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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Objectives: The aim of this study was the comparison of personality traits in addicts and normal group whit due attention to gender.Materials & Methods: The design of the present study was a causal comparative that has been done on the 90 people (60 men and 30 women addicts with the range of age=20-40) of the referrers to the welfare centers and outpatient addiction treatment centers in different parts of Tabriz and Marand in1388. They were selected through the accessible sampling method. This group suffered the substance abuse or dependence on Amphetamine substance on basic of the diagnosis criterions DSM-IV-TR. The other group, 60 men and 30 women with nonaddicted who were among the relatives, neighbors and friends. The number of all members was 180 people. An assembling instrument was questionnaire of NEO-FFI. Analysis of the data was based on the multiple-analysis of variance (MANOVA) and LSD post-hock test.Results: The results revealed that there was significant difference between addicts and normal group in personality traits. Addicted scores were high neuroticism (P<0.001), less openness to experiences (P<0.001), less agreeableness (P<0.001), less conscientiousness (P<0.001). But, there was no significant difference between addicts and normal group in extraversion (P>0.05). Also, the results revealed that women scores were higher in neuroticism (P<0.05), agreeableness (P<0.05), and conscientiousness (P<0.001), than men and men score was higher in openness to experiences.Conclusion: Addiction as a social pathology will not be eradicate completely, but it can be controlled through thinking, devotedly attempts.An assessment of personality traits in addicts contributes important information for a better definition and recognition of addicts and has implications for their treatment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Since the written language is based on spoken language, hearing impairments may cause delays and defects in reading skills. This study is aimed to investigate reading problems in children with hearing loss and comparison of reading skills of fifth-grade elementary students’ reading skills suffering severe hearing loss.Materials & Methods: In this cross-sectional comparative study, 16 children with hearing loss were selected based on inclusion criteria from the whole fifth-grade elementary students with severe hearing loss in the Baghcheban schools and compared with 16 normal children matched upon the grade with sample group. To gather the data, Reading Test in elementary students was used as well as SPSS for data analysis.Results: Results showed children with hearing loss performed similarly as the control group on some skills, including naming speed skills (P=0.385), auditory-verbal sounds (reverse) memory (P=0.345), visual-verbal pictures memory (P=1), phonological deletion (P=0.817) and non-word reading accuracy (P=0.633), however, they had poorer functions in the other domains.Conclusion: According to the result, it is concluded that auditory processing plays the key role in all prerequisite reading skills and children with hearing loss performed poorly on tasks based on auditory and language processing, whereas, the same perform on visual-processing-base tasks to normal children.

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Objective: This research was designed to study the relationship between learning disorders and language difficulties in elementary school students with learning disabilities.Materials & Methods: The method of research was a correlaticve qualitative study. A sample of 50 elementary school students was selected from learning disabilitiy centre in Maybod city. Wechsler Intelligence Test and Mykel Bust Learning Disorder Questionnaire and Language Capacity Questionnaire were administered for the subjects.Results: The results of regression analysis showed that the correlation between language difficulties and learning disorders of students was significant (P<0.01). The results also showed that the correlation between factors of learning disabilities and language disorders of sample was significant (P<0.05), but this correlation between communication and learning disabilities was not statistically significant (P>0.05).Conclusion: The results of this study support the claim that correlation between language disorders and learning disabilities is high but it is not certain and stable that is the persons who have a low or moderate language development; they will have been low learning capacity. In addition, the persons who have a high language development; they will have been high learning capacity. In the other hand, besides of another causes, the learning disabilities such as neurological pathology and psychopathology, the factors of evolutionary process of learning such as language development) can affect learning process. Therefore, it can conclude that retarded in language development and their factors, can affects child learning process. Because of this significant correlation that shows the common factors between them, parents must attend to evolution of language the child. The most important finding from these analyses is that for learning, maturity of language is necessity and for education of language and learning, it must have been special programs and parents and educators must use democratic method for education of language the children.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: In some reviewed studies on children with dyslexia it is observed that there is a significant relationship between the ability of postural control and dyslexia. In this study, by controlling the interfering factors, we have reviewed this relation by comparing postural control and balance ability in normal and dyslexic children.Materials & Methods: This case-control study is done on 19 boys with dyslexia (112.90±13.78) and 19 Normal boys (118.42±15.62). Normal children and children with dyslexia were matched in age, height and weight. Positioning duties included standing with adjacent feet on firm surface with open and closed eyes, and with close eyes on the foam and with internal perturbation on firm surface. Duration of each assignment was 35 seconds and the force plate device was used to evaluate the condition performance. Balances component of Bruininks Oseretsky test were take from all of the samples and correlation between functional and laboratory test were examined.Result: The results showed that the area on firm surface with open eyes, internal perturbation dependency rate in the standard deviations of the lateral body sways (SDX) and of the antero-posterior body sways (SDY) and the surface area, there were significant differences between normal and dyslexic children, but there was not any significant difference between the two groups in path length and mean velocity in different postural control modes (foam, firm surface, open and close eyes) and visual dependence in all parameters (path length, velocity and surface area). We did not find significant correlation between Center of Pressure (COP) and the balance part of Bruininks Oseretsky test in children with dyslexia.Conclusion: In spite of differences in some postural control parameters between normal group and children with dyslexia, it was not found significant relationship between postural control and dyslexia.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: This study was performed to assess the relationships between personality characteristics, emotional intelligence and quality of life with Mental Health Status of people with disabilities.Materials & Methods: This Descriptive Correlation study randomly selected (60) of the physical disabilities. Including (30 girls, 30 boys) of SET Educational Beneficence Tavanyaban of Mashhad. Order to collecting data was completed four Questionnaire: General Health (GHQ) Questionnaire, Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire characteristics of personality, Questionnaire (NEO) and Quality of Life Questionnaire. Data were analyzed by using Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis Results: Data analysis showed a significant positive correlation between personality characteristics and quality of life with the four dimensions of mental health. (r=0.86, r=0.87, P<0.05) While there was no significant correlation between the components of emotional intelligence and mental health (r=-0.03, P>0.05) Positive and significant correlation exists between the components of personality characteristics and components of quality of life (P>0.05, r=0.12) negative correlation exists between the components of emotional intelligence and personality characteristics and quality of life (r=-0.13, r=-0.09 P>0.050) This correlation was not statistically significant.Multiple Regression analysis showed that personality characteristics and quality of life are associated and predictors of Mental Health.Conclusions: Personality characteristics and its components and quality of life are in a direct relationship with mental health and may be regarded as significant predictors of Mental Health.

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Idiopathic scoliosis (IS) is the most common type of scoliosis. Clinical signs and symptoms of scoliosis impair quality of life and daily function.Manual therapy is commonly used for treatment of scoliosis. This is a case report of scoliosis treatment with manual therapy in a 28 years old patient.A 28 years old woman complained of low back pain for 4 years. Spine xray, showed scoliosis with a 32 degrees Cobb angle. The patient received a manual therapy procedure of two visits per week for 16 weeks including myofascial release technique, mobilization and manipulation.The Cobb angle was reduced 15.62% after 8 weeks and 21.87% after 16 weeks. In addition the pain was reduced by 50%.We can state that manual therapy was useful for this patient.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Balance disturbance is one of the observed impairments in patient with forward head posture (FHP). The aim of this study was comparing the effect of stabilization and stretching-strengthening exercises on the improvement of balance in these patients.Materials & Methods: Thirty three females with FHP were randomized into three groups of stabilization training, stretching strengthening and control. The degree of FHP was measured using plumb line and the crania-vertebral angle. Balance tests performed in three different standing conditions on a force platform. The subjects were evaluated after 6 weeks training and 1 month follow-up by repeated measure ANOVA and T-test through SPSS software.Results: Balance parameters in both stretching-strengthening and control groups showed no significant changes (P>0.05) while in the stabilization group, significant decrease in displacement and velocity of center of pressure were seen under conditions of double-leg, eyesopen, foam-surface and single-leg, eyes-closed, rigid-surface (P<0.05) and no changes observed in balance parameters under conditions of double-leg, eyes-open, rigid-surface (P>0.05).Conclusion: In the conditions of standing that visual and proprioception information from plantar region of foot is challenged, stabilization exercises lead to more balance improvement than stretching strengthening exercises.

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Objective: Aural rehabilitation program after a cochlear implant leads to improve the auditory performance of hearing impaired children. The present study aims to determine the effect of cochlear implants and aural rehabilitation program in the auditory development of children with cochlear implants (CI).Materials & Methods: This longitudinal descriptive-analytical study was conducted on 15 deaf children (m.a.45.27 mo) who received CI in the Amir Alam cochlear implant center between August 2010 and January 2011. Auditory skills of deaf children were assessed before they received CI, and also 2, 4, 6 and 8 months after implantation. Data was collected interview with parents of deaf children through Newsha developmental scale. After determining the developmental age, Pretest Developmental Rate, Intervention Efficiency Index and Proportional Change Index were calculated. One way ANOVA and LSD post hoc tests were used for analysis of data.Results: There was a significant increase in Pretest Developmental Rate during the aural rehabilitation after a cochlear implantation (P<0.0001).There was a significant difference among the 4 follow up assessments of Intervention Efficiency Index (P<0.0001). There was also a significant difference among the 4 follow up assessments of proportional change index (P<0.0001).Conclusion: Aural rehabilitation program after a cochlear implant can accelerate the development of auditory skills of children with cochlear implants, which in turn results in promotion of acquired skills close to normal hearing peers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objectives: The present study aims to investigate the efficacy of executive functions training (response inhibition) on the rate of impulsivity in preschool children with developmental coordination disorder in Isfahan city.Materials & Methods: The participants of this study were three preschool children which were recognized to have developmental coordination disorder. To collect data, we used NEPSY neuropsychology test, Conner’s parent rating scale, Wechsler intelligence scale for children, basic motor ability tests and clinical interview. A single subject method with MBD design research methodology was used as well.Results: The results of the data chart analysis based on descriptive statistics' and visual analysis indices revealed that the intervention has been effective on the three participants (PND of 80%, 70% and 70% for test number one, two and three, respectively).Conclusion: The results of the present study show that response inhibition executive function training can reduce level of impulsivity.

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Objective: The purpose of the present research was to investigate the effect of syntactic complexity of noun phrase and verb phrase on the occurrence of stuttering in 4-6 year Persian speaking children with stuttering.Materials & Methods: This descriptive-analytic research was done on 15 stuttering children, consisting of 12 boys and 3 girls, 4 to 6 years old monolingual Persian speaking who referred to Javad-Ol-Aemmeh speech therapy clinic in Mashhad city. The sampling approach was simple (available) sampling method. To do this research, sampling was carried out in a quiet home of speech therapy where there were just the speech therapist, the parent, the child and the researcher. While speaking, the speech of the children was recorded by an MP3 with Creative brand. Finally, a 30-minute spontaneous speech sample was gathered from each of the given stuttering children.The children produced around 60 utterances during a verbal interaction with the speech therapist, parents (mother or father) or the researcher. Then the produced spontaneous speech sample by any of these stuttering children was transcribed on paper. The data were analyzed only as groups and not individually. The data were analyzed using SPSS software and Paired T-test method.Results: The group analyses showed significant differences between fluent and stuttered utterances in terms of syntactic complexity of noun and verb phrase structures. Also, the results confirm that at phrasal level, in noun phrases, based on their three functions as subject, direct object and object of preposition, there is a meaningful relationship between the number of subject (P<0.001) and object of preposition (P=0.050) with the stuttering frequency. In verb phrases, based on the presence of the auxiliary verb, copula verb, and negative prefix, just there is a meaningful relationship between the presence of the auxiliary verb and the stuttering frequency (P=0.010).Conclusion: The research findings indicate that, in Persian-speaking children, there is a meaningful relation between the variable of syntactic complexity, based on noun and verb phrase structure and the variable of stuttering frequency.

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Objectives: The aim of this study was the comparison of plantar pressure distribution and vertical ground reaction force between dominant and none-dominant limbs in healthy through using Principle Component Analysis (PCA) technique.Materials & Methods: This study was quasi-experimental in which 20 healthy adult males and females were selected from available subjects. Subject’s plantar pressure distribution and vertical ground reaction force measured using the Pedar-X system.The obtained data were analyzed by Paired-t test, one way analyze of variance, Pearson coefficient correlation and PCA.Results: ANOVA and Paired-t test did not show any significance difference between males and females and dominant and non-dominant limb pressure pattern, (P>0.05). PCA recognized pressure and force applied on the heel, fingers, big toe and first metatarsal regions for the dominant limb and lateral mid foot, lateral fore foot, first metatarsal and heel regions for non-dominant limb, as important parameters.Conclusion: The results of this study showed that, dominant limb is responsible for propulsion and weight acceptance and non-dominant limb is responsible for balance control. Therefore during biomechanical evaluation of feet, difference between function of dominant and non-dominant limb must be considered.

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Objectives: The aim of this study was comparing ABR in normal and down children.Materials & Methods: This study was performed between 1388 to 1391 at Akhavan rehabilitation center of University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences Tehran and Babol Amir Kola hospital. Forty five 3-6 year-old boy with Down’s syndrome and forty five normal children were selected from available population.After case history, otoscopy and basic hearing tests, ABR test was performed. In ABR absolute latencies, interpeak latencies and amplitude ratio of V/I were analyzed. For analyzing data, parametric independent t test was selected.Results: Latencies and inter-peak latencies of I-III, I-V (P-value<0.001), III-V (P-value=0.01) and V/I amplitude ratio (P-value<0.001) were shorter than normal. Children with Down syndrome had significantly higher threshold than normal children (P-value<0.001).Conclusions: Peripheral auditory system development is delayed and brainstem function in children with Down’s syndrome is abnormal.Early diagnosis of hearing impairments and intervention in these children is very important because it affects communication skills.

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Objective: Depression is the most common mood disorder.Today, family has main responsibility in caring of psychiatric patients. For ensuring best care for depressed patients, families require social and health systems supports. The aim of this study was to explain the experiences of the families about function of these supportive sources.Materials & Methods: This is a qualitative research carried out using conventional content analysis method. Twenty-four family members of the patients suffering from depression and referred to Razi psychiatric clinic in Tehran were selected using purposeful sampling. Unstructured and in-depth interviews were applied to collect data. The interviews were transcribed and constant comparison analysis was applied. MaxQDA2007 software was used to manage the data.Results: According to the family experiences, social and health support resources are not comprehensive and efficient. The performances of the supporting sources have been extracted in four themes. These themes include: “incorrect viewpoints of the society”, “inadequate support”, "ineffective health system”, “economic–cognitive deficiency of the families” that they were the main themes.Conclusion: During the process of depressed patient care, families find themselves alone. They need to access to have easy comprehensive support systems. In addition, health team must implement the follow up programs regularly and dynamically.

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