Considering the importance of preserving the environment of tourist attracting villages, the present study is aimed at investigating the role of tourism development in promoting environmental knowledge in the villages of the Qhale Chaei touristic road of Ajab shir. The research is applied in terms of purpose, descriptive in nature, and causal and analytical. The statistical population of the study consist resident of nine villages along this road. 370 people were selected based on Cochran formula using a simple random sampling method. The factual validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts. Using the Cronbach Alpha Special Formula, the reliability of the research questionnaire was found to be0. 887. Pearson correlation test, multivariate regression test and path analysis using the PLS software were used for data analysis. Promethee, Vicore, ANP and Kaplend models were used for prioritization of villages. The results of the research on environmental awareness show that all variables of protection of ecological balance of the village, vegetation and animal protection, drought control, noise pollution, water and soil conservation, use of organic farming, reduction of fuel use have a significant relationship with reduction of fossil fuels, proper waste disposal, no use of non-renewable waste, management of biological crisis and restoration of damaged environment. In addition, the Tapic Dare village has the highest priority and the Qozelga village has the least priority in terms of environmental knowledge of villagers based on the results of multi-attribute models. Finally, according to the research findings, it is suggested that rural tourism functions should be used in environmental protection.