a revision in the wording and sentencing of the translated scale based on the results of the first stage, it was administered again on another 121 clients (71%women, 29% men, and in a range of 18 to 65years old) to determine its reliability, and eventually, on another 50 clients (78% women, 22%men, and in the ages between 18 to 75years old) to determine its validity. The mean correlation of the answers (0.35) and the scale's chronbach a coefficient (0.94) indicate a high internal consistency. Criterion validity was ascertained by calculating the correlation coefficient between the client's scores on the scale and their performance on three open-ended questions about their counseling experiences, (0.53), and so the score 95 was determined as the scale's cut-off point.